A Girl Saved By Grace


I've watched her both from a close distance and distance and I could only say that Grace which is also her name has brought her this far.
Her name is Uwakmfon, yes we are namesake. Uwakmfon means "abundant grace, plenty grace, so much grace" and from her username you could tell.

I first met Uwakmfon in a national Bible competition in my church in 2017, at that time we were very young. We both were young children still in the children's department in our different church branches.
We both prepared and came out for the national competition.
Though Uwakmfon didn't make it to the top three but she made it to the top five and this was how I noted her after the competition.


I've heard her story a few times and I couldn't help but be thankful for her life. Indeed the name perfectly fits her being, she is a child saved by grace.
Today Somuchgrace is another year older. I wanna use this opportunity to celebrate God's love, goodness, mercy, and favor upon this soul.
I am celebrating her as a person, I am celebrating her strength.
And most of all, I am celebrating God's gift in her.
Did I tell you she is blessed with not just the voice but spirit-filled words and lines in every rhythm and sound that escapes her lips?


I don't know much about her, but from a little, I know, I believe she is a destined child.
Happy Birthday Uwakmfon! Aka Somuchgrace.
This would probably not get to you in here if I don't do this, so I will do you the pleasure of tagging so you could see it easily @somuchgrace
Cheers to a new age dear!
Guys help wish this beautiful one a blessed and joyful birthday.

Still your baby girl ;)

To my faithful readers and wonderful sponsors, my heart goes out to you guys. Thank you for making my journey here a fun-filled and exciting one. Thanks for trusting and supporting my work too. I pray that God blesses you all real good :)

              1st April 2022


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Happy birthday to your name sake, I wish you a happy new year ahead

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Thank you mini for wishing her

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