Deepologic - Deephouse Session vol. 27 SK/EN
So today I found an old archive of music from 2013-2020. At that time I was buying new music from every paycheck. It would be a shame to leave it unused.
Stay focused with this set.
PS: there's a bit of breakbeat :P
Choose the streaming platform you want. Fountainfm and Wavlake are music and podcast platforms that reward creators on the Light Network (who doesn't know it's a network above BTC with very low fees and light speed)
Hearthis is a classic platform.
Dnes som našiel starý archív hudby z rokov 2013-2020. V tom čase som si kupoval novú hudbu z každej výplaty. Bola by škoda nechať ho nevyužitý.
Zostaňte sústredení s touto sadou.
PS: je tam trochu breakbeatu :P
Vyberte si streamovaciu platformu, ktorú chcete. Fountainfm a Wavlake sú hudobné a podcastové platformy, ktoré odmeňujú tvorcov v sieti Light Network (kto nevie, je to sieť nad BTC s veľmi nízkymi poplatkami a rýchlosťou svetla)
Hearthis je klasická platforma.