Foodfun-Filled Weekend!


Food-filled weekend or fun-filled weekend? Find out ;)

Happy Weekend busy bees!
I must say it's been a while and it feels so good to know this weekend's challenge is still ongoing
I know I've missed out on a lot, I have no one to blame for that, just some valid excuses to make for them ;)
I came across this week's weekend questions and I thought to share as well, I couldn't hold back because I had one of those fun weekends I don't get to do anything, not laundry, not cleaning, not attending any ceremony, just staying at home and being pampered and taken care of
So how did my weekend go? It was quite a pleasurable one and I'm excited to share.


My Weekend!
It started off with me complaining about being tired, stressed and feeling somewhat sick. I know the sick-feeling could be as a result of the cold weather we are experiencing this period but aside from that, I really needed to take care of my health too but I wasn't doing that cause I seem to be less concerned until the sickness comes knocking on my door and sometimes when it's extreme 🥲
Having explained my plight to my friend, and how I wanted to be pampered and taken care of, he made it his duty to fulfil that wish for me.
I'm not even mincing words when I say, he is a great cook, he does it so effortlessly that I sometimes feel if he has been cooking his whole life lol.
He knows one of my favourite dishes and so he opted for my best and put a call through to let me know I can come over and be pampered and taken care of.
I wasn't sure what he was up to until I got there. He made a plate of delicious spaghetti for me, well seasoned and garnished, just the way I love it. I looked at him and then the food and realized how much love was poured into making that meal.
Trust me I ate to my satisfaction and still had left over to feast on later that day before going back home.
Not only was I well fed, I was properly taken care of and pampered in the babiest manner you could ever think of.
And then he asked? Haven't I tried my best? Of course you have, was the response and I can't deny the fact that he did his very best to give me a good treat.


Later that evening when I got back home, mom also made Jollof rice, I didn't have the space to put anymore food so I just went ahead to shower and rest and later got up to continue with my usual night routine.
Aside from visiting my friend to be taken care of, I had a weekend to play my games, make a few sketches and also see a somewhat erotic movie that ended with me not finishing the whole episode
So I could say, I had one of the most adventurous and memorable weekend last week and though this weekend isn't really promising, I am holding onto the good memories of my last weekend and this is how my weekend went,and what I did, so having mentioned only a few of how my weekend went and what I did, I would love to hear from you as well
So tell me, what about you? How did your weekend go?


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

                 11 January 2025

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