Fundraiser! Final wishes or chance at life, this is what I can do to help!


I have managed to raise 32.55% of the total fund needed to either complete a man's final wishes or to give him some hope towards a recovery!

I need your help.

Any and all of you.

With whatever level of help you might give.

Perhaps it is a vote or a tipping token or just a donation of some HBD. Every bit counts.

But let me tell you what this is all for:

A friend of mine has cancer. The cancer is quite advanced and he does not really have a great prognosis on beating this cancer. He also does not have an idea of how long he has to live. Perhaps 6 months, perhaps as long as 3 years.

His father also passed away from the same cancer.

He does not, however, want people from our community to know about it. I noticed that he was selling his Warhammer 40,000 collection that he had been collecting for 17 years and it struck me as odd.

I asked him if he was leaving the country or something or dissatisfied with the hobby. It was clear to me that he was a big fan. Eventually my probing broke down the barriers and so now I know the full story.

The request is simple:

  • He would like the miniatures to go to someone who will enjoy them.
  • He would like to raise a certain amount of money from the sale of these minatures.
  • The money will go to his mother, who had already payed for his treatments. He wants to pay her back so his treatment does not put her into financial difficulty.
  • He does not want his hobby stuff all over his room and the house when he's gone, in his mother's way.

There is a small chance that he will survive but if he should survive, he plans on going to Alaska to spend time with his Father's people. Therefore he would not need his hobby stuff either.

And that is the story.

So... I have a target of R15,000 which is around $800.

I implore you, dear Hivians to lend me a hand. Donate what you can. As a community, we can get a lot done by each one contributing a little bit each!

I am now 32.55% of the way!

The funds come from the following:

  • I have raised funds by selling parts of his collection to others.
  • I have sold some my own miniatures (that I have not painted).
  • I have used all my current HBD earned from posts.
  • I have sold all secondary and tipping tokens I have gotten and put it into HBD.
  • I have received donations!

So besides donations, if you wanted to buy or sponsor a specific unit of Warhammer 40,000 Space Marines, then please enquire in the comments below!

Thank you so much to those have donated so far!


Anything and everything will be appreciated!

I thank you very much for your time and attention for reading this far and I thank you in advance for your kindness!


Hive South Africa

0.017 PAL


There is a small chance that he will survive but if he should survive, he plans on going to Alaska to spend time with his Father's people.

I hope that he will survive. I wish all the best to him, and to everyone else too. The people around him should show love and care. I really hope that his family is spending as much time with him as possible.

My mother passed away on 2017.12.17 because of brain cancer (brain tumor). It was very quick. She was good in the summer. The disease took her in a few months. So I know from personal experience what it is like to lose a family member because of cancer.

0.000 PAL

It's very sad. And it's chilling when you know its terminal and there is not much you can do about it.

I will do my best but above all, preserve his dignity.

0.000 PAL

I hope you get the target asap. Nobody knows really how much time He has.

I speak with experience.

But one question. I dont have enough Hive or HBD but its possible to send you via PayPal ?

0.000 PAL

Thank you for your generosity.

I do not have a Paypal account. In South Africa, to open one you need to link it to an FNB account, which is one of our Banks (First National Bank), I do not have an account with them.

I shall find out if a friend has an Paypal account. I will probably find one since a lot of them do buy stuff online with it.

0.000 PAL

That we're awesome 💪

Or a Classic Bank Transfer If you want 😅🫡

0.000 PAL

Classic Bank transfer is something that I can do! lol

0.000 PAL

Awesome 😁 you can send me a private Message with the Bank Account

I have send this Blogpost on Twitter and someone want to spend , but dont have a Peak Account

There are shy

0.000 PAL

Or you can also create a gofundme Page

I think He need that Money asap 👍

0.000 PAL

Indeed. I was thinking about that but I have not done that before.

Have you got any experience setting a Gofundme up?

0.000 PAL

Sure, that is "easy" and there have also a good Tutorial for that

0.000 PAL

I shall look into it tonight.

Need to get ready for Tuesday work.

0.000 PAL

Yeah , If you have question

Wrote me per PM


So send me the Bankdetail in private ❤️


So Last one

If you have a Wallet to send you USDT for example. That is maybe also a good Idea 😊


Thank you. I could message you privately.

I could also post my Bank account number (a savings account) and SWIFT code publicly and it should not be a risk to me right?

I think I know people who have done that on Facebook.

0.000 PAL

Let me Check that for you

(I writing in the Coast of Taiwan and the Internet on sea ist.... Challenged 😄)

0.000 PAL

Aha! So you work offshore?

What sort of ship?

0.000 PAL

I work on everyship that hast Our Equipment 😁

0.000 PAL

So Update to send it to a Public your Swift and bank Number is to risky. Because Scammer can use that to buy stuff

0.000 PAL

Aha! I see. OK, let's not do it that way then.

Thank you so much.

0.000 PAL

So i send you a private message on peakD . i hope you recived XD

0.000 PAL

I will check when I am home. I am on a construction site right now.

Cheers! 🍻


The maritime world is small 😄 thank for your work
