Eternal Carnage Game 1(10th Ed) 5190pts vs 4160pts Warhammer Game

Good day everyone! Zak here from Cape Town, South Africa and today we shall look at the massive Eternal Carnage game that we played two weeks ago.

With all the hustle and bustle of life, I actually forgot to make this post. The other thing about this game is that it actually has a lot of photos and trying to remember where they all go is a bit of a nightmare so what I am going to do is, I will tell you about how the game went and then throw out all the phots afterwards.

My Opponents had 5,190pts in their armies and it was made up of Dark Angels, Space Wolves and Salamanders. In other words, three Space Marine Armies. The Salamanders also brought an Assassin.

I faced them with a predominantly mechanized Space Wolf army, two Ultramarines and one Dark Angel together with 3 Inquisators and 3 Assassins.

It is Eternal Carnage so we deployed Vanguard forces of 1400pts on the board and then turn 1 starts. In each Movements Phase, after the Reinforcements step this scenario has an Escalation step where you take another 1400pts of troops and add it to the battle. They either drive/walk on or they go into reserves to come down in the next turn if they have deep strike. If they are selected for outflanking then if they have the Infiltrator rule they can do so on the enemy board edges and if they do not then the friendly board edges.

So I was outnumbered but I had a fairly good plan in line to bring my waves of reinforcements in to give one another support. It also so happened that I managed to trap the Primarch Lion El'Johnson and cornered him and blasted him off the board.

After around 6 hours of playing and 5 turns played per side, the game was done.

We played for three ways of scoring:
The Meat Grinder Mission: 1VP (Victory Points) per 100pts of enemy models destroyed, rounding down. Bonus 1VP per 1000pts of enemy models destroyed, rounding down.
1VP per objective held per turn from turn 2 onwards.
1VP for any secondary mission objective cleared.


Team Marnus, Daniel, Jaco
Killed over 1700pts - 17VP +1VP = 18VP
Secondary Objectives - 3VP
Objectives held - 14VP
Total - 35VP

Team Zak
Killed over 2800pts - 28VP +2VP = 30VP
Secondary Objectives - 6VP
Objectives held - 14VP
Total - 50VP

A resounding win for me! The two teams has very similar success on secondary missions and objectives. For Meat Grinder I almost feel like those conditions can be crapped and we can focus on just the Carnage!

Let's look at some pictures!


Hive South Africa


Thats are very good painted Dark Angels 😍


Absolutely! They are looking amazing!

I hope I can paint mine to something near that level one day hahaha.


it was legendary battle - total CARNAGE @zakludick , cant wait to take you on again in the next one! 💪🐺⚔️
