Day 23 of the Debmar Atlantic 2024 Project - Saturday Work


Hello everyone. At least I got to post this ON the day and not a day behind!

Today there was typical Cape Town weather - It changed every two hours! So I arrived on site, got wet between my car and the compound and then the rain stopped. But it came back again... twice... This was interrupted by hours of scattered clouds and sunshine.

Look at the system above! It is looking really nice! I will take some better pictures of the system tomorrow. I am really happy with that work!

This is a close-up of a manifold gauge when we do a pressure test. Right now its at around 21.7bar which is a LOT of pressure!

We had a bit of a leak on the hole at the bottom. That is a well that takes the oil heater... but there was a gasket that fits in that section that did not seem to seat properly so we needed the open the compressor, fit a new gasket and then tighten everything up again.

After that I got really busy with invoices and timesheets and there was no time for me to take pictures. I will try for more pics on site tomorrow!


Hive South Africa
