Book of Space Lore Review - Parts 1, 2 and 3


Good day everyone! I was planning on doing this Review a bit earlier as I had mentioned in this post.

This series is all about analysing writing methods in both the planned and non-planned free writing.

The story is that of the Book of Space Lore which is a story I co-authored with @therneau up to a point. I am a little out of touch with the whole story and that is why it would be a great if I reviewed a few chapters at a time, discussed the parts of the story and start collating a Dramatis Personae and a Glossary of terms.

So we shall be reviewing the following parts:

Finally, there needs to be a spoiler warning...

Warning, Spoilers below!l

Part 1

So like I mentioned in the post linked above when it comes to planning and layout of a story, you generally want to sketch an outline and plan parts of your plot if you are a planner or even if you are doing free writing, you do need to follow some guidelines.

Because this is a Chain Story, there is no way for me to make big plans for the future. All I can do is write and then hand over to the other writer and see what happens.

So in this Part I introduce Thorne Herm, an explorer who is collecting soil samples with his robot, G5.

I, therefore, have established what mission or motivation my character has currently. At least what his job is.

Another important thing that I added in at this stage is the concept of stake - there is a danger or risk to being on the planet's surface, -78C (-108F) during the night and this being Thorne's first day on the planet. He is then already placed in mortal danger and as you explore and flesh out your character, there is something that puts this character at risk and the more the reader ends up caring about Thorne, the better the emotional effect will be of putting him in danger.

At this point, withouth providing a wall of text to read through, the reader is told about Thorne. The fact that he hates bugs and that he does not like to set his assistant robot to have a human-sounding voice.

Then while all this mission and threat and character info builds comes the "inciting event" - a heat source is discovered and there is something in the sand!

This, all in a first chapter, built suspense and intrigue and makes it rather entertaining.

I then passed on the story to the co-writer, @therneau for Part 2.

Part 2

Thorne attempts to connect to the pod - vehicle that is on the world. This widens the world a bit.

Additionally, more information is introduced via the story - Thorne's equipment is old.

An additional point of inconvenience is added as the comms are not very good.

An additional Character is added: Alan (though I think we named him Alan Green later). There is some banter back and forth and Alan is asked to scan the area where Thorne is.

Ocophial is introduced, an incredibly rare sustance. And there is about a tennis ball size piece of it. There is much excitement!

But then the rug is pulled. After all the excitement and development, the ship scanner detected movement and they were coming for Thorne!

Another great way to end a Chapter, with a hook!

@therneu passes the story back to me, red hot.

Part 3

Thorne is now deep in trouble and I continue the story!

Thorne plans to escape and the "things" that are after Thorne are revealed: metallic bugs. They pursue Thorne and begin shooting bolts of energy at him.

The high tech bugs only struggle is flapping their wings in the thin atmosphere.

G5 - the robot moves behind the retreating Thorne and raises it up to its full height to protect the human and is struck by the strange lightning attacks.

Then comes one of the most interesting parts about the SLZT storyline - G5 begins to change. Instead of being stoically logical, it begins to grow a character and physical begins modifying itself at a ridiculous speed.

Something had triggered this change and it was not normal or even seemingly possible.

G5 begins to winge and whine at Thorne and also, rather grumpily orders Thorne around - but with the interest of saving Thorne's life!

Finally, this Chapter ends with G5 creating a new weapon to shoot at the robot bugs.


And that is the review and run through of those 3 Chapters. There is a short sighted plot to survival, discovery, danger and anticipation.

At this stage there is no larger view of an overall plot, but there IS an entertaining story!

I hope to do one of these at least once a week so I can then build up an idea of where we are and then I shall discuss, openly, where the story is likely to go.

Dramatis Personae

  • Thorne Herm - Explorer and Prospector
  • Alan Green - Pilot working with Thorne
  • G5/J5 - Robot Assistant, altered by exposure to alien technology


  • Ochophial - A rare crystal substance.


  • Vorcia III - The place Thorne found the ochophial
  • The moon of Takar V - A holiday destination.

And that's it for now!

I hope to see you all next week!


I am currently raising funds for a friend. Please help if you can! Details about the fund raiser HERE

Hive South Africa

0.001 PAL


Ah, great little run down of the first 3 chapters.

0.000 PAL

Right? If I can keep this up and I can get to the current bit and start writing again!

0.000 PAL