Put your money into assets and education not things to show off


There is a huge difference between needs and wants, we need some basic things in life in order to servive and maintain healthy lifestyle like food, accommodation, clothes and shoes

I am not taking about the people who are struggling to fulfill their basic needs in life because they don't have enough money or income. Instead I am going to talk about people who are earning a decent amount of money and income but spending a lot of money on things they don't even want at all

By nature we love to compare overself with others in terms of wealth and money, then we try to look richer then others and starts buying expensive things we don't even afford or need, earning money is important but how and where to spend that money is also very important thing


Mostly people want everything branded in order to impress and show others , they spend money on branded watches, smartphones, shoes and clothes but when they have nothing nobody try to help them even people don't care what's going on in their life

So be careful along with earning more money learn the art of spending money, getting rich is easy as compared to staying rich or maintaining the wealth you already have. Spend or invest money in assets and commodities, try to learn new skills in order to upgrade yourself this will help you to make more money and increase your income

For example instead of buying an iPhone for $2000 you can buy 5700 hive coins and powered up your hive account which will definitely help you to turn this $2000 into $10000 in few years it's totally possible. Nothing is granted risk is there with every investment but still you have a better chance to increase you wealth by investing in assets instead of wasting money on buying things to show off and impress others

Another thing is spending money on learning in demand skills like programming languages, blockchain development, software development and cyber security etc also really helps you to stay at top. So think about that try to understand which thing you really need to buy or which thing you are just buying because it's a your desire, only buy something extra then your basic needs when you already have enough money
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Where a person spends his time and money is the primary indication of what he values the most. The best investment a person can make is in oneself. Education leads to improvement.


Brother you know better than me, if we check comments on different socal media platforms and chat groups mostly people ask others questions, like which cryptocurrency is a good investment, how to make more money with cryptocurrency trading, mostly people try to follow others and not try to improve their own knowledge, skills in order to make better investment decisions

In other words we wished to Watch tiktok all the time and we wants others do research on cryptocurrency then just informed us 😂


Investing your money and making it work is certainly wiser than buying expensive and useless items and thinking that many people even buy them in installments by paying interest on them.

To achieve financial freedom, you need to invest your money.

Obviously I agree with you that spending money on training and information is very wise and can lead to greatly increasing your earnings.

Nice post!
