Beginner's Tourney # 19 Finished - Results - Raffle - Next Tourney
Hey Guys!
Beginner's Tourney # 19 has concluded! Thank you everyone for participating. Here are the results.
Top 10

1st. place: @mondroid
2nd. place: @amaari
3rd. place: @amaillo-m
4th. place: @madtribe
5th. place: @jc10gamer
6th. place: @maplelicious
7th. place: @epicurotech
8th. place: @lurefish1
9th. place: @billbrobaggins
10th. place: @lriddlerl
Congratulations to all winners!

Bonus Prize Winners
These 2 Random participants got Level 1 General Sloan (RARE)
@shinkurisu, and @mondroid

and these 10 Random participants got Level 1 Goblin Tower (RARE)
@bassilus90, @centyent, @dezters, @fellonious, @mischcka, @lowofsolipsism, @cogie88, @predatorsfury, @mrcandy, and @unaiaja

Congratulation to the lucky bonus prize winners!

Beginner's Tourney # 20 Announcement
The next tourney is already available for sign-ups, so let's take a quick overview.
Tournament Rules:

1st Place: 300 DEC
2nd Place: 200 DEC
3rd-4th Place: 100 DEC
5-15 Place: 75 DEC
15-40 Place: 50 DEC
41-80 Place 25 DEC
To JOIN the tournament CLICK here!

Bonus Prizes
Every participant that enters this tournament has an equal chance to win one bonus prize. It doesn't matter how well you perform in the event, you win the whole tournament or place last there is always an equal chance to get the bonus reward.
This time, bonus prizes are:
3 Random participants will get: Level 1 Gem Meteor (EPIC)

and other 10 Random participants will get: Level 2 Molten Ash Golem (RARE)

Loyalty System
Today, I'm gonna lay out some details about this system I want to develop to further reward players coming back to these tournaments and participating in these posts.
How to Participate:
One important thing to do before you are eligible to participate in the Loyalty System. Just leave a comment under the latest tournament post. You need to do this only ONCE. I want to rule out some of those bots that only auto-pilot through tournaments and reward actual players.
How to Earn points:
Rules are going to be very simple. For every tournament participation, you will get 1 LP (loyalty point), If you finish in the top 10 you get 1 extra LP.
You can earn a point by sharing a battle from the latest Beginner's Tourney. I'll pick 5 battles that will earn an LP for both players involved. Share your battles in the comment section below
Winners of the bonus prizes that are participating in the Loyalty system "gain" -1 LP every time they win a card.
Loyalty Reward Structure
Keep in mind that this is something I'll experiment with over time and things will change, I'll be adding and removing available rewards but I'll try to stick with the structure as long as it makes sense to me and I can afford it. So the structure currently looks like this:
# | Reward | Loyalty Point Cost |
1. | Chaos Legion Pack | 100 LP |
2. | Random CL Summoner card (excluding legendaries) | 90 LP |
3. | Random CL Epic card | 50 LP |
4. | Random CL rare card (excluding summoners) | 10 LP |
5. | Random CL common card | 5 LP |
To redeem rewards you need to comment on the most recent tournament post with "I want to redeem reward # X times." for example "I want to redeem reward 4. 5 times (essentially redeeming 5 random rares)

LP Board
Share Your Battles, Earn LP
Last week I added another way for you to earn an extra LP by sharing your battles from Beginner's Tourneys but only 2 people applied so I'm gonna leave this as a reminder.
Every week I will pick 5 battles that you guys share and reward both players from the battle with 1 LP, although the same participant can't get more than 1 point per week from this.
You can share your battles in form of a comment or create a post about it just like you would
for the Splinterlands Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge posts. If you only share your battle through a comment, tell us why do you find this battle funny, interesting, or whatever.
Which battles are rewarded is ultimately my decision but you guys may sway me of course :D
Only battle from the most recent Beginner's Tourney are eligible.
Share Your Battle LP Winners:
Since those were the only two entries, they both won an LP for all participants of these battles.
1. @squishna vs @andradas
Shared by @squishna with a comment:
Sharing this one because I got to use my little gremlin blaster. I never use that card. And because I didn’t lose any creatures - which always feels good. Thanks for the tournaments.
2. @cryptoace33 vs @philipp87
Shared by @cryptoace33 with a comment:
Here is a battle I lost during the tournament.
I had higher level cards than my opponent but still lost. He play a better splinter with healing and I had no chance. Learned a lot from it though :)
Also @hannes-stoffel nicely pointed out:
the sniper rule was your problem, not the healing. in such cases either have a taunt to draw the fire or high speed (for range) and high life (magic) or some kind of void card with no meelee in second/third position to protect the low life archers. also with the sniper rule it pays out to have a triage monster further back.
your opponent went for high speed with decent life in second position and most of the archers missed because of that.
3. @jc10gamer vs @madtribe
Shared by @jc10gamer with a comment:
Hello I share this battle because it was in an important moment of the ranking, 2 important aspects to highlight I reduced the speed of the opponent monsters and placed an excellent card with Opportunity skill doing more damage with the increase of the summoner, with this victory I took away the undefeated winner of the tournament and so I could be in second place being my best participation so far. Thank you.
4. @shinkurisu vs @squishna
Shared by @shinkurisu with a comment:
My most interesting battle this tournament is here:
Similar strategies, but different card orders and summoners made the difference.
5. @hannes-stoffel vs @eligere
Shared by @hannes-stoffel with a comment:
Thank you for that tournament series. Funny enough for the low entry fee I use it a lot for experimental tournament gameplay.
Normally I use life splinter in little league with a blinding reflector, time mage and life leech combination as you can see here:
but during the first round i wanted to try something else and ended up using earth, funny enough my opponent went for life but it still worked out for me:
I welcome every feedback and idea for the development of the loyalty system, please share your thought in the comments below. You might've noticed that I trimmed down some DEC prices, to help me run this system sustainably, any extra support like sending DEC to my account, voting, sharing my post, etc. is highly appreciated

GIF by @splinterlands
To enhance your Splinterlands gameplay and win rate, try out this tool called Splintertool
To find out more about this look at my previous post about this tool.
Beware, the tool will get affected by recent changes in Splinterlands but most of the features will work fine, also more features are coming. Still, a really useful tool to have at your disposal.
If you don't want to miss these tournaments, join our guild discord, under section ZELLS CORNER AND TOURNEYS, you can follow a channel where I announce all my tourneys. See ya there!
Thank you for reading!
Good Luck and Have Fun!
Again thx z3ll for the new tournament.
can I share a battle for tournament 20 here?
Really nice low mana battle and it lastet 23 rounds :-)
I want to share a battle from this tournament which I lost.
The thoughts that went into picking my lineup might make their own post one day, especially since my Opponent picked the exact same monsters. But s/he did a better job positioning them so this was another lesson for me: It's all about "location, location and location"😉
Great tournament! This is the battle I would like to share, it was a close call!
Joined again the tourney this week. I am confident to place higher this time :)
Thank you for this awesome tournament. Keep it up!
I want to share this battle, where Daria + sneak monsters are very powerful.
I share this battle because it was one I initially thought I had lost.
Seeing all the gold cards and at the opponent's maximum level it looked like there was no chance.
Since all the monsters were going to attack the last one in the formation, I strategically placed the two rats with Thornes at the end to counterattack. This worked very well because one of them made it to the end and ended the battle.
In turn, the monster in the third position attracted all the initial attacks until it died.
The Grund served its tank function very well by eliminating its first two opponents.
My opponent's mage did a lot of damage but I was finally able to defeat her.
In my opinion the key to victory was the attack buff and having some faster cards to attack first.
This is one battle of this tournament. Was great because i can win a hi ranked player
Yeah, so awesome of you to put this series on, @z3ll
It is awesome to see how the series has grown, also. When I started, I could place really well. Now I'm placing lower, but still having fun and learning some tricks from the people who beat me.
And your generosity with the General Sloan makes it nice for us low-tier players. Keep it up!
As for matches, this one stood out to me:
Misses are my weak point. I lose so many matches to misses (this one included). I need to find Speed somehow and a better RNG.
Hi I really enjoyed participating in the tournament, there is certainly more competition in the second round and it was difficult for me but I was able to perform well overall.
I share this battle because both players used exactly the same cards but you can see the importance of placing the cards in the best possible position, I placed a card with more life at the end of the lineup so I could hold a little more attacks and the other determining factor is that the incredible Silvershield Assassin card I used at level 3 and so I could do more damage to achieve victory. Thank you.
Love this tournaments @z3ll
Your tournament series are great, keep going my friend
Congratulations to everyone who participated and to the winners!
Thanks @tengolotodo See you on the arena !HBIT
Success! You mined .9 HBIT & the user you replied to received .1 HBIT on your behalf. mine | wallet | market | tools | discord | community | <>< daily
Cheers mate:)
My battle share this week :
This is the reason why i like double heal combination. When legendariers are allowed sometimes even do a triple heal with the Spirit Hoarder lol.
count on me @chakimanu
Sure man, welcome! :D
Oh cool, finally won a card in the random drawing! Thanks bud! Shouted the next tourney out on twitter :)
Gz on the lucky pull! :D
Thanks for the shoutout man.
Nice cards coming up on the give away rock on.
i want join next tournament @angelinafia22
Sure, welcome!
Kinda confused how to join the loyalty system, will comment in the next tourney too and join both my
IGN: vagabond42069
Leaving a comment was enough :)
Welcome to the LP board!
Hi man¡¡¡ I want to be eligible to participate in the Loyalty System.
I participated in Beginner's Tourney # 19 but i donts see i have any
thanks, you are doing a great job.
PD. Sry about my english
Yo! Yeah, sorry my bad, I'll add you on the LP board in the next post. Thanks for pointing that out.
The fantastic tournament, thank you for helping beginners. Good luck everyone
All the tournaments are great @z3ll , thanks again my friend
Leaving a comment to be eligible for the Loyalty system.
No luck for me again. T_T
gratz guys :(
Why the long face man? How come you didn't participate?
thanks for hosting these tournaments!
Gz all have win
This is pretty neat. Didn't know about these. Is it possible to participate in the loyalty system if I play with a different account? Lv99-rd-clown.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at
Thank you for the tourney. Joined the tournament this week, I hope to place in the top 10.