Fumetsu no Anata E ( To Your Eternity)


🚨 Spoiler alert 🚨



Hello, I'm @Yuli05 and the topic this time is Fumetsu no Anata E Chapter 1, it will be both a summary and an analysis. Now, let's get to the point. One of the animes that I have enjoyed the most is the adaptation of the manga Fumetsu no Anata E or To Your Eternity, written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Oima, a shonen different from the usual and whose first episode was released on April 12, 2012. That is why today I come to give you my opinion about this first chapter that has left me with a mixture of feelings. And yes, I cried with this chapter. Without further ado, let's begin.



The chapter begins with a voice telling us how a sphere was thrown into this world, a sphere capable of transforming into its surroundings through stimuli, first it was a rock, then some moss, and finally it took the form of a wolf that died at its side. He clumsily tried to walk and in turn had replicated the wound of that animal that was experiencing pain for the first time, walking aimlessly he ends up meeting a boy who seemed to recognize him, a boy who spoke to him as if he were capable of doing so. There he found many new things, aromas that he did not know, a warm place to be. There did not seem to be anyone there apart from the boy. There were only the two of them and no one else. The boy, whose name he didn't know, tells him how the others went in search of a place beyond the cold where the land was fertile, people were more advanced and there is a thing called fruit. He tells him that he also wants to go out, see new places, have new experiences, discover the world, so he and the boy go in search of that place. They come across some arrows that seem to guide them to their destination. Unfortunately, due to the thin ice, the boy ends up falling into the frozen water and even though he manages to get out, his leg ends up injured by splinters. However, they do not give up and continue on their journey. As they continue walking, they again come across one of those arrow-shaped signs, only this one was different, it was marked with an X as if it were indicating that the road ends here.



As he looks around he sees some tombstones similar to the ones that were in his village. The boy tries to ignore this and be optimistic but he knows what it means he asks Joan, why don't you say anything, why don't you talk to me like usual and he answers himself, well of course you've never been able to talk. All this time, I was alone, he breaks down in tears in front of his friend and decides to return to his village. Unfortunately, that wound caused his leg to become infected and his condition slowly worsened, he manages to return home but is completely weak, he tries to appear enthusiastic saying that after he heals, the two of them will try again, but he himself knows that is not the case. With all his strength he sits on a chair and says: Joan, I am going to ask you a favor.

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Please never forget me, the boy dies and when he sees him the wolf surprisingly begins to transform into him. The boy apparently reunites with his family and finally manages to go to that paradise he longed for. For his part, the wolf, now turned into the boy, leaves there in search of more stimuli, to find more people, to feel all kinds of things, just as that boy wished. And so the first chapter ends.

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Now I have made an attempt at a summary, let's talk about the chapter itself, the most remarkable thing without a doubt was the soundtrack, which fits like a glove to its respective scene, it excellently represents what the moment wants to convey to us, at the moment when both go out in search of that distant place, a motivating and hopeful sound plays, but when the boy finds the end of the road, a completely different sound plays, reflecting sadness, loneliness, pain, helplessness, and so on with all the others. As far as animation is concerned, I am not an expert and my technical knowledge is practically non-existent, so this is just my opinion as a spectator and based on what I have already seen.



It is an animation that works very well, the designs know how to maintain the style of the manga, the movement looks high with a simple but functional detail, the shots of the scenes transmit all the feelings of the characters, that and added to the wonderful soundtrack make that from the moment it manages to happen, you go to a corner to cry. The story of the boy only lasts one chapter in both the anime and the manga, but it manages to completely break your heart. The boy was alone in an inhospitable and cold environment trying to be as positive as possible because what other option did he have? He had no one to keep him company except his dog, deep down he already knew that all those who left did not return because they were no longer alive but he tried to continue clinging to a small hope that this was not the case and in reality everyone was happy in the distant place that is why at the moment where he sees that his fear was real tears you apart from the deepest, his pain when seeing him, facing the reality that he will not be able to leave there, you empathize with him even though his name was never even known.



As for the protagonist, who as you may have already deduced, is the sphere turned into a dog, the only thing I can say without giving spoilers is how this creature gets to know the world from scratch, from the most basic, so to speak, physical pain, captivating aromas, a feeling of warmth and even what feelings are. By not speaking, everything he feels is transmitted through his looks and body language. And if you ask me, I would say that in this aspect the manga did a little better, but the anime is not bad either, we see how she experiences her first feelings with the boy, develops a bond with him, we see how she feels sad when she sees him suffer, her gaze reflects sorrow and anguish, that is why when she sees that he does not move, she tries to lift him up, she experiences the pain of loss even without knowing what it is, a detail that I love is the fact that the animal they chose was a dog, well it is a wolf but you understand because these are always represented as the best friend those capable of empathizing with us and perceiving when we are sad, he does not know what emotions are, but instinctively he manifests them.



This was a fascinating and content-packed first chapter, this is just the tip of the iceberg, I'll tell you things as they are, Fumetsu no Anata E is a very sad story, full of tragedy, with moments that destroy you and flood you with tears, but at the same time it is a beautiful, moving story where you become fond of the characters, a journey of discovery, maturation through the experiences we go through and that help one's growth. Of the value of life and the fact of being alive, the ties and feelings we forge with the people close to us, the joy of spending as much time as possible surrounded by those we love, this and much more is Fumetsu no Anata E, one of the best mangas I have read, if you were still undecided about whether to watch this anime I recommend you give it a chance, it will probably make you cry a lot, but it is a beautiful story, full of endearing characters and very valuable messages. With that we come to the end of today's post. As always, I hope you liked it, and if so, share it. You can also leave your comment on what you think of this first chapter and if you plan to continue the series, I for one plan to watch every season they release, and that's all, see you next time.



NameFumetsu no Anata E
Directed byMasahiko Murata
Written byYoshitoki Ōima
Music byRyo Kawasaki
Produced byAya Ishii

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0.000 PAL


I know it's been a while but I really wanted to comment on this. I saw this anime on a random Instagram reel and I decided to watch it. I downloaded just one episode but I couldn't watch it. I tried and saw the first ten minutes of the first episode and it immediately came off as really sad and I couldn't just watch it. Probably because I was not in the right mood at that particular time but I didn't finish it and ended up deleting the episodes.

0.000 PAL

Este anime me recuerda un poco a viland saga, excelente reseña ✨✨

0.000 PAL

este anime de verdad es hermoso, en animaciΓ³n, historia, sus personajes, no hubo ninguno capΓ­tulo que no llorara, buen post!

this anime is really beautiful, in animation, story, characters, there wasn't a single chapter that I didn't cry, good post!

0.000 PAL

Oh amiga es cierto que hay que aguantar las ganas de llorar en cada episodio, la serie esta bien lograda, gracias por tu comentario y que tengas lindo dΓ­a.

0.000 PAL