[ENG/ESP]My Struggle against Failure/LOH 200

Hello to all the beautiful family of this community. I hope you are all enjoying good health and empowering your lives as you deserve.

Before I continue, I want to congratulate the community for reaching the 200th initiative and I hope they continue to infinity and beyond.

Today, I want to participate in a topic that could very well summarize the story of my life because I have been a woman who has suffered blows in life, disappointments and failures, but I have been able to find life strategies to move forward.

Throughout my life I have fallen many times, but I have known how to get up.

One of the first failures of my life was when I finished high school and when I tried to access the university career I wanted, I was denied because, according to the directors of my municipality, that career was exhausted. Few people can imagine the tears I shed and what I suffered for not being able to study the university career of my dreams.

This prolonged projects and dreams, but it never stopped me from fighting for my dreams. I started working, gained work experience and professional quality and, when the time came, I began my university studies in a course for workers. I must say that, despite being over 40 years old and not being able to study what I wanted, I managed to achieve my engineering degree and fulfill a long-desired dream.

Another failure had to do with the betrayal of the first love I had. It was a blow from which I never thought I could get up. But, my family headed by my mother, my friends and time made me forget and the wound slowly healed. I came out of this blow stronger. I remember that this person tried to come back after suffering what he did to me, but my answer was categorical and the no received made him leave my life and never bother me again.

However, the biggest blow or failure is not being able to have children. My husband and I have tried everything from treatment at the infertility clinic to surgeries for diseases that limit the gestation of a child.

Although all this has been impossible and we have already accepted the impossibility of having our own children, we have decided to adopt two children, a process in which I am currently involved or, to be more exact, it is momentarily paralyzed until I reach the final destination of residence.

In the face of every fall we must get up. Regrets and complaints are worthless. If we really want to be free and independent, we must turn every setback into a victory.

Important: I have used the translator DeepL Translate.

The photos were taken with my Samsung Galaxy phone.


Hola a toda la hermosa familia de esta comunidad. Deseo que todas estén gozando de buena salud y empoderándose de sus vidas como se merecen.

Antes de continuar, quiero felicitar a la comunidad por llegar a la iniciativa número 200 y espero que sigan hasta el infinito y más allá.

Hoy, quiero participar en un tema que muy bien pudiera resumir la historia de mi vida porque he sido una mujer que ha sufrido golpes en la vida, desengaños y fracasos, pero, he sabido encontrar las estrategias de vida para seguir adelante.

A lo largo de mi vida me he caído muchas veces, pero he sabido levantarme.

Uno de los primeros fracasos de mi vida lo tuve al concluir el preuniversitario y al intentar acceder a la carrera universitaria que quería, me fue negada porque, según los directivos de mi municipio, esa carrera estaba agotada. Pocas personas imaginan las lágrimas que derramé y lo que sufrí por no poder estudiar la carrera universitaria de mis sueños.

Lo anterior prolongó proyectos ideados y sueños, pero jamás impidió que luchara por mis sueños. Comencé a trabajar, adquirí experiencia laboral y calidad profesional y, llegado el momento, comencé mis estudios universitarios en un curso para trabajadores. Debo decir que, a pesar de tener más de 40 años y no poder estudiar lo que quería, logré alcanzar mi título de ingeniería y cumplir un sueño largamente deseado.

Otro fracaso tuvo que ver con la traición del primer amor que tuve. Fue un golpe del que nunca pensé que me podría levantar. Pero, mi familia encabezada por mi madre, mis amistades y el tiempo me hicieron olvidar y lentamente fue sanando la herida. De este golpe salí más fortalecida. Recuerdo que esa persona intentó regresar después de sufrir lo que él me hizo a mí, pero, mi respuesta fue rotunda y el no recibido le hizo salir de mi vida y no molestarme jamás.

Sin embargo, el golpe o fracaso más grande es el no poder tener hijos. Mi esposo y yo lo hemos intentado todo, desde el tratamiento en la clínica de infertilidad hasta las operaciones por enfermedades que limitan la gestación de un niño.

A pesar de que todo ello ha sido imposible y ya hemos aceptado la imposibilidad de tener hijos propios y, hemos decidido adoptar dos niños, proceso en el que me encuentro en este momento o, para ser más exacta, está paralizado momentáneamente hasta tanto llegue al destino final de residencia.

Ante cada caída hay que levantarse. De nada valen lamentos y quejas. Si de veras queremos ser libres e independientes, debemos convertir cada revés en victoria.

Importante: He utilizado el traductor DeepL Translate.

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung Galaxy.


Yes I agree with you, every time we fall, we must get up and searching for the solution. Thank you so much for sharing 😊


Thank you for your words.
My mom taught us that you gain nothing by being sorry and that you should always strive to achieve your dreams without harm, but never give up. Greetings.


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Thanks You. Blessings.

I click on the link, but I get nothing, only Peakd and nothing. It must be the connection. I will try again later.


it never stopped me from fighting for my dreams

Your determination is commendable and might be a lesson for a lot of people. You have a very strong mindset and that's why you never gave up and tried to find alternative solutions. Thanks for sharing your personal journey with us...


I have to thank myself for being able to express my experience to see if it can reach someone and let them know that one should never give up.
Thank you for your words. Best regards.


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