InkTober 30 - Violin


The 30th prompt for #inktober is violin. I realized that I am not going to finish any of my InkTober drawings If I try to create full page images. So, for this prompt, I decided to draw a simple violin.

Violins are beautiful instruments known for their rich stained wooden veneer. I wanted to experiment with techniques to convey stained wood.

I don'w own a violin. I've never played one. That means I had to find a picture of a violin.

I confess, I outlined a violin from a Wikipedia article so that I would get the right shape of a violin. made marks for what I wanted to keep light and what to leave dark.

I realized this was a huge mistake because, after I was deep into coloring, I looked again at the wikipedia article and realized that their violin was actually reflections on a highly polished surface and not not normal highlights. It is really hard to do sharp reflections with prismacolor pencils.

This next picture is really just a Proof of Art #pob that shows the image after I finished the prismacolor underlayer.

The Night Cafe Enhancement

What I was really interested in seeing what happens if I imported the image into Night Cafe. Here are two of the AI enhanced versions. The first is a straight clean up. The second adds embellishments.

Drawing an entire picture takes several days. I would like to be able to create pieces of pictures that I could assemble on a computer. Shading in the violin only took an hour. I think I could use this method to create full images.

A Pure AI Image

Of course, is easier to just get AI to do all of the work. For fun I created an AI image for every #inktober prompt.

I put the Inktober images on SteemIT . I created a Night Gallery collection to showcase all of my AI Generated InkTober images. Some of them are really nice.

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