My Love for Music: Finding Focus in These Tunes


I found solace in music when it became necessary. Sometimes I just need to detach myself from my surroundings and be in my head-go within to find myself, to bring out the true me from within, and sometimes block things in my surroundings from getting to me.


Fun fact: right now, I am listening to music so that I can go within to come about writing this. It is necessary. I live with a lot of people, and sometimes I just can't shut them up. I gave up trying for a long time now. But I can't give up doing the things I need to do or get done.

Just like writing this, I both need and want to get it done. This is an avenue for me to put my thoughts and ideas into tangible form. It makes me understand myself better. It makes me see myself clearly in the mirror. Writing is becoming a place I really love where I can express myself in ways others can understand.

This write-up is about music, not writing. Well, I think I should make a post about writing. But let's focus on music now. Like I said earlier, I am currently listening to music to make this happen. It helps set my focus level high, especially in an environment with all-around distractions.


Another time to get something done is when I need to study 😩. It is because of studying that I found music as a way to help me focus. In this time of my life, I have many things that distract me. And sometimes getting focused all by myself feels like pushing a car from point A to point B.

Giving me focus and also blocking the noise in the environment. I always raise the volume of my music to match the level of noise in the environment. With this, I can continue to study effectively.

Other than only getting things done, music helps me relax. I can pick up a novel to read while I listen to music. This way, because I am most often in a noisy environment (a situation beyond my control), music here helps me block the noise and keeps me focused on what I am reading.

I could read alone to relax, which I do very much when I am home during the school break. It is just that I mostly use the music to block out the noise.


One of the other ways I enjoy listening to music is when I am taking a walk. I don't take a walk alone without listening to music. To me, I don't know what I am doing. I have to pair it up with listening to music, and then I enjoy the whole thing.

And sometimes, when I am losing sleep, I just plug in my earphones. And wait until sleep takes me away. I know it might not be exactly good, and I am not proud of it, but it helps.

Thank you for stopping by 👋

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I read you and I am sure you are on the right track. Taking refuge in music is like taking refuge in God, there are all the answers, we just have to be attentive. How nice that you enjoy it so much and also this that you have written that is born from the inspiration that music gives you, just like the name of this community ❤️

I see that you are practically new in Hive, I would like to advise you to use your own images, so that nobody accuses you of plagiarism. If you are going to use images that are already on the web, you can make reference to the site you borrowed them from, by sharing the link below them. Citing sources is the correct way to share them. Nice to meet you, happy day!...


Yeap. That is why I posted in this community. Thank you.

Thank you for pointing that out. I used them from a free website but forgot to reference them. I have done that now.


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