(ESP/ENG) Participación en el concurso #62 de la comunidad Ladies Of Hive / Participation in the contest # 62 of the Ladies Of Hive community


¡Hola hivers! Volví después de días desaparecida [Otra vez] Esta vez vengo a responder una de las preguntas del concurso de esta semana.

¿Cuál es tu comida navideña favorita y por qué?

Bueno, como ya he escrito en otros post. Soy amante de la comida y pienso que una de las mejores cosas de la vida y una de esas 'delicias' son las comidas navideñas.

Hi hivers! I came back after days missing [Again] This time I come to answer one of the questions in this week's contest.

What's your favorite Christmas food and why?

Well, as I have already written in other posts. I am a food lover and I think that one of the best things in life and one of those 'delights' is Christmas meals.


Aquellas recetas que sacamos del armario y prepararnos con tanto amor y alegría.

Como toda una Venezolana, nacida en la parte céntrica del país me gusta comer las Hallacas

Masa rellena de carne, pollo, condimentos y aliños. Una delicia, poder comerlo acompañado con una ensalada de Pollo con papa y zanahoria y refresco.

Those recipes that we take out of the closet and prepare with so much love and joy.

Like a whole Venezuelan, born in the central part of the country, I like to eat Hallacas

Dough stuffed with meat, chicken, seasonings and dressings. A delight, to be able to eat it accompanied with a Chicken with potato and carrot salad and soft drink.


¿Saben algo? Pertenezco a las pocas personas que comen las hallacas con mayonesa.

Do you know something? I belong to the few people who eat Halca with mayonnaise.


Pan de jamón En todas las mesas Venezolanas el pan de jamón es una de las comidas más importantes que deben estar en la mesa junto al pernil o pollo horneado. Yo sí he comido bastante y creo que nunca me cansaría.

Ham bread In all Venezuelan tables, ham bread is one of the most important foods that should be on the table together with the roast leg or baked chicken. I have eaten enough and I think I would never get tired.


Maní Los vecinos en donde vivo siempre tienden a comprar maní para los jóvenes, desde el salado hasta el dulce, una gran variedad.

Ir en casa en casa comiendo maní, mi especialidad ;)

Lo que no me gusta de las comida navideña

Las pasas simplemente no me gustan. Se siente raro y parece que mi paladar no lo soporta.

La comida andina No lo paso, menos cuando quieren agregar dicho sabor en las comidas tradicionales.

Simplemente no.

Peanuts The neighbors where I live always tend to buy peanuts for young people, from salty to sweet, a great variety.

Go home to home eating peanuts, my specialty;)

What I don't like about Christmas food

Raisins I just don't like them. It feels weird and my taste buds can't seem to take it.

Andean food I do not pass it, less when they want to add said flavor in traditional meals.

Just no.

Atención: Ya que estamos hablando de tradición navideña, digamos NO A LA PIROTECNIA. Recuerden que para los animales es terrible escuchar la detonación de un cohete o explosivo pirotécnico.

Me gustaría invitar a participar esta semana en el concurso a @maisugar

Attention: Since we are talking about Christmas tradition, let's say NO TO THE PIROTECNIA. Remember that for animals it is terrible to hear the detonation of a rocket or pyrotechnic explosive.

I would like to invite @maisugar to participate in the contest this week

0.001 PAL


I have heard so much about Hallacas that I think I'm going to have to find a way to try them! They sure sound very tasty! Thank you for sharing and have a Merry Christmas!

0.000 PAL

You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.

0.000 PAL

Hello @yilibeth. Thanks for your participation in this week's contest. On almost all the holiday meals, I have seen hallaca, together with the ham bread. I can imagine a traditional feast at this.

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Thanks for sharing your holiday foods. Take care, and have a good holiday.

0.000 PAL

I've never had a chance to try your country food. Wow, they look delicious and tasty, my mouth is watery now. I'll definitely try them once I can find the Venezuelan restaurant in Viet Nam.

Thanks for the entry and good luck in the contest :)

0.000 PAL