(ESP-ENG) Les presento a "Mau Mau" el gato de mi abuela / I present to you "Mau Mau" my grandmother's cat


Les presento a "Mau Mau" el gato de mi abuela, es un gato blanco mestizo de 3 años [Creo] tiene ojos azules claros, en las fotos no se ven bien pero si los tiene.

I present to you "Mau Mau" my grandmother's cat, it is a 3-year-old white mongrel cat [I think] has light blue eyes, in the photos they don't look good but it does.


Él es uno de los tantos gatos que llegó a la casa de mi abuela, decidiendo quedarse por su propia cuenta y siendo bien recibido. Actualmente es el único gato que vive con ella y mi padre.

He is one of the many cats that came to my grandmother's house, deciding to stay on his own and being well received. She is currently the only cat that lives with her and my father.


¿Por qué se llama Mau Mau?
Ese nombre se lo dio mi abuela a los días de llegar a la casa yo quería llamarle "Felipe" pero ella me gritó que no, que "Mau Mau" era el indicado.

Mau Mau es un gato introvertido amante de las caricias y los mimos, con una mirada un tanto única, pareciera que su expresión fuera balurda siempre [A mis ojos]

Why is it called Mau Mau?
That name was given by my grandmother a few days after arriving home. I wanted to call him "Felipe" but she yelled at me that no, that "Mau Mau" was the one.

Mau Mau is an introverted cat who loves caresses and pampering, with a somewhat unique look, it seems that his expression was always bleak [In my eyes]


Es un tanto territorial por ello siempre se le ve con "Marcas de batallas" como le digo a mi abuela, del resto siempre se la pasa durmiendo o pegado a los pies de mi abuela en la espera que le dé un poco de su comida y realmente le funciona muy bien, ya que con dos maullidos y su mejor mirada, consigue su festín.

He is somewhat territorial so he is always seen with "Battle Marks" as I say to my grandmother, the rest he always spends sleeping or glued to my grandmother's feet while waiting for me to give him some of his food and It really works really well for him, as with two meows and his best look, he gets his feast.


Pero Mau Mau no está solo, ¡tiene un hermano mayor de leche! Es idéntico a él, la diferencia es que tiene los ojos amarillos, actualmente vive junto al vecino y en vez en cuando lo visita para ver como está ¿No es lindo?

But Mau Mau is not alone, he has a milk older brother! It is identical to him, the difference is that he has yellow eyes, he currently lives next to the neighbor and from time to time he visits him to see how he is. Isn't that cute?
