Así luce mi hogar luego de mucho trabajo || This is what my home looks like after a lot of work

Hello dear friends of Proof Of Brain, I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend, in my case I had a lot of work in my house but, I still enjoyed listening to music and painting part of my home hehehe.... as you may notice I didn't need a december time to paint my house, although for me it's a tradition to paint it for that date, but due to my trip to Bogota-Colombia I couldn't paint it and I went to enjoy and share with my brothers, nephews and brother in law who I hadn't seen for a long time.
Aca les comparto algunas de las fotografías de como estaba mi casita y de como ha quedado luego del cariñito de hoy.
Here I share with you some of the pictures of how my little house looked like and how it is now after today's love-making.

Muchas personas pensaran que es mentira pero, un hogar aseado, pintado y con las cosas en orden generan armonía entre los integrantes de la familia, en lo particular me encanta ver mi casita hermosa porque me genera tranquilidad y disfrute con los integrantes de mi familia.
Many people may think it is a lie, but a neat home, painted and with things in order generates harmony among family members, in particular I love to see my beautiful house because it generates tranquility and enjoyment with my family members.
Me despido deseándoles muchos éxitos y bendiciones.
I bid you farewell wishing you much success and blessings.