Actividad con plástilina para favorecer la motricidad fina en edad escolar || Activity with plasticine to promote fine motor skills at school age.



Hola mis apreciados amigos de @ Cervantes, hoy les quiero compartir otra de las actividades que ayudan a nuestros niños en edad preescolar o inicial a desarrollar su motricidad fina, es decír a desarrollar diversas habilidades con sus manos, a desarrollar los músculos de la muñaca, dedos tomando en cuenta que todas estas actividades lo ayudarán a desarrollar su escritura y el movimiento adecuado de sus muñecas, dedos y manos.

Hello my dear friends of @ Cervantes, today I want to share with you another of the activities that help our preschool children to develop their fine motor skills, that is to say, to develop various skills with their hands, to develop the muscles of the wrists and fingers, taking into account that all these activities will help them to develop their writing and the proper movement of their wrists, fingers and hands.

Esta técnica consiste en brindarle plástilina a los niños para que la amasen, la palpen con sus propias manos, la puedan moldear a su gusto, de igual manera conozcan su textura y su olor.

This technique consists of giving plasticine to the children so that they can love it, feel it with their own hands, mold it to their liking, as well as get to know its texture and smell.


Los niños para dicha actividad se encontraban muy entusiasmados puesto que muchos de ellos no habian tenido en casa contacto con plástilina y ha sido una experiencia muy agradable.

The children were very enthusiastic about this activity since many of them had never had contact with plasticine at home and it has been a very pleasant experience.




Luego de amasarla y palparla por unos minutos bajo mis orientaciones empezarón a formar bolitas para posteriormente, armar un gusanito de plástilina con el cual quedarón muy encantados y jugarón con ellos por un buen rato...

After kneading it and touching it for a few minutes under my guidance, they began to form little balls and later on, they made a little plasticine worm with which they were very pleased and played with them for a long time...

Me despido mis estimados amigos esperandp sea de su agrado mi contenido el cual les comparto con mucho amor y cariño.

I say goodbye my dear friends hoping you like my content which I share with much love and affection.


This is really amazing 🤩 helping little Children with skills and with time they will be very good in that aspect.


Hola amigo, así es y debemos tener en cuenta que los niños son como una esponja que todo lo absorve.
Muchas gracias por comentar..
