Acompañando a mi mamá a realizarse algunos exámenes médicos || Accompanying my mom to have some medical tests done.

Hello my beautiful people of Proof Of Brain, happy and blessed night, today has been a wonderful day and of great blessings today from very early in the morning I accompanied my adoptive mother to perform some laboratory tests of which we are concerned about the post-pandrial that has to do with the level of sugar in her body, God willing all the values come out within normal and not be diagnosed with diabetes because by those roads go the medical inclinations.
A las 6:30am salimos para el laboratorio, debiamos de llevar de una vez el desayuno de mi mamá el cual tenía que ir cargado con una gran concentración de azúcar, al momento de terminar de desayunar había que reposar 2 horas para hacerle el pos-pandríal, se nos hizo un poquito larga la cosa pero gracias a Dios la Lcda. encargada de tomar las muestras se porto muy chevere y entablaba conversaciones con nosotras.
At 6:30am we left for the lab, we had to take my mom's breakfast which had to be loaded with a high concentration of sugar, when we finished breakfast we had to rest for 2 hours to do the post-pandrial, it was a little long but thank God the Lcda. in charge of taking the samples was very cool and engaged in conversations with us.
Esperamos en Dios todo salga bién y podamos seguir viviendo la vida feliz, me despido queridos amigos nos seguiremos leyendo pronto.
We hope in God everything goes well and we can continue living a happy life, I say goodbye dear friends and we will continue reading soon.