[ESP-ENG] Concurso #76 LOH, Mi lugar feliz favorito | Contest #76 LOH, My Favorite Happy Place


¡Lleva el rojo y negro de los caballeros de Arcadia!.jpg

Una vez más me complacida de compartir con estas lindas damas de la comunidad, espero que estén muy bien, es un placer para mí participar en este maravilloso concurso # 76 de la comunidad de @LadiesofHive donde nos invita a responder 2 maravillosas preguntas, de mi parte estaré respondiendo la pregunta número 2, así que, comencemos.

Once again I am pleased to share with these nice ladies of the community, I hope you are very well, it is a pleasure for me to participate in this wonderful contest # 76 of the @LadiesofHive community where he invites us to answer 2 wonderful questions, from my side I will be answering question number 2, so, let's get started.

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Si pudieras elegir un "lugar feliz" favorito, ¿cuál sería? / If you could pick a favorite "happy place," what would it be?

Un lugar favorito, es ese pequeño espacio que nosotros elegimos para ser feliz aunque sea por un rato, es ese lugar donde se sienta paz, tranquilidad, armonía, amor, hay muchos lugares que podemos elegir para que sea ese espacio favorito para nosotros, ese lugar donde podamos relajarnos, pensar, sentir un poco de alivio y por supuesto respirar aire puro, donde podamos ser nosotros, donde podamos decir y sentir lo que queramos.

A favorite place is that small space that we choose to be happy even for a while, is that place where we feel peace, tranquility, harmony, love, there are many places that we can choose to be that favorite space for us, that place where we can relax, think, feel a little relief and of course breathe fresh air, where we can be us, where we can say and feel what we want.

Para mí existen muchos lugares favoritos, y hermosos también por supuesto, pero sólo hay uno que me hace sentir feliz, uno que me hace sentir querida, uno en el que puedo expresarme de una manera clara, uno en el que puedo compartir las veces que quiera, uno que algunas veces me hace llorar, otra me hace reir, pero aún así es y seguirá siendo mi lugar favorito, ese lugar es la casa de mi MADRE, es un lugar lleno de mucha paz, de amor, de sinceridad, es allí donde nos reunimos para reir, para llorar, para conversar, para celebrar algún cumpleaños, es allí donde nos abrazamos sin importar nuestras diferencias, gracias le doy a Dios porque todos somos cristianos, no hay momentos para señalar ni juzgar a nadie, cuando nos reunimos en ese lugar que es mi favorito es para pasarla super bien, es para disfrutar al máximo de la compañia de esa mujer maravillosa que me trajo al mundo y que ha estado conmigo siempre, en las buenas y en las malas.

For me there are many favorite places, and beautiful too of course, but there is only one that makes me feel happy, one that makes me feel loved, one in which I can express myself in a clear way, one in which I can share as many times as I want, one that sometimes makes me cry, another makes me laugh, but still is and will remain my favorite place, that place is my MOTHER's house, it is a place full of peace, love, sincerity, it is there where we gather to laugh, I thank God because we are all Christians, there are no moments to point fingers or judge anyone, when we get together in that place which is my favorite, it is to have a great time, it is to enjoy the company of that wonderful woman who brought me into the world and who has always been with me, in good times and in bad.




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Esta ha sido mi participación en ese gran concurso, espero les guste, no me quiero despedir sin antes invitar a mi amiga @coromoto20 a unirse y a participar

This has been my participation in that great contest, I hope you like it, I don't want to say goodbye without first inviting my friend @coromoto20 to join and participate

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Todas las fotos son de mi autoría y editadas desde canva

All photos are my own and edited from canva

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Gracias por Visitar mi Blog.png


There is no place like home! It's easy to see with the smiles on everyone's faces, how nice it is there. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!


Thanks to you for commenting and taking the time to read my post, regards.


You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Mothers are all comfort. Closeness to them brings us peace. It relaxes us. Good to know that you have access to your favorite place.


No doubt that the home we grew up was where we felt most loved and protected. And, well are obliged likewise with our children as well. With my father passed on and my mother having dementia those feelings become just memories.

Thanks for sharing your Happy place @yannet80 🏡


Thank God I have my mother still alive, and going to her house to share as a family, makes that home my favorite happy place, a hug friend.


Home is where your ❤️ is.

Your Mother is so adorable and the smiles on your faces says alot.
So much love ❤️ makes my heart warm as I know how precious family is and my parents home is still my favorite place and where I had a happy Childhood.

Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Good luck 🌹


Thanks to you for taking the time to read my post, regards.
