Beautiful, delicate flowers - Daffodils 🌼
Daffodils 🌼
Beautiful, delicate flowers.
Today we took a photo of flowering plants during a walk. I photographed flowering trees, also flowers. Now many beautiful flowers have bloomed, such as tulips 🌷, daffodils 🌼, and others.
And almost all the trees are covered with foliage and flowers.
Bees fly and pollinate flowers on trees, and just flowers too 🌸🐝
Very nice, nice. Nature is uplifting. It's so nice to hear the birds singing 🐦 🎶
But now it is impossible to enjoy everything as before, it's all because of the war.
We hope and pray that the war ends 🙏🏼
Peaceful sky above your head 🙂
Нарциси 🌼
Красиві ніжні квіти.
Ми сьогодні на прогулянці зробили фотоквіти рослин. Я фотографувала квітучі дерева, також квіти. Зараз багато розквітло прекрасних квітів, наприклад, тюльпани 🌷, нарциси 🌼, та інші.
А ще майже всі дерева покриваються листям та квітами.
Бджоли літають і запилюють квіти на деревах, і просто квіти теж 🌸🐝
Дуже гарно, мило. Природа піднімає настрій. Так приємно чути спів птахів 🐦 🎶
Але зараз неможливо радіти всьому тому, що раніше, це все через війну.
Сподіваємось і молимося, щоб війна закінчилася 🙏🏼
Мирне небо над головою 🙂
My Instagram account - yakubenko_daria
My profile on Vkontakte - Dashulya Yakubenko
My Facebook Profile - Дарья Якубенко
So beautiful daffodils 🌼 Dear @yakubenko , all my thought and prayers for you, hoping this horrible war will end soon. Stay safe, stay strong. ❤️
Hi Silvia! ❤️🌺
It's great to hear such kind words from you!
We also really hope that the war will end! This is our only dream at this time!
Only now we realized that all the problems, some cases - these were not problems at all. The biggest problem, misfortune and horror is war! All other problems seem so small.
We will be the happiest when the war is over!
We pray, hope and believe - that we will win this war and remain free so that we can live as before!
You support us very well! I am grateful to all people from all over the world! We appreciate it!
I wish you good health! To you and your family! Be happy!
Best wishes from Ukraine! 💙💛
Just wanted to say I hope you are doing well @yakubenko, considering the circumstances. I pray that peace will come soon.
Hey! Thank you very much! I appreciate your support! Your words, your prayers - it is very valuable and adds strength to all of us!
Nice pictures.
hey) Many thanks!🌼