There were nights when I alone

There were nights when I alone
I had to hold myself tight
while the silence, like a wolf,
howled my fears, and I, brave,
made a shelter for myself with the shadows,
weaving dreams in the gloom.
Whole days, like oceans,
when the mist fell
on my weary heart,
but in the tide of my thoughts
I gave myself courage, I lifted myself up,
with faith forged by hand among the waves.
Afternoons when I had to stop,
look up at the sky, and take a deep breath,
where the clouds were my witness,
and the sun, a beacon in my deserts,
painting the horizon with colours
that reminded me of the beauty of the simple.
I love it. It's very encouraging. Some days I need to read or hear good stuff like this. Nowadays it's become so hectic in my life. As I grew older, the demands are greater and more serious. Which I wasn't prepared for. Now that I know, it truly is difficult to start late. But at least it's never too late.
Valor, respirar profundo y comenzar un vuevo día, alentador poema
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