Bitcoin Hash Rate Recovers to All Time High Value




So Bitcoin hash rate finally made a 100% recovery to its level back in May, after which China's crypto mining ban sent the network's hash rate down to abyss. Before May, China accounted for roughly 70% of the Bitcoin global hash rate mining about 2/3 of the Bitcoin's global supply and Chinese mining crack down caused the network hash to decline to nearly half the May's peak value as more and more Chinees miners kept going dark in compliance with Chinees regulations.

As of now Bitcoin's hash rate is peaking at 191 EH/s million terahashes per second thanks to the steady recovery from July, as the displaced Chinese started resuming their operations abroad.


Recovery in bitcoin's hash rate is indicative of bitcoin community strength and ability to revive even after losing its place of most activity(China).

But the bitcoin mining operations are still not out of blue. Post china's mining ban the miners relocated to territories like US, Kazakhstan and Russia. But these mining friendly territories might not be able to support the future mining needs, as local governments are imposing incremental restrictions upon ever energy intensive mining industry. So, the mining industry is gonna have to switch to greener solutions, inevitably.


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