red fox: 5 Minute Freewrite

Sitting in the armchair was my grandfather Humberto. And in his hands he had a photograph of an animal that looked like a fox. I asked him: "Grandfather, who is that animal?" and he answered: "It is a red fox that I once helped because it was running away. Some men were chasing him, wounded him and he managed to get into my farm. There he hid among some sacks of grass that I had in the storehouse and I discovered that he was there because he was complaining, he was very badly wounded.

As I could, I approached him and gave him some water to drink. As I am an expert in healing animals. I had some drops that were sedative and their action was strong and it put him to sleep right away. I had to pour a few drops in the water and he immediately fell asleep. And I was able to cure him, I sold his paw, I took out a bullet that was lodged in his belly, thank God I had the necessary material and my foreman Macario helped me. The red fox was healthy in weeks. He behaved very well. One day he disappeared and I never saw him again. I only had a nice picture of his face. I asked around the farm and nobody saw him. I would have liked to keep that beautiful and elegant red fox with a fascinating fur and mix of colors. And I said to him: -Grandfather, would you have dared to breed that animal? And he answered me: -Of course I would have tamed it and I laughed ha,ha,ha,ha.


Sentado en el sillón se encontraba mi abuelo Humberto. Y entre sus manos tenía una fotografía de un animal que parecía un zorro. Le pregunté: -abuelo quien es ese animal? y me respondió: Es un zorro rojo que una vez lo auxilie porque venía huyendo. Lo perseguían unos hombres lo hirieron y el logro entrar a mi granja. Allí se escondió entre unos sacos de pasto que tenía en el depósito y descubrí que estaba allí porque se quejaba estaba muy mal herido.

Como pude me acerque a él y le dí a beber agua. estaba moribundo. Como soy experto curando animales. Tenía unas gotas que eran sedante y su acción era fuerte lo dormía enseguida. Tuve que echarle unas gotas en el agua e inmediatamente se durmió. Y pude curarlo vende su pata le saque una bala que tenía alojada por su barriga, gracias a Dios contaba con el material necesario y mi capataz Macario me ayudó. El zorro rojo sano en semanas. Se portaba muy bien. Un día desapareció y más nunca lo volví a ver. Solo me quedó una linda fotografía de su rostro. Pregunte por los alrededores de la granja y nadie lo vio. Me hubiese gustado quedarme con ese hermoso y elegante zorro rojo con un pelaje y mezcla de colores fascinantes. Y le dije: -abuelo usted se hubiese atrevido a criar ese animal. Y me respondió:-Claro que si lo hubiese domesticado y largo una carcajada ja,ja,ja.


This is my entry for @mariannewest and @latino.romano five-minute writing exercise.

Esta es mi participación para el ejercicio de cinco minutos de escritura de @mariannewest y @latino.romano

Thank you for reading

Gracias por leerme


Delightful story! This kind of kindness should only happen more! I currently can't vote because my resources are low but I have reblogged your post.


I'm glad you liked this story and I'm happy to write and create stories. Regards
