The Boys is back! Season four Review(3 episodes) - The Boys está de vuelta! Review temporada cuatro ( 3 episodios)


The new season of the popular Amazon Prime superhero series is back in a new season, and as expected this season brings us back to The Boys, who must face new threats. Join me then for an analysis of what they could offer us in this new season. SPOILER ALERT

On June 13, the Amazon Prime streaming service premiered the first 3 episodes of season 4 of The Boys, leaving the rest of the episodes to be released weekly. And this strategy has already begun to bear fruit since at the end of the third chapter they already leave us wanting more.

La nueva temporada de la popular serie se súper héroes de Amazon prime está de vuelta en una nueva temporada, y como era de esperarse esta temporada nos trae de vuelta a The boys, quienes deberan enfrentarse a nuevas amanezas. Acompáñame entonces a un análisis de lo que nos pudieran ofrecer en esta nueva temporada. No hace falta mencionarlo pero este post contiene spoilers.

El pasado 13 de Junio el servicio streaming Amazon prime estreno los primeros 3 episodios de la 4 temporada de The Boys, dejando el resto de episodios para estrenar semanalmente. Y está estrategia ya empezó a rendir frutos ya que al finalizar el tercer capítulo ya nos dejan con ganas de más.


The plot picks up where we left off, Homelander and Ryan face the consequences of the incident on the street where Homelander, without hesitation, uses his laser beams to instantly blow up his death for throwing a drink at Ryan, his son.

La trama retoma en dónde habíamos quedado, Homelander y Ryan afrontan las consecuencias del incidente en la calle en dónde homelander sin dudarlo usas sus rayos láser para volarle los cesos instantáneamente por haberle arrojado una bebida a Ryan, su hijo.


The line of debate was opened, we immediately know that there are two sides: those who support Homelander and those who are in favor of Starlight, who we will remember from the previous season decided to rebel against Vought and "The Seven".

Se abré la linea del debate inmediatamente conocemos que hay dos bandos: los que apoyan a Homelander y los que están a favor de Starlight a quienes recordaremos de la temporada anterior decidió revelarse contra vought y "The seven"


The surprises do not stop, as we once again see Noir, a super who had been brutally murdered by Homelander in the previous season, because he hid the fact that his father was alive. The return of this character left many wondering if they will follow the comic plot line where some of you will know and if not Spoiler alert: Noir is a clone of Homelander and that is why he never speaks, since they have the same voice. However, the series so far has not remained faithful to the comic, but some believe that they can return to this clone idea. Except that the same series quickly took charge of "revealing" to us the great mystery of Noir's presence and that is that we realize that he speaks, and his voice is nothing like Homelander's to presume that he is his clone. Instead, they give us to understand that whoever is under the Noir suit is an actor trying to fill the space that Homelander himself was in charge of creating.

Las sorpresas no dejan de llegar, como lo es que nuevamente vemos a Noir un súper que había sido asesinado brutalmente por Homelander en la temporada anterior, debido a que le oculto el hecho de que su padre estaba vivo. El regreso de este personaje dejo a muchos dudando se si seguirán la línea argumental cómic donde alguno de ustedes sabrán y si no Alerta de spoiler: Noir es un clon de Homelander y por eso nunca habla, ya que tienen la misma voz. Sin embargo la serie hasta ahora no se ha mantenido fiel al comic, Pero algunos creen que puedan retomar esta idea del clon. Solo que la misma serie se encargo rápidamente de "revelarnos" el gran misterio de la presencia de Noir y es que nos damos cuenta de que Habla, y su voz no es nada parecida a la de homelander como para presumir que sea su clon. En cambio de eso nos dan a entender que quien está de bajo del traje de Noir es un actor tratando de llenar el espacio que el mismo Homelander se encargo de crear.


While Homelander and Starlight refine their political strategies, since we talk about politics we see how Victoria Neuman has just won the vice presidency of the United States. This was her plan since her introduction in the third season, she will be remembered for being the head exploder.

We were also able to notice in these first episodes the connection it has with the spin off series "Gen V" since mention is made of the poison that is being developed to eliminate the supers.

Despite what has already been mentioned, the main plot seems to revolve around the existential crisis that Homelander is facing. It may be super but it still ages. Added to his existential crisis is everything related to the company that leads the group the sevens, we see a Homelander more willing to do what is necessary to recover what he has lost, despite having the love of several citizens for this character it seems not to be enough and he believes that he must get rid of his human part in order to be a true God, just as he refers to the supers.

Mientras que Homelander y starlight afinan sus estrategias políticas, ya que hablamos de política vemos como Victoria Neuman acaba de ganar la vicepresidencia de los Estados Unidos. Siendo este su plan desde su introducción en la tercera temporada, la recordarán por ser la explota cabezas.

También pudimos notar en estos primeros episodios la conexión que tiene con la serie spin off "Gen V" ya que se hace mención al veneno que se esta desarrollando para eliminar a los supers.

A pesar de lo ya mencionado la trama principal parece girar en torno a la crisis existencial que está afrontando Homelander. Puede ser un super pero igualmente envejece. Aunado a su crisis existencial está todo lo referente a la empresa que lidera al grupo the sevens, vemos un Homelander más dispuesto a hacer lo necesario por recuperar lo que ha perdido, a pesar de tener el amor de varios ciudadanos para este personaje parece no ser suficiente y es que cree que debe deshacerse de su parte humana para poder ser un verdadero Dios, así como el mismo se refiere a los supers


It is possible that we are in a season that will explore a little more the emotional intentions of each character involved, on the one hand Starlight and her fight against Homelander and how she must resume her role as a super to have more resources. A-train and his great moral problem with his family, who is very disappointed in him and how he must face the atrocities that are done under the command of Homelander

Other emotional aspects is undoubtedly the relationship between Ryan, Homelander and Butcher, which could be considered a love triangle since between these three characters there are strong emotional ties that bind them, as we already saw in season 3 where both joined forces to confront Soilder. Boy. In this new season it is revealed that. Butcher has only 6 months to live.

Es posible que estemos en una temporada que explorará un poco más las intenciones emociónales de cada personaje involucrado, por una parte Starlight y su lucha contra Homelander y como debe retomar su papel como super para tener mas recursos. A-train y su gran problema moral para con sus familiares, el cual está muy decepcionado de él y como este debe afrontar las barbaridades que se hacen bajo el mando de Homelander.

Otros aspectos emocionales sin duda es la relación de Ryan, Homelander y Butcher que podría considerarse un triángulo amoroso ya que entre estos tres personajes existen fuertes lazos emocionales que los atan, como ya lo vimos en la temporada 3 donde ambos unieron fuerzas para enfrentar a Soilder Boy. En esta nueva temporada se revela que. butcher le quedan solo 6 meses de vida.


And we couldn't leave out our beloved super Kimiko, who is dealing with past traumas to try to assimilate the mutism she suffers from. On the other hand, they surprise us with the fact that Frenchie, our French member, has a homosexual relationship which it seems they will explore throughout the season.

Y no podríamos dejar por fuera a nuestra querida súper Kimiko, quien está lidiando con los traumas del pasado para tratar de asimilar el mutismo que padece. Por otro lado nos sorprenden con que Frenchie, nuestro integrante francés mantiene una relación homosexual la cuál parece que irán explorando a lo largo de la temporada.

The bloody scenes are on point. A complete visceral spectacle with a lot of blood, we expected nothing less from The Boys.

I hope that what is shown in these three episodes is a preamble to the plots that I would like them to touch on more, such as that of the vice president and the mystery of who the new Noir is. And obviously knowing the true intentions of the new member of The Seven "sister sage" whose ability is super intelligence.

Las escenas sangrientas de esta nueva entrega están a la altura. Un completo espectáculo visceral y con mucha sangre, no esperábamos menos de The Boys.

Espero que lo mostrado en estos tres episodios sea un preámbulo a las tramas que me gustaría que tocaran más, como la de la vicepresidenta y el misterio de quién es el nuevo Noir. Y obviamente saber las verdaderss intenciones de la nueva integrante de The seven "sister sage" cuya habilidad es la súper inteligencia.


There are still 5 episodes to be released and we are all eager to know what other surprises they have in store for us. The boys have returned without hesitation in style. Until next time

Aún faltan 5 episodios por estrenar y todos estamos anciosos por saber que otras sorpresas nos tienen preparado. The boys ha vuelto sin dudarlo por todo lo alto. Hasta la próxima

0.028 PAL


I used to get excited about this series, currently I would have to see it to appreciate what new it can bring, its presentación is very good

0.000 PAL

The style hasn't changed much. We still have that union between reality and fiction to take it as a mockery. We must not forget that The Boys is a satire, and we know that they do not hold back when making their jokes

0.000 PAL