


Have you been told about the colorful traditional marriage ceremony of the Ibibio people of Akwa ibom state Nigeria? Just like every other culture we also have our specified marriage right, so if you are planning on getting married from Akwa Ibom Stae this are the things you have to put in mind. Let me guide you through the process that are involved in getting married to an Akwa Ibom girls.

I am from the Ibibio the majority tribe in Akwa ibom state Nigeria.
Akwa Ibom Isongo, Iyai

1. Ndidiong Ufok: (Knowing the girl’s House)
This is what others call the Introduction where the Bride to be brings in Her Husband to be to her parents and family house to declare is intentions. He must come with few of his family members and some special drink for the family of the bride. His proposal maybe declined, but if it is accepted then a second meeting is scheduled to process with the next marital rights.

2.Nkong Udok/Usong: (Knocking of door)
Next, the man comes to his bride to be family again to express is intention of marry their daughter and to get the list for the marriage. The man normally make this journey with the kings men of his family and a few special drinks, the bride price is negotiated to a suitable amount and giving to him to present on the marriage date or any other convenient time. The bride price list is filled with items that will be useful for her parents, family and community.

Some of the items on the list include: Erong anana nnuk( Hornless sheep), ikid (tortoise) Uyai adua( Squirrel), mman iyak (female fish, one stick),inaha iyak(one stick),imin iyak, nice fish, one stick) 6 bottles of Schnapps, 1 jar of local gin, 5 jars of palm wine,25 pieces of yam,1 tin of palm oil,afang,ikon, mmeme(assorted vegetables), ifia oton and other types of firewood, a bundle of plantain, a piece of wrapper, cartons of beer, crates of softdrinks, Esarisa unen( a special breed of female chicken).
Some families are really strict with this.



3.Uno Eno: (To give something)
On this day the husband is to visit wife family to give out all the items on the marriage list pending the day for the full celebration. This stage of the marriage is very important because now the villagers will be involved. The community women and youth openly make a request and the groom and his people must comply before they can gain access to the girls compound.
Once the ceremony start a fake bride may be presented to the groom and his family they are then expected to reject or accept her, if they reject her then the main bride will then be presented to dance to her husband and they both dance to her father. After that the bride may change to her husband cultural attire if there are not of the same culture.



4.Udiong Ndo: (Marriage Blessing)
The master of ceremony (Mc) will ask the couple to dance to both parents canopy one after the other with a bottle of wine, they will then both share a drink as a symbol of love and unity after that the parents with bless them.



5.Udian Ndo: ( Declaration and Blessing for couple )
Both parents will acknowledge the distinguished personal that came around and hand over to the ministers will in turn bless them and declare them Husband and Wife.
Then the food and drinks follows.



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