Venus Trouble : A Freewrite


venus sighed, her mandibles clacking thoughtfully. "You talk of an alliance, Janet, but the dangers are giant. The Galactic Council has strict guidelines against unauthorized contact with human beings."

Janet leaned closer, his voice slightly above a whisper. "The Council's rules are outdated, venus. Humanity has already advanced technologically a long way beyond what the Council comprehends. If we don't act now, they will preserve to take advantage of us as curiosities whilst withholding their own improvements."

venus's multifaceted eyes regarded Janet with a mixture of admiration and situation. "What's your plan?"

Janet retrieved a records crystal from his pocket and slid it across the desk. "This incorporates a complete file on our collaboration with Shem, a human merchant. It outlines the ability blessings of a partnership between people and Zerlakians."

venus picked up the information crystal, her appendages deftly manipulating it. "And Shem? What position does he play on this?"

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