The File : A Freewrite

My app hangs for a while, takes time to respond and then throws this warning.
which react hook was mal-handled like this?
Aswr I no know.
I get this mostly when I type in a text input field.
And I'm using formik to handle the whole thing, no useState or useEffect (explicitly).
check for useeffect o
The kind jobs I dey see for react native these days dey purge me aswr 😑
Yeah your right sha. But tbh companies dey whyne devs for this country ajeh
See ehn jumping jobs isnt bad at all
Take it, get the experience (even if it’s a month) when you get something better leave
The companies head will reset when they see devs leaving within months
Exactly so take what you get for now
Compile the experience then you get something better rather than just waiting for a miracle
Share the full code. Something is running multiple times.
pls does anyone have any idea of a payment processing partner that LEMFI is using
one that allows you to create a GBP account by default and send money from GBP to NGN
the bank they use no get ne?
Please who has handled absolute imports in react native ..X?
No no, trying to create similar app like Lemfi
Allows you to send money from pound to naira
I have an apks file can't it can't open
React app
