Christmas 2021 (A Stroll Down Memory Lane)


IMG_20211225_213117_01.jpg (Back row left to right, me, my mom and my second oldest sister. Front row left to right, my daughter and my baby sister)

My day started out like most days, waking up and just enjoying the quite. There were no gifts to unwrap as my son was impatient and opened them last week after we picked them up.

We had breakfast cereal. Mine was cream of wheat and he chose to have cold cereal. Then we sat around watching videos.

Just before one 'o clock my sister called to tell me she made it to our mothers place. We chatted while mom cooked dinner.

I had my sister on speaker phone because I was looking at something online and decided to switch to video. Then the fun started.

IMG_20211225_213148_01.jpg(My mother in her younger days)

I got to see my mother and she got to see my son for the first time in a long time. She was beyond ecstatic.

My sister was wandering around moms living room showing me old family pictures. I mentioned the two photo albums our mother had and they were brought out.

Even though they were old (pages literally falling apart in her hands) my sister managed to share the pictures with me. I got to see what my dad looked like when him and my mom first got together. He was a handsome man. And my mother was a beautiful woman when she was young.

I got to see again my other sisters when they were young (I am fourth of five girls). I asked my sister what she thought about me getting the photo albums when it was time for mom to leave this physical realm and she said they would be safer with me.

Finally my mother walked out of the kitchen and announced dinner was ready (it is a small apartment with only room for one person in the kitchen and my mother is picky about people in there) so we all said our good-byes and hung up.

Later my mother called back to let me know my sister had left. During our after dinner chat my daughter tried to call her so I called my daughter and we had a three-way conversation until my battery was near dead so we said our good-byes and hung up. All in all it was a good day.


I like your son's attitude, why wait if the gifts will be opened anyways? 😄

Merry day-after-christmas and happy holidays to you and your family!


Thanks. Even though it was a day like most days it was also a day unlike most days where I got to spend time with my mother, sister and daughter who live in different states from me.


That's what makes those holidays a little bit different than other days in my opinion. Spending time with family members which we usually don't see or talk with much.
Other than that, they're all just ..days.

I personally don't "celebrate" anything, but I try to spend some time with family and catch up a bit, unlike other days as you said.



I am glad you were able to face-time with family from far away! I wish you blessings in the coming year! 💜



Hhahahah kids are the same everywhere, ours did the same after touching and feeling if they could guess the presents 🎁

Cool that family is everything and fun with sisters or brothers about old times is the best 😉


Considering our personalities. We are both capricorns but butt heads on everything. Despite that we still manage to get along. 😁


To be honest it wasn't all that great! After all they was only one picture of me in the whole collection if family photos. I was just happy to be able to get pics for sis.
I mean there are only two pic I care about anyway and they are the only two pics I'm in. Family photo and birth announcement!
