RE: TTT - Seasick Steve
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If you are a real blues rocker, you have to have lived through a lot of things before you are able to tell your stories on the big stage. The main thing is not to miss the right moment. 😎
You've definitely reached out right into the giant music box when picking him up!
Looking at him, I can't help but think of ZZ Top - but when he picks up his guitar and tells his story, it's more like Alexis Korner, inspired by Muddy Waters. 😎
Hvala za brezplačno oglaševanje! 😃
Nič ni brezplačno! To bo postalo moj standardni dropplet (tako se v Ecency kliče delček kode ki ga lahko shraniš in uporabič v vsakem zapisu) in vsakokrat te pokliče da pogledaš kje sem te omenil. 😜 Sicer pa, če si kdo to zasluži si to ti. Majhen effort zame...
V zelo redkih primerih se držim tega, kar mi je vedno priporočala mama: "Podaj roko stricu in se mu zahvali!" 😉