Opet Španija, opet more! 🐬🐋🐟🦈🐠 Spain again, the sea again!

Leto u Španiji se nikad ne zaboravlja.😍 Opet priča o jednom lepom i relaksirajućem danu.🤩
Ostrvo Palma De Mallorca. Grad- Palma.

Summer in Spain is never forgotten. "Again, the story of a beautiful and relaxing day."
Palma de Mallorca Island. City of Palma.


Postoje putevi koji prolaze kroz njive, polja, sela, mi uvek biramo put pored mora. 😊
Stigli smo. Baš danas smo videli reklamu za Aqualand. Pogodite ko se najviše radovao? Moja ćerka, naravno! Ostalo je puno sati do posete raznim morskim životinjama, pa smo to slobodno vreme iskoristili za šetnju, ali i da pojedemo nešto ukusno i egzotično.😋

There are roads that pass through fields, fields, villages, we always choose the path by the sea. 😊
We arrived. Just today we saw an ad for Aqualand. Guess who was most excited? My daughter, of course! There are many hours left until the visit to various sea animals, so we used that free time for a walk, but also to eat something tasty and exotic.



Obožavam atmosferu španskih ulica. Divne i moćne boje zidova okupane zlatnim suncem!
Zbog jakog sunca, često možete videti lepršave zavese na prozorima i terasama koje pružaju hladovinu.
Majorkanski žuti kamen je posebna priča. Verujem da sam pogled na njega greje Špance tokom zime. Nekada provedemo sate šetajući prelepim ulicama. Svaka je originalna i posebna.
Krovovi su izuzetno interesantni. Kao neke skulpture. Ovaj krov sam uslikala kao detalj predivne kuće.

I love the atmosphere of the Spanish streets. Beautiful and powerful colors of the walls bathed in the golden sun!
Due to the strong sun, you can often see fluttering curtains on the windows and terraces that provide shade.
The Majorcan yellow stone is a special story. I believe that just looking at it warms the Spaniards during the winter. Sometimes we spend hours walking the beautiful streets. Each is original and special.
The roofs are extremely interesting. Like some sculptures. I painted this roof as a detail of a beautiful house.


Tokom šetnje se ogladnelo. 😆
Hleb koji vidite, u Španiji zovu pituljice. Neizbežan je i prilog od pasulja i zdravih salata. Kaktus na fotografiji nismo jeli, on je samo ukras! 😆😆😆🌵🌵🌵

He got hungry during the walk. 😆
The bread you see is called pies in Spain. A side dish of beans and healthy salads is also inevitable. We didn't eat the cactus in the photo, it's just a decoration! 😆😆😆🌵🌵🌵


Polako stižemo do željene tačke!🐚🐠🐋🐟🦈🐬

We are slowly reaching the desired point! 🐚🐠🐋🐟🦈🐬

C85F9873-116D-48C9-88BC-B33678D3485F.jpeg Džinovski akvarijum!


Na hiljade različitih riba od čijih boja i šara vam zastane dah!
Tu je i gnjurac koji ih hrani. - Mama, ovaj čovek je upao u vodu! 😆😆😆

Thousands of different fish whose colors and patterns take your breath away!
There is also a scuba diver that feeds them. - Mom, this man fell into the water! 😆😆😆



Meni je ova meduza bila najlepša. Savršena! Kakva struktura, svetlost i lepota!
Ali kad vas opeče u moru, promenite mišljenje. 😂
Trebalo nam je nekoliko sati da sve vidimo, obidjemo. Pojeo se sladoled, popio sok i već je došlo vreme za odlazak kući.😌
Bio je to još jedan savršeni dan!

This jellyfish was the most beautiful for me. Perfect! What structure, light and beauty!
But when you get burned in the sea, change your mind. 😂
It took us a few hours to see everything, to visit. He ate ice cream, drank juice and it was time to go home
It was another perfect day!

Hvala što ste još jednom čitali moju priču. Nadam se da ste barem malo osetili ovu atmosferu?
Želim vam lep i uspešan dan!

Thanks for reading my story again. I hope you felt at least a little bit of this atmosphere?
I wish you a nice and successful day!

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.



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