Preening... Good or bad ? My entry - Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 49


'I want a man, not a preening peacock! — Katherine Givens

Excessive preening by anyone is almost taken as a narcissistic attitude by society. Males, especially, in humans, are not supposed to engage in preening constantly. It comes off as a ;self-obsessed' attitude.

In birds, however, this is not so. Preening, is a REQUIREMENT for regular 'maintenance', As we all know, feathers play a very big part in the aerodynamic performance when a bird flies. Feathers which have tangles and knots increase the drag. Such tangles form sometimes due to ruffling as the bird flies in rough weather or due to some substance adhering to them as it feeds etc.

Therefore, birds constantly preen, Out of the many preening bird photos that I have taken, one of the spectacular ones is of a Short Toed Snake Eagle preening its tail feathers.

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Chasing my tail like a dog? Nope. Preening my tail feathers!

I was out for a night of owl hunting (with my camera - not a gun!) and got some great shots of an Oriental scops owl after quite a scary experience but that is a story for another time. This one is about preening.

While returning from the owl hunt, around 10 am on a Sunday morning, nothing much was happening in the world around. Life was quaint in the villages by the side of the expressway I was on. A shepherd was about the only human being I saw up and about, enjoying a smoke...

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I noticed him as I stopped for a water break and clicked his pic, with him looking suspiciously at me!

I continued on my return journey. On an expressway, going at 120 KPH, I had to keep my eyes on the road and tunnel vision set in so, there was nothing else I could observe.

Should have packed the camera in the bag, I thought to myself. Nothing worth photographing will be visible now on this road, said I.

However, nature and God work in mysterious ways...

After about couple of hours of driving, the water break which I had taken started showing it's effects. All that water I had drank, was clamoring to come out! My bladder felt like a water bed - undulating with each bump in the road.

I have to take a break and go water some trees by the roadside I thought. Pulled over and rushed into the ditch beside the road and Ahhhhhhhhh - what a relief!

As luck would have it, I saw this Montague's harrier circling close by and watching me! What a shameless guy, she must have thought as she watched me relieve myself!

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Harrier watching me as I 'watered' some trees 😀

Snapping a picture as the harrier floated around, I noticed some strange bump on the top of a powerline structure, out of the corner of my eye. It was at a distance but when I looked at the bump through my lens, I found this Short toed snake eagle, preening it's tail feathers.

So - that is the story and here is my entry for the contest:

My Entry for the contest

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Information about photograph

  • Aperture: F7.1
  • ISO: 100
  • Shutter: 1/1000
  • Support: Handheld shot
  • Camera: Nikon D500
  • Lens: Nikkor 200-500mm
  • Image format: Photo clicked in RAW and edited for presentation sizing

A big thank you for support

Thanks to c/hive-106444 (Feathered friends community) for providing this wonderful opportunity to present my experience and photographs. Thanks to @barbara-orenya and @melinda010100 for all the support and encouragement to this community. Special thanks to @nelinoeva also for starting the wonderful contest.

Thanks to HIVE for this wonderful platform. I am using the Hive logo in the collage for showing that the image and post is a dedicated HIVE post. Hope that is OK. The burb with HIVE is a graphic created by @doze and free to use as per his post.

Note: All images and collages in this blog are created by me, based on photos clicked by me personally and/or free vector images from Pixabay
Quotes used, if not credited, are either from unknown authors or are proverbial old sayings.

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0.034 PAL


Luck was on your side that day, it's funny how things work out sometimes.

You captured some great pics, including the one of the Shepard.
That one photo tells a story of just how different of a place you live in, compared to where I hang my hat.

0.000 PAL

Yes. Luck does play a major part in nature/ wildlife photography. There are days when you feel - where on earth is all wildlife hiding. It’s a total dry run and on some days, you get an unexpected bonus.
I have lived in different parts of the world during my work career and enjoy the diversity. Will surely take a look at your posts to see your world. Cheers

0.000 PAL

Wow, what a snap. Fantastic. And honestly, you made me smile with your story. 😀

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Thanks. Glad to know that my story made you smile. As usual , your encouraging words will make me work harder on posting even better content

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The perfect moment in time for a short toed snake eagle to appear! Incredible photograph!

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@ninahaskin Thank you so much for your words of appreciation. Yes. I was indeed lucky to be there at the right moment 🙂.

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