Being Watched by BIG BROTHER? My funny take : Daily musings prompted by my wildlife photo


What if your WIFE got the invoice for Girlfriend's present - a diamond ring you bought for her!!

Paranoia you say? Well, may be, but I can't help getting the feeling that I am being watched and tracked every moment. Not by International Spy Agencies! I am no James Bond, or even a Pink Panther type of bumbling cop, to attract such attention from those Spooks. I am a god fearing, pizza ordering, Coke ZERO gulping, Amazon discount coupon hunting, 9-5 jobbing, single spoused, straight laced individual 😅 There is no reason for anyone to take an active interest in my life.

Do they leave me alone though> Noooooooooo It's like 'Big Brother is watching you 1984' !!

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Watching YOU! Collage created by me from my own click

Here is something really weird and real happend to me...

Being watched ...

On a Sunday afternoon, I had nothing better to do because the day was overcast and depressing so I decided to put off my astro-photography plans and do some research instead on what I could photograph on a clear night during that time of the year. I was so lost in the beautiful galaxies etc. that I accidently typed Heavenly beauties instead of heavenly objects!! in google. Then, oh God, all sorts of ladies Pics appeared on my screen!
Just in the nick of time, before lovely better half walked in, I slammed the laptop shut. My better half is very understanding and all that but she would not appreciate my ogling at some heavenly Ass(ets) 😂

It did not stop there. Couple of days after that, I found that all kinds of raunchy beauties started popping up in my instagram feed!

The Ads on google definitely became more biased towards Adult rated.

Damn - all that for one mistake in a google search?? It took me a week of searching for religious stuff, KNOWN sports WITHOUT the reference of BALLS in their names etc. to get my social media feed and ads to near SAFE levels.

Has this happened to you? With smart devices, the internet and devices with SIRI and ALEXA and all always listening, world has become very connected. Could be good but it is also bad ...
I am not too concerned about my privacy. Like I mentioned above, I live an Average Joe/Plain Jain life so the people trying to watch and track me will get bored to tears. LOL 😂

Since it did happen to me, I started extrapolating and thinking of some funny scenarios that could happen if everything was connected..

- I order a pizza - using my smartphone and the smartphone goes, You are not so young any more, your cholesterol levels in your last report are #$#^ (through the roof number) and further, you have spent over 500 $ this month only on junk food - Should you really be ordering pizza? Press Continue or Cancel!!!

Next level -

I send a text message to my secretary asking her to pick up some correspondence from me since I am working from home today - and my smartphone goes " Are you sure - Your wife is already suspecting you of indiscretion (as seen from the transcripts of her visit to the marriage counselor)"

Next level -
I send an email to my property agent for deal on a property and my laptop goes "Your bank balance and current earnings do not support the level of property you are comtemplating. Further, the property in question in in close proximity of a beauty salon frequented by your Mother-in-law. TREAD CAREFULLY"

LOL. I agree - very far fetched but I can promise you, even stranger things may happen to us in future! It's getting to be a very tangled web!!!

We can't run far - Its ALL connected! (Image source)

Here is my original wildlife click of a Crested Hawk Eagle, watching me with it's large eye, that prompted all these thoughts

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Cheers - Have a great day and comment freely to let me know your thoughts on being watched!

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