Enjoying some delicious hamburgers 🍔



Hello a big greeting to all my friends from liketu and hive, I hope you are doing great, we are entering the weekend, I hope you enjoy it.

Well, speaking of the weekend, yesterday I was craving to eat in the street or have a romantic moment with my partner, and then he sent me a message telling me to get dressed up and make myself pretty because he was going to spoil me in whatever I wanted.

Without thinking about it I got dressed up and got pretty, we still did not know what to eat, he told me to choose what I wanted and then I thought of some delicious burgers and fries from a place I had not been before and because I had not eaten them for a while.

When I arrived I chose a delicious crispy chicken burger since it is my favorite with a good soda, everything was super tasty and I was happy that my partner spoiled me, because he knows that eating makes me happy haha and you feel in a calm and different moment.

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¡Espero que les haya Gustado!

Imagen hecha en Bitmoji

Les doy las gracias por visitar mi blog, sus comentarios son muy valiosos para mi.

I thank you for visiting my blog, your comments are very valuable to me.

Me despido, hasta una prĂłxima oportunidad.

I bid you farewell, until a future opportunity.

The translator used in my publication is :Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Todo lo escrito es de mi autorĂ­a @virgi2001

Everything written is of my authorship @virgi2001

Las fotografías son de mi propiedad, capturando el momento con la cámara de mi teléfono Realme 6.

The photographs are my own, capturing the moment with my Realme 6 phone camera.

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