Catarsis: Another Year || My Hive Journey
I'm sad again
This post was meant as a catharsis but @soy-laloreto wont let me post Hive-related stuff on her community so here we are...
Living in Venezuela but not being able to go to the Caracas Blockchain Week for a second year in a row… There must be some pass Karma I am paying because OMG.
Last year
The first edition of the Caracas Blockchain was around the same time last year, and when I learned Hive was going to be present, to be honest I knew immediately I wouldn’t be able to go, why? My kid, he was still breastfed and had never spent a night without sleeping next to me, this type of event is not very kids friendly so, just the idea of taking him with me for a whole week of craziness was never an option and just the idea of spending so much time apart from him was not going to happen.
I made my peace with it, I just knew it was no an option for me and from the start knew I wasn’t going to go.
Last year was HARD, really seeing all the Venezuelans Hiver be in one place and just seeing how prominent Hive involvement on the event was, it was hard and it made me feel like a bad mom too, cause all I wanted in that moment was to get my kid weaning from the boobs and just be done with the breastfeeding craziness to feel free to go to this event I so badly wanted to go.
Every single Hiver I have ever seen from Venezuela was there, it was painful to be the one who missed. Just seeing all their photos, their posts on Hive and all over social media was too much so, I just back aways form my pc and let all my feelings calm down before coming back to check on my feed.
The one thing I kept telling myself was that next year will be the year, that it didn’t matter cause next year I will be going and will be able to enjoy then
This year
🤡 here I was all excited, I had a place to stay, I even had my ticket to attend the event, my kid isn’t breastfed anymore and he is even sleeping on his own bed (still within our bedroom but one step at a time) and I didn’t saw any major thing why I wouldn’t be able to go…
Oh I was blind obviously, blind to the fact I am POOR lol, poor with a broken car who KNOWS when I get any sort of payment and with responsibilities.
To make a long story short, My kid birthday was last month and he wanted a birthday party so we gave him that, after that we had to pay a bunch of stuff, from food, insurance for the kid, internet service and all the stuff that makes adulthood so much fun.
If you have read my post on my other account, know I have been looking for a job as a virtual assistant, and even tho I have had luck, getting a few jobs here and there nothing too long term and nothing full time yet, so that only helps with covering the regular house expenses, I to be honest should have been posting more, but I often go through writers block when it comes to Hive, is like I don’t have any ideas and even worse when I do have them but don’t know how to actually make a post I enjoy and like the end result to actually publish it.
So, as time was approaching closer and closer, I started to realize that maybe this year I wasn’t going to be able to go either, this time money was the issue.
Here is the thing, traveling to Caracas for an event like this from my city involves a series of expenses to cover, like the bus tickets, then have any pocket money in case any emergency in the road, also even tho I had a place to stay needed to have money to move around the city pay any taxis, buses or any sort of transportation, as well as food, not to mention if the case was presented that we were to go out after the events to any sort of place that I would have at least something to actually be able to go and not feel bad cause I wouldn’t be able to even have a glass of water. So, all this mean I needed to have at least 200 USD to be able to cover all, maybe a bit less but just to be comfortable this was the amount I was thinking to be able to go.
Did I have 200 USD to go?
The reality is I did had that amount to actually make the trip, but here is where adulthood, parenthood and all the suck fun out of things hoods come to play, I had a couple of expenses I would be postponing if I actually went and those were involving my kid directly, one of those was to pay for his insurance, the other one was to pay to fix my car.
My Car the sucking money machine I own, has its gearbox in desperate need of maintenance, this involves buying the whole kid of the gearbox and the oil change for it not to mention the payment for the work to the mechanic, this little thing is going to cost us around 300 USD, and is something we have been postponing for a while now and if we continue like that the car will eventually stop working, and this is the main way of transport for my kid, to go to school and to his swimming classes so we cant afford for it to stop working.
Me going to Caracas, would of have meant to take the money I had for this more important stuff and spending it on a trip that was not really a necessity, and I would have been happy probably for a few days and then I would of ended up feeling really bad.
So, here I am seeing all the pictures and videos once again from a hundred of KMs away and wishing I was there.
This time around I don’t feel as bad probably cause I'm used to? Lol I don’t know, this is getting pathetic. Anyways there is always….
Next year????
To be honest never lose hope, I know this year I should have been more organized and should of have a plan from way before and not just wait until the last day to see how do I come up with the money I need to make the trip, also next year I think the car will be in better condition to actually make the trip in it? Who knows but that is the idea.
I have been part of planning and attending a few events for Hive and have been able to meet so many wonderful people already cant wait to actually meet a lot more in person.
Trying to be a part of the process
Even tho I didn't make it to the event, it doesn't mean I don't get to help a bit with the process, on Tuesday the new round of classes for new users begins again and this time is dedicated to all those who were onboarded on the Caracas Blockchain week.
To know more about this, read my previous post:
As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!
Picture Credits: All images are of my property unless said otherwise, the emojis are made with & Icons with icons8
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For Mom life, life style, Cooking & More, please go to @victoria.bsb
Primero, ya se pueden publicar catarsis de Hive en la comunidad. Así que siéntete a gusto 🫶🏼. Por otro lado, me habría encantado enormemente que hubieras podido asistir. Has sido de las que más ha ayudado al ecosistema y mereces estar en Caracas. Estoy segura de que te veremos el próximo año en el stand.
PD. No me olvidé de tí, te guardé merch.
Chama no me dijiste q ya se podia!!! y obvio mas te valia guardarme merch awww eres la mejor!
Hola, se que lo que diga realmente no puede hacerte sentir mejor al no haber podido asistir. Pero quiero decirte de igual forma que muchísimos Hivers que estuvimos allí hemos llegado hasta donde estamos por personas como tú y Natalia.
Al verlos en esas fotos y videos en tu feed piensa en eso, es un aporte gigante al ecosistema que sé que no se va a detener.
Hace un año mientras se planificada la primera edición de CBW los organizadores me pidieron organizar un Side Event de lo que yo quisiera, y por supuesto decidí que fuera de Hive y ellos los organizadores me compraron la idea. En ese panel yo te veía a ti en primer lugar, con Natalia, Sam y Arlette, las chicas, con las que tengo más contacto me bajaron de las nubes porque era imposible que vinieras, y yo soñaba conocerte y arreglar ese escenario de Bitcoin Café para ti también, Ray nos acompañó en el panel y todo quedó genial. Así que, cuando por fin puedas estar va a ser grandioso y yo misma espero ayudar a encargarme de eso con el maravilloso equipo que llevó las riendas tanto el año pasado como este. Así que prepara ese speach que Hive te necesita, nos necesita a todos, pero te repito, nos has ayudado a llegar lejos.