What's Your Question: A 5-Minute Freewrite


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Dante had always been a curious boy. Like most youths, he liked to discover and learn new things, except in Dante's case, this curiosity is on the extreme side. For example, if Dante encountered a problem or a question that he could not solve or find the answer to, he would mull over it for a long time, unable to rest easy.

Typically, this shouldn't be much of an issue as children of Dante's age tended to be curious. Well, usually, that is. But as mentioned earlier, Dante's curiosity is excessive to the point of obsession. For this reason, many of his academy teachers would avoid him as much as possible.

However, teachers have to educate their students and answer questions that confuse them. And usually, teachers would be more than happy to accommodate them. Unless, of course, your name is Dante.

And it just happened that Dante have a question he's been contemplating for days. And since he couldn't answer this question, he approached one of the teachers. But knowing that the teachers would usually avoid him, Dante couldn't use the usual method of approaching and asking them.

So to make sure that they couldn't run away from him, he had devised a method that had been very effective as of late—an ambush.

Indeed, Dante would choose a teacher that he thinks would be able to answer his question and prepare an ambush for them outside of classes. And it just happened that the target of his ambush was a male teacher looking at him exasperatedly.

"Alright," the teacher started. "What's your question?"

Dante smiled upon hearing this, looked at the teacher with gleaming eyes, and opened his mouth to ask the question that had been torturing his mind for days.

Long story short, the teacher had to sit patiently on his chair for over an hour and tried to answer Dante's question to the best of his ability. Once everything was over, Dante exited the faculty office with a satisfied smile.
