My Introduction on Hive Platform (IND/ENG)
Halo, kawan-kawan hive.
Perkenalkan, saya Vandols hadir sebagai hiver baru, setelah sebelumnya juga aktif menulis di steemit. Saya rasa, melebarkan sayap tulisan adalah keharusan. Hive, salah satu platform yang saya pilih untuk pelebaran sayap itu. Menimbang, di platform sebelah saya tidak menemukan lagi komunitas yang cocok untuk tulisan-tulisan saya. Maka mulai hari ini sampai waktu yang entah, saya akan menaburkan sebanyak-banyaknya tulisan di Hive. Aamiin.
Hello hive friends.
Introducing, I'm Vandols here as a new hiver, having previously been actively writing on steemit. I think expanding the wings of writing is a must. Hive, one of the platforms I chose for that wing-widening. Considering, on the next platform I can't find a suitable community for my writings anymore. So from today until the time who knows, I will sprinkle as many posts as possible on Hive. Amen.
Saya memang seorang pembaca yang sangat budiman sampai hari ini. Hive, salah satu platform yang saya akses untuk membaca tulisan teman-teman yang saya kira layak masuk daftar wajib baca, diantaranya; @bobreza, @zeds, @isnorman, @akukamaruzzaman, @my451r, @bookrak, @oviyandi, etc. Saya tidak pernah absen. Kendati sekalipun, saya belum punya akun Hive saat itu. Namun, membaca adalah kebutuhan moral bagi saya.
I am indeed a very devout reader to this day. Hive, one of the platforms that I have access to to read my friends' writings that I think deserves to be on the must-read list, include; @bobreza, @zeds, @isnorman, @akukamaruzzaman, @my451r, @bookrak, @oviyandi, etc. I've never been absent. Even so, I didn't have a Hive account at the time. However, reading is a moral necessity for me.
Selain keseharian saya sebagai pembaca. Saya adalah penyair dari Komunitas Kanot Bu yang sekarang membentuk sebuah perkumpulan bernama; Sarekat Sastra Rakyat.
Apart from my daily life as a reader. I am a poet from the Kanot Bu Community which is now forming an association called; Society of People's Literature.
Saya memang tiada pernah berkerumun dalam antologi puisi bersama penyair-penyair Internasional maupun Interlokal. Tapi saya tetap percaya diri menyebut diri sebagai Penyair, karena saya pikir tugas-tugas Kepenyairan sama sekali bukan soal berkumpul dalam antologi. Saya menulis dan mendeklamasikan puisi tanpa terikat momen. Percayalah, saya bersendiri merekonstruksi monumen puisi yang luluh lantak di tangan penyair senior yang pelan-pelan berpindah posisi menjadi pengawal penguasa, pembisik politisi bebal dan penunggu even dinas.
I have never been in an anthology of poetry with international and international poets. But I still confidently call myself a Poet, because I don't think Poetry's assignments are at all about gathering in anthologies. I write and recite poetry without being tied to a moment. I myself reconstructed the monument to poetry that was destroyed in the hands of senior poets who slowly changed positions to become guardians of the rulers, whisperers of ignorant politicians and watchers of official events.
Saya jelas bukan mantan gerilyawan. Yang kulit telapak tangannya kasar setelah menghabisi sepeleton serdadu musuh. Namun, melantamkan puisi selalu menjadi anjuran kemanusiaan; Bak peluru yang menembus batas-batas kebejatan penguasa, begitulah puisi saya bekerja!
I'm not a former guerrilla. The skin of his palms was rough after eliminating a ton of enemy soldiers. However, chanting poetry has always been a suggestion of humanity; Like a bullet that pierces the boundaries of the ruler's depravity, that's how my poetry works!
Kelak, jika anda menemukan saya tak lagi berpuisi, berarti saya sedang di alam Barzakh, entah sedang tersiksa atau bahkan sedang berbahagia atas amalan-amalan yang saya lakukan semasa hidup.
Later, if you find me no longer poetry, it means I am in the Barzakh realm, either being tormented or even being happy for the deeds that I did during my life.
@bobreza (Kakak), @zeds (Gure), sedari dulu sudah mengajak saya menulis di Hive. Bahkan, terbuatnya akun atas nama @vandol ini adalah kerja-kerja mereka. Terimakasih, Gure dan Kakak. Jasamu, akan selalu ku kenang. Tetwang ih!
@bobreza (Brother), @zeds (Gure), has always asked me to write on Hive. In fact, creating an account in the name of @vandol is their work. Thank you, Gure and Brother. Your body, I will always remember. Tetwang eh!
Begitulah, kira-kira. Semoga dari deskripsi perkenalan singkat saya ini, anda-anda semua masyarakat Hive bisa sedikitnya mengenal saya. Intinya, saya orang yang berkelakuan baik, terbukti dengan saya yang sudah memiliki SKCK. Dan, bila anda masih penasaran dan pengen kenal lebih jauh, bisa DM saya di media sosial saya manapun. WhatsApp boleh juga kok. Love you, all.
That's it, roughly. I hope that from this brief description of my introduction, all of you, the Hive community, can at least know me. In essence, I am a person with good behavior, as evidenced by me already having SKCK. And, if you are still curious and want to know more, you can DM me on any of my social media. WhatsApp is okay too. Love you, all.
Best Regard,
Tetwang ih... Finally you here Bro. Hive On Beibeehhg!!!!
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Hello @vandol! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome to Hive!
We have amazing Communities to expplore or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here. By the way, what was your Steemit username?
Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.
If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.
Hello @indayclara, nice to meet you.
Thank you for visiting my first post.
Also, thank you very much for the information and appreciation, it really helps me to be more consistent in writing on Hive.
as for my steemit account username is @vandols, you can click here:
Welcome to Hive @vandol! 😃 It's awesome how you're passionate with reading and writing poetry, it truly is the soul if literature 😊 What do you think about posting some prose in short form blogging? Hope you find it to be an enjoyable journey into the communities here, warm greetings from @dbuzz, cheers! 🍾
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝
Thank you, brother. Cheers🍻
Yay! 🤗
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Hello vandols
Yes You did it! You joined hive , the blogging platform. So Hi there , it’s nice to meet you and I say welcome.
2022 is gonna be a great blogging year, not on the least because you decided to join!
The beginning can be daunting and the tech language sometimes is nervewrecking but believe me it is do able ! No it’s not a free get rich quick sceam but you can earn if you are committed. It’s a true movement and blockchain, and I love that you decided to join us here. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise.
But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, been here for three years already, still having fun. But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !
There are always scams so also here so you have been warned.
I use Peakd and Ecency to post both are a possibility. Ecency is a website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive. If you are interested for Android download :, for iOS:, for desktop: apps that helps you to connect, and that’s what we do here !
Or join their lovely Ecency discord
And this “ steps to take blog” :
You can also earn to promote and boost your content. Again If you are interested just some extra information in this early start of your journey here! Last is an option too.
Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord, as I said before we help there with problems or questions, for free don’t worry. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, all are in the same phase that might be helpful or reassuring. Newbie exposure in the beginning very important.
Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord the Terminal. Here is the invite again its totally free,
Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie
Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !
Or watch this vlog
Or this blog
You're welcome on board, I wish you a pleasant Hiving experience.
Note Engagement is key growth and visibility on the blockchain, so make you engagement on other authors content.
Also try and post only your origin content, don't copy paste, as plagiarism is fume at on hive.(in case you wanna use someone content, make sure you reference it).
Peace ✌️