
Ephesians 3:17-18

3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
3:18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; Ephesians

The gospel has 4 cardinals and each arm expresses various attributes of God & his relationships with men & the world at large.

At the cause of preparing for this topic, I had to repent from alot of things because the lord began to open my spiritual senses on a rear dimension of his love that is written in scriptures but rear to look upon due to alot of factors, part of which I will be sharing.

Prophet Isaiah was prophesying to nations & saying woe to them that rebelled until he came into an atmosphere where his essence was revealed .


For the first time he identified himself as the woe he as been prophesying, that's of out of many things that happens when the love of God is unveiled with His various dimensions.

The church at large has for long sustained a quota of God's love & the other aspects are shrouded from us either willingly or by ignorance & I believe strongly in my spirit that the lord will make those dimensions available in our hearts.

The first cardinal or arm of the Gospel to men is.



And Paul said in Ephesians that the love of God has height,breath, length & depth and that this kind of love isn't one that can be thought in the class room.


Because it passes all understanding

And he said the only way by which we can understand this love in a measure is to allow Christ indwell us.

And so it mean, a man who isn't bornagain no matter his degree doesn't sustain the right standing to teach you the subject of love as touching life because he isn't connected to the one called love himself.

His quotes might sound logical but the love of God is beyond logic, it's a person.

There are many ways God showed & shows us love...


John 3:16..

Said God gave us is only son as a gift to redeem us from death & hell.

So the first act of God's love towards men after the fall which came through the gospel is love.

It took God to become sin so that you and I could be save by forgiveness of sin & redeem us back to himself.

He tried goat & every other thing, it couldn't work so he left His throne as a God to come & rescue a wicked specie called man who despised his commandments.

Ephesians 1:6-7

1:6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

God saw that men are wasting away & the God life which they had had been corrupted, men didn't do anything to make him come for the rescue, it was because his nature is love & God counseled himself to rescue man.

And even thought it took him leaving His throne to be striped naked by the mortals He made, to be spit upon by mortals that by the snap of his finger He can crash, yet he humbled himself to the death of the cross.

His love for you sponsored that move because anytime he think of you going to end up in pains and anguish someday, he can't hold back.

Whenever he see devil treat you like rag & afflicts you with sicknesses and all he feels bad knowing that you and weak and devil his taking advantage of you so he took on the form of a servant to make sure that you are adopted into that kingly position where you will be free from death and hell.

Isaiah said His face was disfigured & there is no beauty left in Him that we should desire him.

It mean, the king of glory, the one whose brightness cuts across nations & glistering beauty rattles the elders in heaven was made a subject of mockery that even you can't pray that your enemies will be brutalized as that.

All these and more he did just for you, that same you that you boast of, that same you that looks so big that you commonize everyone around you.

That same you that bro Silas only insulted & ever since then you have drawn a big margin, and to cover up for your vain lifestyle you said you will love him from afar.

And this I will love him from afar is the new horse the devil rides on to tear believers apart even the church of God.

How do you love from afar the fellow you have prayer meetings together ?

The brother hasn't done than slight Insult you have enter a covenant of no return to make sure that the gap is permanently there but a king left his throne to die for you that did more than insult.

If you know the gravity of love that was lavished on you, you will seek for peace first.

And because our instructors are blue tick guys on Twitter who have no regard for God they have indoctrinated us with "Relate with those that loves you only, no bad energy".

Meanwhile, Christ adopted you so that you can be the cure for that bad energy of that brother but we have missed it.

We have become so conscious of ourselves that the one who made us.

We are busy looking for who will love us alone forgetting that even you never loved Christ but his love compelled you to.

And now we have built all manners of self-preservative methods that keeps our emotions & massages our egos but crumbles the gospel of Christ.

Yes! there are certain acts from people that you must be very careful of & keep needful distance, but if we should probe them, 9 out of them are wrong reasons.

Matthew 18:15-17

[15]“If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back.
[16]But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses.
[17]If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.

This is the principle to give distance to fellow belivers, if you did not fulfill this act before that distance it means you don't know the love of God & you are as wicked as the fellow you distance yourself from.

It was Jesus himself that recommended that.

Now ask your self, how may people did you reported to?

We have somehow found a way of hiding our wickedness such that even the holyghost is incapable of helping us again


I know the love of God that many of us know is to love them that loves us. Give to them that are good to us.

All these appeals to our self desires & even unbelievers does that.

Bro James is loving sis Anu from afar & they come to prayer meeting and join people to agree on a matter in prayers, and they spoke in loud tongues thundering everywhere, at the end their togetherness ends at the church gate, we are babes and don't know the one who loved us first.

I hope you know, the love you and I have towards God is conditional?

No matter the level of your hunger, your love is conditional, better known as gratitude.

Because you never loved him from the beginning, he loved us first & it was because he loved us that is why we loved him back.

Sometimes if God wants to save a man who is weak in knowledge about him, he uses you who understands a little & he connects you divinely with the person.

But because our definition of love is

He must love me
He must respect my space

He must this he must that, we frustrate the grace of God.


This is not a message of condemnation but an awakening to what the devil is using to tear us apart.

I'm still a man and I will continue to offend you in a measure till death even as I try to improve, you as a matured believer should look beyond my acts and look at the gain of Christ to see to it that I change, that's Christianity.

Nobody is praying for anybody anymore, all man for himself.

We seek for slightest means to pick faults that why our prayers are weak and couldn't do much.

The bible speaking of the acts of the apostle believers said. "they had all things in common, everyone brought what he has to the church to meet the needs of them that don't have".

But today, we boast of who have most and we define boundaries, what a generation.


1 John 3 from verse 1 John exclaimed >>"what manner of love the father bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God.

It's a privilege that even angels who are loyal couldn't get.

Men has done the worse than even the rebellion of Satan yet God insist that he must have man to himself.

How do you explain that a man loves the fellow who killed his own how much more himself?

Job thought of it and said "who is this man that thou hath mindful of him".

Why his your thought so filled with this men, can't you make another entity to replace him.

This same man for the first time made you regret what you did, you have never regretted your actions and never made any mistake but this man made you regret yet you still have your own self to him.

Who is man that thou hath mindful of him?

When you come to the understanding that the all of you is actually nothing, you will take life with ease & be ready to forgive just as the father forgave & still forgives you.

To be continued.
