UN Warns that Arming States Committing Genocide Incurs Responsibility for that Crime Against Humanity


The ICJ (International Court of Justice) has ordered Israel to ensure that civilians are not harmed in their attacks on Hamas, and will rule on charges that the egregious loss of life of innocent civilian women and children, destruction of civil infrastructure by bombing hospitals, schools, and residential structures, and starvation of the civilian population by preventing food, water, medicine, and other necessities from being delivered to Palestinian civilians in Gaza is genocide.

Israel has stated it is not bound by law and can do what it wants.

The UN Friday, February 23 tweeted that countries that aid and abet in the commission of genocide are liable to the lawful penalization genocide incurs.


While this is certainly true, and long overdue, it is utterly ironic that the UN would warn the United States, which has openly supported Israel blindly in it's prosecution of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, and is certainly the specific target of the warning, while itself funding and implementing genocide of the US by streaming tens of millions of enemy combatants illegally across America's southern border.

When courts are politicized and used as weapons the peaceful resolution of disputes becomes impossible, and war becomes inevitable. Just as Trump is using deception and extortion to continue to employ American institutions in sensational election fraud, via blatantly false accusations of collusion with Russia based on equally sensational sexual improprieties and bribes (while he is actually colluding with Israel and Zionazi banksters), on which are based unprecedented surveillance and political oppression of his staff and supporters, and incredibly sensational kangaroo court lawfare in which special law has been created to specifically target him, and adjudicate punitive judgments so immense they are criminal, the UN is using those very same strategies and tools to aid and abet genocide in the Ukraine, Israel, across Europe, and the United States.

Trump has been apprenticed since his youth to the most powerful extortionists in the world, first Roy Cohn, who admitted his professional crimes of trafficking children to powerful politicians to blackmail them on his deathbed before he died of AIDS in 1986, and immediately thereafter associating with Jeffrey Epstein for years. As is standard operating procedure in criminal hierarchies, Trump took Epstein out, having him killed in prison, and today is peerless in the extortion industry after acquiring the Weiner laptop, the NXIVM files, and Epstein's files during his Presidency. The deception and manipulation of the institutions of media, criminal justice, and governmental agencies he has undertaken have gained him a cult of personality unrivaled in history, except perhaps by Hitler, Stalin, and Jesus, and demonstrate superlative skill in being portrayed as the victim of horrifically corrupt institutions rational Americans almost ubiquitously perceive as their enemies, from CNN and corporate media, to the federal agencies like the DOJ, the CIA, the NSA, the DHS, etc., that have been infiltrated and corrupted by the American Communist Party, which retains the name of the Democratic Party today. It's not like the Rino Party is much different, however (particularly in view of the fact that Donald Trump has been a lifelong Democrat until he ran for President, which he stated he would do because Republicans are easier to lie to, back in 1988 on the Oprah Winfrey show (the link is to a discussion on Reddit regarding the disappearance of that video from the internet. The original interview has been edited, and that portion of the interview removed. It cannot be found online, but I am confident someone has saved it in an offline data store that has not been purged for the reason that it isn't connected to the internet. There may also be videotape of that interview. People are offering cash rewards, so if you have it, it's worth $k's).

The outrageous public claims of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari of the WEF that the national and regional governments of the West have been infiltrated by their trained agents provocateur, with the purpose of stripping civilian populations of all wealth and assets and rendering them to captivity in 15 minute prisons, reduced to a diet of noxious simulated foods created by venal profiteers like Bill Gates and Monsanto, and surveilled and policed with a totalitarian despotism and malign purpose without comparison in history, provide the essential backdrop in which the asset management of the majority investors in stock corporations of the world by the Agenda Director of the WEF (and CEO of BlackRock), Larry Fink, dovetails with the complete genocide of European peoples and cultures through invasions facilitated by the United Nations, reduces the orders of the ICJ and the warnings of the UN regarding legal culpability for crimes against humanity satirically farcical and an open mockery of the rule of law underpinning civil society.

The real conspiracies that drove tens of millions of civilians to their deaths and penury in WWI and WWII demonstrate how hapless populations are forced into war, to die in trenches hoping to save the lives of their families, communities, and peoples by their sacrifice, even as are ongoing today in the Ukraine, Syria, and threaten to again engulf the world in brutal conflict exacerbated by improved ways to murder millions, reveal that the same Zionazi banksters that have committed those savage depredations before do so again today. Estimates of the deaths laid at the feet of war profiteers in the 20th Century are >200M people. These democides have been deliberately used to restructure the political forms of governance, increasing the wealth and power inuring to the investor class that presently seeks to implement the final solution to civil society they conceive as no longer benefiting them, because technology has advanced and masses of serfs are less financially profitable than automated production.

This is the real Great Reset those few oligarchs that hold title to the vast majority of paper wealth are implementing, and the public statements of their puppets, like Trump, Schwab, and the rest of the groveling minions that are paid to take the fall if things go wrong reveal that the ~20M dead of the Covid19 jabs already buried are just the beginning of the plagues, famines, wars, and pogroms that will be necessary to reach the long publicly confessed goal of reducing humanity to ~500M survivors. The references to justice are belied by the brutality of the genocidal pogroms ongoing across the ME and the global south, as well as Eurasia and N. America. The laughable claims that equity will be distributed to all are utterly disproved by not only no hint that the sybaritic wealth of overlords will be on that table, but by the demonstrable exponential increase in the transfer of the wealth of the vast majority of humanity to that tiny investor class in these last few years, and the stark promise that 'you will own nothing' Schwab has delivered. The factually insuperable human caused climate emergency (unlike the provable extinction crisis caused by misdevelopment for profit) is demonstrably rendering academia and scientific research utterly corrupt and reduced to irreproducible drivel supporting only the eradication of economic and industrial necessities enabling not only the felicity of populations, but their very survival. Perhaps worst of all, the derangement of generations of our children to facilitate their chemical castration, sexual mutilation, and hyper-sexualization at ever younger ages for the perverse enjoyment of psychopaths delighting in the sexual abuse of children in psychological manipulations and exposure to pornography, sterilizing medical interventions both forced and covert, and grooming by massive misappropriation of government financing literally stolen from taxpayers whose children are being castrated and developmentally disrupted to sterilize and reduce them to sexual objectification.

All the civilian populations of the world are under unrelenting assault through the above-mentioned mechanisms, and many more. Every polity has been corrupted through obvious blackmail (such as exemplified by the Trump organization that possesses known blackmail material which retains functionality only as long as it remains unpublished - and not one probative picture or recording has been published despite multiple convictions of child trafficking extortion rings), every financial institution participates in the counterfeiting of money and all cryptocurrencies that could reduce our parasitic losses are prevented from becoming competent to exchange or transact without KYC that enables targeting of every successful accumulator of independent assets, and all educational, medical, and civic institutions are perverted from their fundamental purpose of serving humanity to instead prey on populations and render them subject to the murderous whims and parasitic extraction of their production. This horrific corruption leaves no polity suitable to enable civilian populations to oppose their subjugation and slaughter. There is no political, peaceful solution to the military, medical, and psychological destruction every people on Earth is being subjected to.

But there is a solution.

Since the advent of centralization millennia ago that has enabled psychopathic overlords to parasitize the production of society by facilitating collective production that requires hierarchical management, whenever a people has faced similar deprecation of political institutions, the only recourse they have had is bloody revolution, because eschewing collective industry and returning to decentralized Stone age technology as a means of eliminating parasitic losses of their production was not economically competitive with centralization, and such Luddism and 'return to nature' movements were inevitably militarily eliminated. Uncle Ted did not present a solution, merely a protest and waste of time. He did not grasp the power of decentralized production to actually provide freedom and prosperity while enabling civil society to not only be maintained, but advanced and increased. Primitivism will cost billions of lives, and do nothing but reset the clock. Going forward to more advanced technology is the only possible solution to our exigency, because ending the monopoly on development by psychopathic overlords enables the vast populations of good, wholesome people that do care enough not to eradicate natural ecosystems, poison their own food, or dump toxic pollution in their drinking water. This is the solution to environmental degradation, and belies the Malthusian claim that human population size is destroying the Earth, because independent production can actually benefit the environment and natural ecosystems. The problems are not population size, but misdevelopment by greedy psychopaths that will commit any atrocity to aggrandize themselves, and do. Ending their rule ends the problems they cause. We do need to eliminate the useless eaters, but the useless eaters are psychopathic overlords and their obsequious minions that only parasitize our useful production.

A new paradigm has emerged due to the mandate of the laws of physics and the maturity of technological advance of industrial production. Today individual households and small communities can themselves own means of production, even so reduced in size and cost that many of them that deliver state of the art products are deployable on our kitchen table tops, in our backyards, or our garages. The legacy massive capital expenditures and huge infrastructure investments necessary to make goods and services not only are no longer necessary for most of the blessings of civilization, but cannot compete with independent producers economically, either quantitatively, through economies of scale, or qualitatively, being suitable only for cookie cutter crap that can be mass produced, while independent producers are able to make bespoke products specifically customized to the precise requirements of their consumers.

Most significantly, security technology is today so far advanced beyond what is necessary to overlords to project force (that requires armed gangs of thugs to force civilians to work in collectives, pay taxes, and submit to policies), that individual producers can in a few days for a pittance produce WMDs that can prevent whole armies from reaching them to reduce them to possession and enslavement. This technological disparity in military power has been prevented mainly through censorship, indoctrination, and propaganda, for these recent decades. However, psychological manipulation and the intolerable oppression requisite to the continued rule of overlords is no longer sufficient. Today civilians are developing and producing their own means of security independently, and the lack of suitable WMDs sold in Shartmart is no longer a barrier to such arms and materiel being deployed against military or police forces.

The deception that has prevented populations from grasping that their own governments are enslaving them can no longer be maintained. As the US Border Patrol has now become overtly a means of facilitating access to financial and material welfare to illegal immigrants, as police become obvious enforcers of criminal depredation by mobs and gangs rather than protecting people, and patriots are expelled from the US military services and foreign mercenaries willing to commit atrocities against native populations replace them, people increasingly arm and defend themselves against the criminals and tyrants that are preying on them. Using modern technology commonly available and inexpensively repurposed for securing their persons and homes, more and more people are printing personal arms and armor, using drones and security cameras to gain operational awareness, and the myriad chemical, EMF, and other means of creating WMDs that render armed meatsacks obsolete as means of projecting force. Increasingly impossible to ignore cheap FPV drones - even made of sticks and childrens' toys - being deployed to defeat battle tanks and carrier fleets, crudely wound electrical pump motors disrupt $B drones and aircraft, and a vast breadth and depth of technological means are available for tiny fractions of the cost of massive armies and weapons platforms necessary to overlords implementing military force on planetary scale.

Since WWII, no professional military has defeated an insurgency. What allows the continuation of institutional control is the psychological manipulation and illusion imposed on populations with increasingly intolerable censorship to prevent knowledge from breaking the spell of demoralization humanity suffers. As technology continues to advance the dichotomy between reality and that deceptive illusion increasingly is unable to be maintained, and more and more people and populations break free to become competent to defend themselves, and eliminate their oppressors. As independent means become more potent and people become more competent to themselves make their freedom, the ongoing advent of the Space age dangles increasingly economically profitable resources before them that are not defended from their possession and development by armies and polities, but only their own incompetence to seize them. The first 3D printed spacecraft was only launched last March, Terran 1, that failed to reach orbit (through no fault of the 3D printing), but demonstrated the orders of magnitude decrease in manufacturing expense attainable by that production method. Two days ago the first privately manufactured and owned spacecraft landed on the moon, propelled by a 3D printed rocket engine. The rapidity of technological advance and the plunge in cost necessary to access the illimitable resources in the vast, barren wastes of space make it impossible that military, governmental, and institutional monopolization of those resources can be maintained.

It is a matter of months, years at the outside, not decades and centuries, before a land rush begins to seize and develop those resources by independent entrepreneurs that will make the Oklahoma land grab look like an Easter egg hunt. The combination of relatively simple and well developed technologies, aquaponics, solar power, and 3D printing will make reaching and claiming those resources facile of execution, and lucrative beyond reckoning. Asteroid Psyche is worth ~$1 Quadrillion. There is no estimate of the value of the hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of Jupiter or the other gas giants, nor the lakes of them on Titan, or the mineral wealth in the uncounted moons, asteroids, and comets in the solar system. The economic value of those resources is simply incalculable, and their development is practically unrestricted by environmental or legal issues. Even as military force becomes ever more impossible to project because of the power of independent production of WMDs, drones, and informational competence, the economic cost of trying to project that force on a diaspora across the solar system similarly renders any institutional control of such development by overlords utterly ridiculous. It is inconceivable that some Space Force can impose hegemony in the solar system on free people within the next few generations, perhaps ever. By then, intrepid sovereigns will have long decamped for adventures and fortunes in parts unknown.

It is overwhelming to look at the brutality, duplicity, and corruption being inflicted on humanity today, but the increasing loss of control that drives overlords to such overt and intolerable means of maintaining their wealth and power reveals their decreasing relevance going forward. There are so many aphorisms that convey the impossibility of the maintenance of the present oppression we suffer, from 'Live by the sword, die by the sword', to 'As you sow, so shall you reap', that I have no doubt our emergence from their clutches is assured, and far more quickly than we can even imagine.

People largely have not realized that the age of centralization and the overlords that utterly depend on it to be able to parasitize our production is rapidly being transcended for decentralization and the restoration of the largely egalitarian society humanity evolved in for hundreds of millennia. But that barrier of psychological manipulation and censorship is crumbling ever more quickly, and the ownership of the means of production suitable to absolute unfettered freedom and inconceivable prosperity approaching maturity is dispersing across the population of the world exponentially. It has hardly been a century since powered transport became available to individuals. The degree of freedom and prosperity that afforded humanity can hardly be measured. As psychopathic overlords have increasingly used ever more atrocious means of parasitizing our production, their increasingly murderous and barbaric use of force reveals the intolerability of their wealth and power more and more. While their cruelty and avarice have only increased, the actual power they possess will only decrease now that the economic dominance of centralization has peaked.

The literal madness of our overlords becomes ever more apparent as they increase their savagery and more of them strive to create secure refuges from our waxing power. DUMBs are indeed dumb. Who sane would believe that locking themselves into a prison separated from our people is a profitable outcome of plutocratic fortune? It is blatantly apparent they're broken, incapable of rational development or enjoyment of benevolent society, being blinded by mere financial increase from a vision of real wealth, of happy society, plentiful resources, and increasing felicity that is glaringly apparent from even this cursory adumbration of the transcendence of centralization mandated by the laws of physics that determines what technology is possible, and what is profitable to employ.

I am sad that so much horror and suffering have burdened humanity in the progress towards paradise we have endured, and that so much that is good today is obscured by evil inflicted on us from the very hearts of our overlords. Though I am too old and my aging body is increasingly incompetent to such development and implementation of the freedom and prosperity potential to us, I am so happy at the certain prospect awaiting our posterity that my mere personal afflictions are all but unnoticed. Every day I live in increasing decrepitude and my faltering steps weaken, I but consider for a moment the prospects of my grandchildren and am moved to tears of joy.

The way is open. Prepare the way for those that come.

0.220 PAL


Give me a fucking break. Dropping leaflets in Arabic telling people to flee and using knock bombs is a pretty stupid strategy to take if genocide or ethnic cleansing were the goals. There's 1.6 million Arabs living in Israel with all the same rights as everyone else. Members of parliament and Supreme Court Justices are Arab.

Ethic cleansing is the plainly state goal of Hamas and other terror groups who will stop at nothing to eliminate the Jewish people.

Read a fucking book you disgusting anti-semite. You should be ashamed of yourself.

0.001 PAL

He covered so much that i forgot that he started with that one! Why not keep the topics separate? Maybe he just needed to state his position on everything. I may be clicking through all those links the next chance i get.

I just read about the US airman who set himself on fire outside the Israel embassy. Sad that reliable information is so rare that we have passionate stances and the passion just doesn't mean anything.

0.001 PAL

I just write extemporaneously. I wrote what was in my heart, and then went back and added links to support my statements. I don't plan posts like this one. Something sparks me to respond, and then I follow my heart. All these subjects are linked and leading to a specific future in my understanding, so I posted it as I wrote it. I provide the links because there is so little good information, and the information we have is being purged, like the statement Trump made in 1988 that explained why the lifelong Democrat would run as a Republican.

I don't take the positions I do for no reason. I take the positions I do because of the understanding I have of these matters, and the links provide support for that understanding.

I appreciate the cogent criticism regarding focus. I'll have to make more of an effort to separate my posts by topic in the future.


0.000 PAL

While the allegation that I am an anti-semite is not unexpected, it isn't factual. Semitic is a language group, including both Hebrew and Arabic. I have nothing against Arabic or Hebrew languages. I didn't even mention them in the OP. You're dancing around talking about language groups which have nothing to do with the 500k dead under the rubble that spoke a Semitic language before they were murdered. Why don't you consider their murderers anti-semites? Netanyahu supported creating and funding Hamas during his entire political career. If you're going to hold someone to account for Hamas, that's who you should hold to account for their actions, because that's who paid for them. Netanyahu is your huckleberry. I never gave Hamas a slim dime. If you're going to call people anti-semitic, the IDF and Zionists are slaughtering people speaking semitic languages. Those are the anti-semites, not me.

Maybe you should quit talking about dropping leaflets and start talking about dropping bombs, which is the real issue. Stop supporting murdering women and children that aren't in tunnels, but are in hospitals, schools, and private homes up on the ground where the bombs are falling. The bombs kill the people that are not Hamas, and are not in the tunnels protected from bombs, but on the ground where the bombs blow up. Bombing people living in Palestine is not attacking Hamas. It's genociding innocent women and children.

All that other bullshit does is distract from the actual mass murder of the women and children that is the actual achievement of the IDF and Netanyahu - exactly what he created Hamas to do. It's just bullshit covering for genocide. You're full of shit you're slinging around to cover for the actual anti-semites that are slaughtering semitic language speakers by the thousands.

0.000 PAL

Sorry, what's the politically correct term for Jew Hatred that you prefer over "anti semite?" I'll make sure to address you properly going forward.

0.001 PAL

Do quote any statement I've made that can be interpreted as hating Jews, or holding them to any standard I don't hold everyone else to. Or, quit pretending holding Israel, Zionists, or Jews to the same standards everyone else is held to is hate. You're just making shit up, trying to play a victim card. In fact Zionists and the IDF are anti-semites, mass murdering semites to take their shit, like any other murderous thugs.

0.000 PAL

Pure fucking slander.

There are 500 million Arabs in the world and the stated goal of the Palestinian leaders is not a two state solution but to implement the "final solution" in eliminating the Jewish presence on earth. You wonder why they built a wall around Gaza? Watch those videos from October 7th the jihadists proudly uploaded to social media. Dropping leaflets and using knock bombs is pretty fucking considerate I'd say, given how determined the other side is to terrorize Jews.

Calling Israel "mass murdering" is fucking lies and slander. They are defending their tiny scrap of land from religious fundamentalist lunatics who think everyone needs to worship their God or die. Civilian casualties are absolutely tragic and it's a damn shame the government of Gaza runs their terror cells from schools and hospitals and snipes their own people who try to evacuate.

If you honestly believe anti-zionism is not anti-semitism (oh sorry, jew hatred, I know you're really sensitive about that) than I implore you to read a history book to see how we ended up here in the first place. Hint, hint, starting on day 1 the Arabs told their people to get out of Israel so they could exterminate the Jews and they ran, but the Israelis won (like the always have and always will), so now the Arabs who fled are stuck without a state. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Meanwhile, the Arabs that didn't run away like all the neighboring states told them to are citizens of Israel with all the rights and privileges that come with that.

You make me fucking sick.

0.000 PAL

Tell me these guys are Jew haters. Zionism isn't Judaism.


You're completely ignoring that Netanyahu created and continually funded Hamas. You're completely ignoring that murdering half a million little kids and their mothers has nothing to do with Hamas, and that the Oct 7 operation was allowed by IDF to proceed for ~7 hours with no response from the IDF - it was a setup, IDF collusion to get people like you to think it was A-OK to slaughter the Palestinian people. You're ignoring that the IDF slaughtered Israelis with tanks and Apaches firing Hellfire missiles when they did respond, and then blamed it on Hamas.

I asked where I said anything about hating Jews. No answer from you, just lies about Zionism being Judaism.

"You make me fucking sick."

You were sick long before you ran into me.

You're a lying, murderous supporter of child killers. That's what makes you sick.

0.000 PAL

Ignore these MAGA and qAnon anti-vaxxers from Deep Dives/Information War "community" on Hive (and their circle-jerking club of mutual admiration). They are known to be nasty Jew haters, Hamas cheerleaders and jihad apologists.
All their cognitively deficient community revolves around conspiracy stories about the NWO Jewish cabal trying to dominate the world (through vaccines, chemtrails, reptilians, democrats, communists/leftists, etc).
They self-appoint themselves as so-called awakened who got out of the "matrix" (and all others are sheeple) because they saw "evidence" on Rumble, Facebook, 4chan, and watched "documentaries" from Alex Jones.

0.000 PAL


You are nothing more than a fascist, little poser, who thinks he knows everything.

You take some of their deficiencies and make a huge generalisations about them when you literally believe every damn thing msm tells you.

0.000 PAL

Thank you for your witness vote!
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0.000 PAL

I am sheepling without analytical skills and cientifically illiterate. Dunning Kruger handbook example of brainwashed by mainstream media (msm), George Soros and Bill Gates.

0.000 PAL

That's an understatement of your worthlessness. Gross understatement.

0.000 PAL

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0.000 PAL

What do you have against the anti-globalization club?😆

0.000 PAL

Let me ask you about your attitude to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict?
Who, in your opinion, is right, and who is to blame for the conflict, and what way out of this situation do you see as optimal?

0.000 PAL

Dear @valued-customer !
I met traveling Jewish Christians and atheists. They were polite and charming.
East Asians like me don't know much about the relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

I felt that Jews were a mysterious and fascinating people!
I imagined that Jesus, Peter, and the apostles would sing songs like that!

I assumed that Netanyahu would turn Gaza into a naval base to keep Syria and Turkey in check.

0.001 PAL

Shortly Netanyahu will be forced to pull out of Gaza, because Hezbollah will stop playing. If Turkey comes in, that will be the end of Israel.


0.000 PAL

Good evening! @valued-customer !

I guessed it was currently dawn in Oregon!

I assumed that Israel would keep Syria, Turkey, Russia, and Iran in check by allowing the construction of a US naval base in Gaza!

I guessed that in the Suez Canal and the Gulf, forces hostile to the United States and Israel would start a new war!

0.001 PAL

It certainly looks like you are right.

0.000 PAL

Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !

Currently, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are worried and anxious that China may start a new war in the Pacific!

So they want the US Navy to protect Taiwan!
I assumed that if the United States failed in the Ukraine war, China would also start a new war in Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula!

I hope you get enough sleep every day!

Thank you for kind answer!

0.001 PAL

China benefits from American involvement in multiple fronts in any military adventures involving Taiwan. Waiting until the US is able to focus it's attention on China would be contrary to China's interests. The sudden withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan, which was so abrupt that the US abandoned >$100B worth of arms and materiel to the Taliban, demonstrates that the impending invasion of the Ukraine by Russia required abandoning Afghanistan that diverted it's forces.

In addition to the flow of arms and materiel to the Ukraine and into Europe, the US today is supporting Israel's ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the West Bank, the suppression of Yemeni Houthis, security of ISIS and Kurdish forces in Iraq and Syria, and a variety of warlords and civil wars across N. Africa. The traditional goal of the US military has been to be able to wage war on two fronts, which the variety of projections of force across MENA and Europe seem to comprise when considered in toto.

The primacy of manufacturing expertise of Taiwanese chip foundries and China's dependence on that industry for it's production of trade goods is likely more fundamental to Chinese reticence to seize Taiwan than US military force, because the infrastructure upon which chip manufacture depends will be destroyed in the event of loss of control of Taiwan by the US.

War is no longer confined to mere violence, as doctrines of total dominance of the entire spectrum of human endeavors have emerged from the successful conquests of Western liberal democracies during the 20th Century. The command and control of polities depends more materially on the indoctrination of populations than mere force, and rather than militarily assaulting Taiwan, China is demonstrably infiltrating millions of 'immigrants' into the US as global geopolitical conquest will deliver Taiwan to the CCP as a side effect of destruction of the US currently ongoing.

Indeed, a significant part of the US population has already been indoctrinated to support the policies of the CCP, which have been imposed as supportive of the NWO being implemented by the WEF, blending all national polities into regional aspects of a global totalitarian technocratic tyranny subsidiary to transnational corporations, quasi-governmental organizations like the UN, WHO, and etc., that in fact is already achieved economically through the controlling interest of ~90% of all stock corporations by the asset management megacorporation BlackRock, under the leadership of Larry Fink, who is also the Agenda Director of the WEF.

As a global hegemony, BlackRock manages regional polities to produce civil, economic, and military initiatives that create desirable results. Populations are being managed by chemical and propaganda mechanisms rather than military force with more manageable affects on environmental and economic downstream impacts to the assets of their owners. Obviously a nuclear spasm of destruction would deprecate the assets of oligarchs, and even conventional war significantly reduces the value of those assets, while reducing the fertility of civilian populations is successfully eliminating opposition to hierarchical control of assets by the generational oligarchy cementing their power over the entire world.

0.000 PAL

Indeed, a significant part of the US population has already been indoctrinated to support the policies of the CCP, which have been imposed as supportive of the NWO being implemented by the WEF, blending all national polities into regional aspects of a global totalitarian technocratic tyranny subsidiary to transnational corporations, quasi-governmental organizations like the UN, WHO, and etc., that in fact is already achieved economically through the controlling interest of ~90% of all stock corporations by the asset management megacorporation BlackRock, under the leadership of Larry Fink, who is also the Agenda Director of the WEF.

As a global hegemony, BlackRock manages regional polities to produce civil, economic, and military initiatives that create desirable results. Populations are being managed by chemical and propaganda mechanisms rather than military force with more manageable affects on environmental and economic downstream impacts to the assets of their owners. Obviously a nuclear spasm of destruction would deprecate the assets of oligarchs, and even conventional war significantly reduces the value of those assets, while reducing the fertility of civilian populations is successfully eliminating opposition to hierarchical control of assets by the generational oligarchy cementing their power over the entire world.

Dear @valued-customer !

Your arguments are shocking!
I understood that you claimed that the WEF dominates the US and China!😨
I will prepare a response after translating your arguments!
Thank you for kind answer!

0.001 PAL

"...you claimed that the WEF dominates the US and China!"

You understand correctly.


0.000 PAL