Ukrainian Genocide


Ukrainian rightists burn alive 39 at Odessa union building.jpg
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Since before the Russian SMO/invasion we that peer behind the curtain of propaganda have stated that the Ukrainian Zionazi weaponization against Russia was war waged to the last Ukrainian. The purpose of sending Zionazi forces in the Ukraine weapons was to genocide the population of the Ukraine.

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It is demonstrable that this process is now complete. The fighting men of the Ukraine are dead or fled. The Ukraine is unable to hide trenches full of dead Ukrainian women that were sent to the front, or video of a pregnant Ukrainian surrendering. The propagandists admit the average age of their troops is 43, but the truth is obviously more like 54, which you can see for yourself in this video from the Grayzone.

If you bought the propaganda, if you drank the koolaid, if you plastered a Ukrainian flag on your Twatter and believed there weren't Nazis funded by Zionists at the core of the Ukrainian pretense of government couped into existence by the CIA in 2014, you were used to genocide the Ukrainian population. You can't do anything to change that.

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But you can learn from it. Let the weight of half a million dead Ukrainians push the lying Zionazi propaganda away from you. Peer behind the curtain to see who is pulling the levers, and how they have manipulated you to get you to betray the very principles and people you intended to support. They lied to you. They intended to trick you into thinking you were supporting freedom fighters when you were sending money to Zionazis that burned people alive, sniped cops and protestors alike during the Maidan, and bombarded kindergartens in the Donbass with the help of John Kerry, Joe Biden, Victoria Nuland, and John McCain. This is the truth behind the Obama Nobel Peace Prize. Genociding the very people you wanted to help.

These same people, the same institutions and media, are being used to start a global war using Israel in the ME. They're telling the same kinds of lies, and committing the same kinds of crimes, for the same global investors in BlackRock that control the corporations of the world, the same corporations that turned Occupy Wall Street into BLM, Antifa, and have pushed LGBTQPIA+ crap into kindergartens and a massive flood of immigrants/invading military aged men from the ME where Israel is radicalizing them with white phosphorus munitions.


The information available from Grand Theft World, the Last American Vagabond, and the Grayzone is the antidote for the delusional propaganda koolaid that has been used to get you to support the very opposite of policies you wanted to support. If you don't want to support the massacre of innocent children that is ongoing right now, you have to understand that liars are lying to convince people that do not want to massacre children to support the very forces that are massacring those children.

The Capitol Police that were controlled by Nancy Pelosi on Jan. 6th when they escorted the protestors through the Capitol Building and then falsely testified they were fighting an insurrection are now controlled by AOC and the Squad, and being used the same way. The DNC and Biden aren't freedom fighters preserving democracy, truth, and justice. They're the destruction of them. OTOH, Trump and the Rinos aren't freedom fighters either. They're exactly the same. The only difference is rhetorical. The Republicrats are the Demoblicans. Controlled opposition is the key to koolaid, to the propaganda that has been used to get you to send financial support to defend the Ukraine that actually genocided the very Ukrainians you wanted to defend.

Trump is demonized by the lying media. People that do not understand controlled opposition do not understand that the media know you know they're horrible liars, and screaming that Trump is the enemy is recommending Trump to the people that realize the media are the enemy. This is how controlled opposition works. This is the truth of the uniparty that wins every election, no matter who wins the election. The enemedia don't give you an option that isn't controlled. There isn't an uncontrolled opposition - except you and me. Jeffery Epstein made sure of that, and your enemies don't tell you who his clients for child prostitutes are because it's them. That's why we'll never see the client list. All the opposition are bribed, blackmailed, or bamboozled. The only opposition the enemedia will tell you about are controlled opposition.

Hamas is the creation of Israel. The genocidal maniacs are both sides of the conflict, and the civilian population is the target. Just like the Ukraine. Just like the West. The solution isn't voting harder. BlackRock and the WEF have sabotaged our governments in order that we will not have a choice to reform and save them, so that the NWO can take over when we find our corrupt governments intolerable. The NWO is not the solution to the problem of government corruption. It is the problem. They create the problem - intolerably corrupt government - to produce your reaction - outrage and rebellion - and then offer the solution - a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny they lie and claim will be freedom, prosperity, and peace. They say they will bring freedom but surveil our every move, eavesdrop on our every word, as if we were tagged cattle. They say they will bring prosperity, but herd us into camps where we will be kept like laying hens in battery cages for their profit, until we are so ill from the medical experiments they inflict on us we choose MAID to end our suffering. They say they will bring peace, but bring violence at every hand, wars, riots, and terror pouring over our borders. The solution will be worse than the problem they have created. There is no where to flee a global tyranny.

Freedom and independent means is the solution to slavery and dependence on overlords. In every field of industry today, decentralization of the means of production is the cutting edge of technological advance. Free men will make the freedom and prosperity the advent of the Space Age enables humanity to create and leave a legacy to our posterity, that they will enjoy in absolute freedom in perpetuity. It won't be easy to defeat the NWO, to outcompete BlackRock and the captive corporations of our enemies. Psychopaths will commit any atrocity to gain the power over us that is their only purpose in life. Centuries of careful preparation, study, and accumulation of wealth is against us.

We will win anyway. Independent means are at hand. Production of modern goods and services are today available that will fit on your desk, on your kitchen table, in your garage, and on sunny windowsills. Seize the day, and the means of production, and create the freedom and prosperity you intend to enjoy - because our enemies will not deliver them to you, and do lie to you to make you think they will.

You are the saviour you're waiting for. You are the freedom you need. You are the future we will leave to our children, and now is the time to learn from the past to create the paradise our posterity will enjoy in perpetuity.

0.090 PAL


It is demonstrable that this process is now complete. The fighting men of the Ukraine are dead or fled. The Ukraine is unable to hide trenches full of dead Ukrainian women that were sent to the front, or video of a pregnant Ukrainian surrendering. The propagandists admit the average age of their troops is 43, but the truth is obviously more like 54, which you can see for yourself in this video from the Grayzone.

Dear @valued-customer !

Did you claim that Russia won the war with Ukraine?😯

If you bought the propaganda, if you drank the koolaid, if you plastered a Ukrainian flag on your Twatter and believed there weren't Nazis funded by Zionists at the core of the Ukrainian pretense of government couped into existence by the CIA in 2014, you were used to genocide the Ukrainian population. You can't do anything to change that.

Do you claim that the CIA started the war in Ukraine?😧

0.000 PAL

Ukraine oppressed the minorities (for example the Hungarians) for years. And now even Hungarians living in Ukraine are fighting and dying in the Ukrainian-Russian war. The war should be stopped. Innocent people are dying on both sides. Both Ukrainians, Russians and even Hungarians too.

0.000 PAL

Yep. I don't think the war should have begun, but no one asked me.


0.000 PAL

Innocent people are dying on the ukrainan side only. Minor difference.

0.000 PAL

There are innocents in Russia (and in every other country) too. They are dying for their political leaders. Most people go to war, because they have to. And not because they would like to.

0.000 PAL

Nazi's defense 'just following orders'. We are all humans, we have a choice.

0.000 PAL