The Real Reason for the Jabs


From the Brownstone Institute.

"Note on redactions. In both Moderna and Pfizer’s contracts many areas are redacted indicating a reason for redaction – the “redaction codes.” Redacted content has been given codes b (4) and b (6), standing for:

"(b) (4) Disclosure of information that would affect the application of advanced technology in a U.S. weapons system,


"(b) (6) Disclosure of information, including information of foreign governments, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States."

These are the reasons cited for the redactions in the contracts between the DOD and manufacturers Moderna and Pfizer.

These are biological weapons. They are not 'vaccines'. They were never even tested for their efficacy as vaccines. They were never intended to provide such efficacy. The SARS2 virus was created in labs in order to produce a justification for the forced injection of the bioweapons into populations.

This was done for military purposes. All of the health departments, academic journals, transnational organizations, governments, and the enemedia served the military, not public health mandates. These are acts of war.

The plandemic has been, and is, an ongoing coup globally replacing civilian government with a military junta serving the banksters of the WEF.

IMG source -

"Transcript of Karen Kingston October 20, 2021 Report on Plasmid DNA in Pfizer mRNA ‘Vaccines’

"... I just want to be clear that this does change your DNA.”

Plasmids are used to transfect DNA into cells. They are devices that insert foreign DNA into the nuclear DNA of living organisms. They were in the jabs. If you got jabbed, the plasmids inserted DNA into your DNA. If you got jabbed you are now a GMO.

You have been genetically modified without your consent.

In all jurisdictions I am aware of, genetically modifying people without their consent is a crime against humanity, and when committed as an act of war, it is a war crime. When committed against entire populations, it is the war crime of genocide. Every country, every organization, every enemedia propaganda piece, that has participated in pushing these jabs into arms has committed genocidal war crimes against humanity, and you personally.

The WEF, the comptrollers of the economy of the world, have paid - corrupted - for this coup.

By law, as Monsanto established by pollinating neighboring farms with it's patented DNA, if you have patented DNA in your cells, you are the property of the patent holders. Property does not have rights. If you can prove you have been criminally genetically modified, you no longer have standing to sue, because you have become private property of the patent holders.

It is possible you can regain your sovereign status and human rights under law, if you can establish adverse possession. I believe it is seven years (IANAL. Do not rely on my recommendations or understanding to secure your rights). If you establish adverse possession of you for seven years, you will regain title to yourself. You are squatting in your body.

I believe it is necessary to establish the date of adverse possession in order for that seven years to begin. I do not think it wise to rely on the wisdom or common sense of the courts, for obvious reasons, to determine the date of adverse possession began on the date you were jabbed. I recommend that you inform the patent holders that you possess their property and will exercise your ownership of it against their will.

Dr. David Martin has extensively researched the patent trails involved in the runup to the plandemic, and you can find out who owns you from him.


Do you know of any good sources for learning more about the process of establishing adverse possession? Nothing in here strikes me as particularly far-fetched, so it seems it would be wise to at least investigate what you’re suggesting. I’ll look into this on my own as well of course, just wondered if you had any good resources already locked and loaded.



I wish I did, but I don't. I suspect such legal principles are operant in most civilized countries, but I am unaware of specific statutes regarding these principles even in my jurisdiction.



You have been genetically modified without your consent.

Because "nobody made you do it" (while being pressured to do it or loose your job, or can't participate in society, or can't travel), there is "implied consent" when offering the arm. According to their evil perspective, once a person gets in line and offers the arm, whatever mechanisms they use to "vaccinate" a person is fair game. That's why they changed the definition of the term "vaccine" and "vaccinate" and "vaccination", since what was injected wasn't a vaccine and people injected are not vaccinated.

I am happy to be non-gmo, although it may be difficult in a world of mutants.


I hope you and I are both non-gmo, but I am not certain. Numerous claims are currently being made that these biowarfare agents are being introduced in food, and I recently had a d-dimer test that showed elevation of clots in my blood. While I am unjabbed, I may in fact be dying, and as the spike protein is known to elevate clotting, that is one potential source of my elevated d-dimer test results.

"..."implied consent"...

According to the Nuremberg Principles, and law in every jurisdiction I am aware of (IANAL), informed consent is necessary for participation in medical experiments. I am also certain that in all civilized nations it is a crime against humanity of genocide to inject biological weapons into civilians. It is certainly criminal to do so to soldiers, and even more so civilian non-combatants, and particularly children, whom they have seemed most avid to inject these biowarfare agents into.

Every post could be my last post, so I exhort you, and everyone that reads these words, to investigate and oppose their subjection to biological warfare and the imposition of such governmental control as may be ongoing.



I am not certain

Yes, that is a concern. We've been experiencing some odd sicknesses too and we have to wonder if these spike proteins are shedding (by design) and effecting us, then there's the food, are chickens and cows getting jabbed?

the spike protein is known to elevate clotting

Look up suramin, an anti-parasitic compound found in white pine. Interseting that anti-parasitics seem the most effective treatment for both the sickness and the supposed "cure". Also baby aspirin to help with blood clots, can save a life.

informed consent is necessary for participation in medical experiments.

Yes, implied consent to administer a bioweapon is clearly a war crime. It does go against the Nuremberg treaty, at the height of the jab campaign we printed it out and kept it on hand.

it is a crime against humanity of genocide to inject biological weapons into civilians

No question. It's so audacious that anyone who suggests it must be a crazy conspiracy theorist. For a crime against humanity, they'd better have some sort of "plausability" that it wasn't intentional. But it was intentional.

particularly children

It's interesting that most people drew the line with children. Adults who "got in line" were generally acceptable, but children... people draw a line with children.

they have seemed most avid to inject these biowarfare agents into.

The most sickening is the phrase "protecting our most vulnerable", the word "protecting" as a euphemism for "injecting".

investigate and oppose their subjection to biological warfare

Absolutely, I can't help think that this was a one-time shot (pun intended), they know that once the effects are realized, the campaign is over. It's on to the next crisis/lockdown, probably radiation from the cities going boom, better put those masks back on.


I cannot thank you enough for the information and links to medical means of mitigating the spike protein. I do very much appreciate your kindness and help.


It is my pleasure and I appreciate your frankness on this topic, we need more of that.


These are biological weapons. They are not 'vaccines'. They were never even tested for their efficacy as vaccines. They were never intended to provide such efficacy. The SARS2 virus was created in labs in order to produce a justification for the forced injection of the bioweapons into populations.

Dear @valued-customer !

Do you mean that vaccines are made for the purpose of reducing the world's population?


No. I do not know the military purpose the jabs were intended to produce. I suggest it is likely that adverse effects were known about, but that whatever purpose the military had for introducing these biowarfare agents was militarily desirable enough to disregard those adverse effects.

I believe the deaths, illnesses, and sterilization were collateral damage in a military operation conducted for purpose(s) that remain classified by the junta that is conquering the world.


The situation is certainly escalating.

I think a lot of what you said is complete bullshit.
Like focusing on 7 years and thinking that people will somehow be legal slaves under patent law.
Although I will admit that it's fun to take a look under the hood as it were in this regard and then proceed to apply it to the current situation.

So why are they altering DNA like that?

What could possibly be the reason for it?
I'll tell you the reason.
It's so that humans can become compatible to merge with technology and AI.
The hivemind commands it! (how ironic)
Even if 90% of the test subjects die the 10% that survive will be more than enough.
90% would be pretty good actually.

Of course I made all that up so there is that.


Got interrupted while writing this... but what I meant to say is that the other day I had this crazy feeling like I was just going to keel over and pass out. Felt like I was being blood-choked and needed to tap out before losing consciousness. I also witness others having strange issues. So that's fun.


I very much appreciate your forthright criticism. I am very aware I am an infinitesimal speck of obscene glop, and any expectation that I am competent to understand anything is insuperable hubris. However, I am what I am, and speak my understanding as I am able.

"...people will somehow be legal slaves under patent law."

In the USA, slavery has not been abolished, but is allowed under the exception in the 13th Amendment as punishment for crime. This establishes that slavery is not unlawful by virtue of the human rights ascribed to humanity (which I strongly dispute), but is merely prohibited as a means of promoting our general felicity, instead.

The courts have to decide whether living creatures are property of parties disputing that ownership, and have ruled in favor of patent holders, even when such patented DNA was possibly inserted into those creatures by subterfuge or accident. They have decided that the inclusion of that DNA is a fact, and the ownership of those patents is a fact, and is the ultimate factor in deciding the ownership of those creatures as a matter of law.

I invite you to address what legal principle might oppose my expectation that people are the property of the patent holders of the DNA in their genes. If you can support your disagreement with my interpretation I would be very grateful to be proved wrong. Merely stating you disagree without some reason for that disagreement does not provide useful information I can understand to change my mind, and if I am wrong I want to change my mind and become right. Please, be kind enough to prove me wrong if I am.

"...I made all that up..."

I note there is a chain of reason that can be formulated to support that argument present in the evidence and public record. While your formulation of it is novel, I do not agree you have simply fabricated it from nothing. I have shied away from speculating on the purposes of the military that is demonstrably undertaking these actions, which is voluminously evident in the public record, and restricted myself to noting their public statements of purpose.

The Great Reset is not theory. You can buy the book.

