The FBI Committed the January 6 Crimes Protestors are Paying the Price for


From Ray Epps to the Shaman the Capitol Police escorted on a private tour, the USG had hundreds of operatives in the crowd of protestors. The entire event was a federal government operation.

Jimmy Dore has reported on Odysee that the Department of Justice alone had at least 40 CHS (confidential human sources) in the Proud Boys, while the FBI had another 8. That's just in the Proud Boys. The Secret Service had 'between 100 - 200' undercover operatives in the crowd. There were surely many others. Pic related shows that >11k hours of video of the crimes committed by undercover operatives is being concealed.

IMG source - screencap from Jimmy Dore Show report

The FBI is retaliating against the whistleblowers that are revealing that federal, state, local, and other, as yet unnamed organizations, politically aligned and tasked institutions, had hundreds of operatives in that crowd. Jimmy Dore said he'd bet there were more than 1000.

The question arises as to whether there were actually any organic protestors there at all, or was the entire event a coordinated multi-agency operation to provide casus belli for political attacks on Donald Trump, and the rights of American nationals? Other than Ashli Babbit, whom was shot and killed by Capitol Police, of course.

Recall the ridiculous story Cassidy Hutchinson told about Trump violently assaulting the armed security and chauffeur of his limousine, claiming he tried to commandeer the vehicle to the event. The blatantly false story was testimony under oath, the Secret Service personnel present in the limousine flatly denied it, yet no perjury charge has been made.

There have been claims that Nancy Pelosi 'ran' the Capitol Police, who are shown opening the doors of the building to the feds posing as protestors and escorting them around on video that the investigating committee has attempted to prevent Americans from seeing, but that was obtained by Tucker Carlson and aired while he had a show on Faux. When you search for Pelosi and Capitol Police, the fact checkers are all the first hits, loudly (and obviously implying falsely that politics didn't pervert that process) pointing to Congressional political mechanisms through which control is specifically effected. However, it is very well known that the Speaker of the House wields influential political power, and it was widely known that Pelosi did control the Capitol Police by folks associated with the matter.

The obvious promotion of the fact checking cointelpro agencies by Goolag shows that this is disinformation. Whatever they deny is the truth, because that is their job: to deny the truth.

Not only are the prosecutions of the members of the protest that weren't agents provocateur horrifically overcharged, and the sentences outrageous for the hapless people intending to exercise their Constitutional Right to petition government for redress of grievances, that were swept up in a government cointelpro operations, but they are being politically abused in order to radically excise from the American people that right to peaceably assemble and petition government.

Kangaroo courts are simply one aspect of what were kangaroo protests, ginned up by the spooks that also treasonously censored Americans' speech using social media corporations as their proxies, that themselves were founded by spooks using InQtel funds from the CIA.

This has gone far beyond mere propaganda that Obama authorized to be used against the American people. The Jan 6 cointelpro operation is of extraordinary importance to Americans today, because it demonstrates that Americans are under psychological and political attack by their own government. The FBI whistleblowers are being persecuted in a vain attempt to prevent us from being informed about that treasonous war being waged against us. Much like Julian Assange has been tortured and held captive for more than a decade for the very same reason, of daring to tell Americans their government was waging illegal war, and criminally slaughtering civilians and journalists.

The most obvious traitors have exposed their treachery during Congressional investigations into these several matters, the Twitter files, the January 6 hearings, and Julian Assange, amongst others. The FBI whistleblowers are enduring terrible persecution for telling us the truth, just as Assange is being tortured today for the same thing. They stepped up knowing full well what has been done to Assange, knowing what to expect. That doesn't only show that they're heroes. It shows they had to do it, despite the persecution they would face.

They know if they don't reveal this we'll lose the war.

If we don't prosecute and hang traitors Americans will be prosecuted and hanged instead. Ashli Babbit was murdered by cointelpro conspirators committing treason against the American people. American children have been deliberately assassinated by drone strikes without any hints they had committed a crime. The FBI, DOJ, and CIA have been shown to interfere in elections, and the election for President in 2020 is blatantly fraudulent, installing a non compos mentus Pretendent whose career of influence peddling and corruption is documented and implemented by USG agencies that have become organized crime. The Jan 6 protestors are being persecuted for their freedoms, not prosecuted for the mafia's crimes. The FBI whistleblowers are laying their necks on chopping blocks to save your freedom, and perhaps our childrens' lives.

The IRS has dismissed the investigating team that was auditing Hunter Biden. ~90k new IRS agents are being armed with BILLIONS of rounds of ammunition.

Americans are under attack, and the truth is only the first casualty in war. We may have worried about lead in our water, but now we have to worry about lead in our heads. They killed Ashli Babbit knowing the crowd behind her was full of cointelpro operatives, and they were going to let people into the building. She was assassinated for political purposes. Our enemies are more than willing to kill us all.

The treason of American government officials has long permeated the federal government, and since the assassination of President John Kennedy has continued to infuse that sickness into the halls of political power, degrading and destabilizing America. Now the federal agencies are openly conspiring and colluding to attack our freedom, our health, and our very lives. They're massively arming with weapons of war, and provably waging acts of war against Americans.

Remember at all times that your phone is a surveillance device, and your enemies are always listening, even when it's off. Do not speak of confidential matters where any phone is, and not over phone calls. Talk to your neighbors. Find out if their friends or enemies. Don't confront them. Just find out who they are.

Find out who you can trust. Remember that there are good people everywhere, despite traitors in leadership positions. I won't be posting to point out ways to produce food, power, or goods and services we need, because I'm old and won't last long. Learn how to get the things you need from people local to you, and how to make things they need you can trade for what you need.

We are being attacked, and those attacks are acts of war. Traitors run governments, corporations, and many institutions. It's going to get worse. Get your kids out of public schools. They're not educational institutions anymore, but indoctrination camps. We can't win by running away and burrowing in bunkers innawoods. We need to create strong and productive communities that can sustain our lives during war. It's better to have grandma at your back than be alone no matter how well armed. You have to sleep. Loners get picked off easy. Be part of a group of neighbors, and move if you have to do that.

You will have to fight for your life and freedom. Prepare.

0.081 PAL


I rarely read the news of hear reports unless it's something big that friends post on FB. Ha! My husband usually follows what is going on in the US and watches a lot of independent people on YT to get his information. We realized a few years ago that the media lies and covers stuff up. Even the news here in Panama is biased, but we don't watch it either. One of the reasons we left the US was we could see that things were getting worse and we knew that it would be easier to be "free" from everything if we weren't in the middle of it. It would be easier to prepare ourselves and our kids and for our future if we weren't in the culture there, so we made the move. It has been a great 6 years we have been here...and we are planning a trip back this summer which I really am dreading in a few ways. Ha! Some of the stuff might try to burst the bubble we are in. ;)

0.000 PAL

I well understand the need to prepare your children for the future that inevitably approaches. I have raised my sons, and am at liberty to stand on the wall that defends the hills I cannot abandon. In my circumstance there is not benefit to me of dislodging from my network here, but only benefit from remaining integral to it.


0.000 PAL

Yes, I totally understand your perspective as well!

0.000 PAL