Sovereign Man - America is becoming too broke to fight


IMG source - Anonymous

Simon Black is a freedom centered advocate for financial independence. I have been following his blog, Sovereign Man, for some time. I am deeply concerned about the subject of his post today, because it is accompanied by the US military using trannies for recruiters, booting soldiers smart enough to not submit to the jabs from service, and increasing evidence that it was the US military that was the primary reason for the plandemic and the disastrous mRNA - supposedly - jab program in which not one subject was capable of informed consent.

Black mentions that only the reserve currency status of the dollar underwrites the continual overspending and waste of government money, and that status seems to be ending. He points to a recent training exercise for an elite force that had to be canceled because of the abysmal state of disrepair of equipment necessary to that exercies, and that our enemies noticed.

Losing reserve currency status will be unbelievably bad for Americans, already facing constant financial assault by oligarchs seeking to destroy the middle class and end the American dream. If our military forces cannot defend us because of that same financial collapse, the hardship of economic disadvantage could be multiplied by the horror of war.

Whether you're comfortable financially or not, in fact, particularly if you're comfortable, I strongly urge you to carefully pay attention to these ongoing developments. At least, if you intend to remain able to eat daily.


Third party risk is off the charts.
Unless you have assets in your own possession, you likely won't be able to get them when the balloon goes up.
Tell your friends.
If they won't do anything else, get them to hoard their change.

At the point that the rubber meets the road money is nearly irrelevant.
Skills will be the coin of the realm.
Production and distribution of goods will be the main concern.
Presuming we want produced goods distributed.
80% of us won't be here long after the factories and trucks stop operations.


They cancelled government mandated vaccines a couple two, three days ago, including requiring hospitals receiving federal funds to get doctors/nurses vaccinated.


I am glad more folks are not living under a sentence of intolerable interference in their lives.



Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think the USdollar will lose its status as the world's reserve currency?😦


I am certain it will. I cannot see how the WEF can meet it's goals otherwise, and I see no reason to doubt that ilk mean what they say when they say we will own nothing. They mean to make money be something else than a store of value with CBDCs. The dollar obviously cannot be a reserve currency in a functioning global market for the very definition of money to change to CBDCs.


What do you think will be the new reserve currency replacing the US dollar?


I don't care. The world is on fire, and we are the fuel. I am a dying man, soon to be ashes and fuel for the next generation to consume in their creation of the civil society they will enjoy. Whether they use gold, or BTC, or dollars, or eschew money altogether and exchange value another way, doesn't matter to me one bit.

You are a younger man, with decades of life ahead of you. You must yourself ascertain what you think is best and undertake to achieve it for your benefit, and those that may come after you.

I believe my last post will completely explain my current understanding of the global conflict ongoing, and why mere matters of money do not concern me. I wish I could care about money.

I believe I have more pressing matters to consider, and am at great peril should I fail.

I'm sorry.


You are a younger man, with decades of life ahead of you. You must yourself ascertain what you think is best and undertake to achieve it for your benefit, and those that may come after you.

I believe my last post will completely explain my current understanding of the global conflict ongoing, and why mere matters of money do not concern me. I wish I could care about money.

Dear my respected senior @valued-customer !

The world I live in is already changing into a socialist and communist world.

East Asian overlords are creating new systems of slavery and serfdom to earn US dollars.
So, Young people in my world want a new and free life in America!

They believe that if they can earn American dollars, they can buy American citizenship!
I want to go to America and become a free wanderer like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn!😅

Dear my senior, I'm 48 now, so I'm not young.
I would have to be 20 or 30 years old to easily obtain US citizenship, but I am not currently young.

I want to learn the spirit and ideology of American freedom, liberation, and revolution.

I want to try deer hunting in North America, which is infinitely rich and vast!
However, I don't have the confidence to walk 25 miles a day to track a deer like you!

I am depressed because I think it is already too late for me to achieve my dream in America!😧


No only bad for American, but the entire West, will start to fall apart - can already see the signs - but hey, as the news said, just print a 1 trillion dollar coin, that will save everything - btw, never heard that story about the PM being eaten before!


And on the other hand, I will recommend watch this video due the too many truths exposed. Regardless if it's in spanish. I find that if you activate CC and use the internal YT translation services of the player, the english translation is not too shabby.


Regarding the first video, it has become apparent in recent days the the US and many other polities have troops on the ground in the Ukraine, and that is who Russia is actually fighting.

Regarding the second, Macron, like all the politicians in power in the EU, is actively betraying France and his people. The same is happening in Germany, and even Albion, as well as the entirety of the West. The WEF has bragged they have infiltrated the cabinets of countries of consequence, including Putin, Biden, Trump, and now Lula. The infiltrators are trained to betray their countries in order to collapse the confidence of their peoples and instigate revolutions. The WEF controls the financial wealth of the world, and thus all supply lines. They can ensure that revolutionary governments will not be able to avail their people of necessities. This is how they intend to enable the NWO to save us from ourselves, by offering CBDC UBI bugpods in exchange for our accepting jabs and vaxpasses which will enslave everyone dependent on these goods and services utterly to the overlords that provide every necessity of life.

I therefore exhort all people to seize the means of production and themselves supply the blessings of civilization they intend to enjoy. That alone will prevent our death or dependence on malevolent overlords hell bent on our enslavement. We can observe that today decentralization of the means of production are the cutting edge of technological advance in every field of industry, from money to meat, every single thing we need is increasingly able to be supplied by we ourselves.



Uhm, from what you comment and mention... seems like we're all fried. Well, at least the rebellious old farts like me! LoL


My friend, we all die. Yesterday I had an EKG and some blood work done to ascertain if I was in the process of dying. I am happy to be able to counter your demoralization with a glimpse into the future today. Decentralized means of production eliminate parasitic losses, and centralized production cannot economically compete. Recently the first 3D printed spaceship was launched off Earth. Once humanity have reached space, we will have illimitable resources available to use as we see fit, in absolute freedom to develop and create wealth, prosperity, and the blessings of civilization with our personally owned means of production.

I cannot imagine the felicity our posterity will enjoy when these technological advances mature and we can build our own spaceships just as we can build flying cars today in our garage. As long as humanity survives the threats tyrants and traitors pose to us for a few short years more, our posterity will enjoy prosperity absolutely beyond my imagination, and they will do so in perpetuity.

I have lived my life and pass on the torch I have carried to my sons and their allies in the world to come. I could not be more encouraged at their prospects for fulfilling and wondrous lives. I know there are dire challenges to overcome, and our enemies are daunting, but history shows that evil is it's own reward, and that humanity has overcome cataclysms without number. I am absolutely certain the feeble parodies of Dr. Evil the psychopathic overlords we suffer today embody will not prevail over the good people of the world, and after we have surmounted such challenges an enduring paradise will be created by those that come after us.

I could hardly be more pleased that our posterity will have the power to make their every dream come true with their own two hands. I hope these facts encourage you even a fraction of that they give me. If they do, like me, you will die a happy man, glad to have contributed to the coming felicity of our beloved sons and daughters, and to live every day with wonder and joy until then.


Holy Molly! You have really overwhelmed me with your optimism and positivity. As you probably know by now, I've always been a defensive pessimist. What is not exactly a fatalist but someone with also many positive characteristics but a little bit more within what is really possible and feasible.

But hey, anyway, I suspect that I already may be too old as to be able to witness personally all that bright future that you imagine and herald. Nevertheless, your words encourage me to hope that at least all this could eventually become a reality for our children and grandchildren. I have never had any doubts that there are more good people than bad in this world. But I also believe that as long as money continues to exist as the only measure to value people, as a means of exchange between goods and values and as a way of promoting the advances in science and technology, the materialization of your optimistic vision of the future seems to me like It will take longer than expected.

But yeah, just think and take into account that at my advanced age I have already seen, heard, touched, felt, smelled and tasted many things. And my perception might already be a little worn by these days of so much use.
