Russia vs. Ukraine
Why are governments of the West stocking up on radiation treatment medications? Because they are waging war against nuclear armed Russia, using the Ukraine as a proxy. Some of we mere plebs may not be aware of this, yet, but most politicians certainly are, including Russian leadership.
"To date, Washington elites and their politicians have been happy to provide for his every whim—at public expense—lining their own pockets in the process.
"As of this writing, U.S. aid for Ukraine has reached approximately $67.5 billion, a figure greater than Russia’s entire 2021 military budget. According to the State Department, this support includes $15.2 billion in direct military assistance. The support comes although 60-70% of lethal aid never reaches the front lines, according to a now-redacted CBS interview with on-the-ground activists.
"Not only is the American taxpayer supporting much of the Ukrainian military, it is also supporting the Ukrainian government. The same working class Americans who were deemed “nonessential” in 2020—who saw their businesses shuttered and burned down—now have to pay entitlement programs both at home and in Ukraine. As of September 30, 2022, the U.S. has provided $13 billion in “direct budget support,” which is ostensibly used to pay government salaries, meet pension obligations, maintain hospitals and schools, and protect critical infrastructure[,] support continuity operations at the national, regional, and local levels, support for [sic] the health sector, agricultural production, civil society, [and enable] programs to hold Russia and its forces accountable for their actions in Ukraine.
"Although American taxpayers have already matched Russia’s 2021 military budget, Ukrainian president Vlodomyr Zelensky only demands more. During a Tuesday phone call, President Biden reviewed Washington’s latest $625 million dole to Zelensky. It includes, inter alia, four additional High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), 16 155mm Howitzers, 75,000 155 mm artillery rounds, 500 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds, 16 105mm Howitzers, 30,000 120 mm mortar rounds, and 200 MaxxPro Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles.
The USA alone is completely funding the Ukrainian government, as well as providing war materiel. Of course, the covert boots on the ground aren't public information, but you can be certain they are there. Europe is adding a massive amount of weapons, and 'advisors'. Russia is clearly not fighting the Ukraine, but the entire Western world.
People are fighting and dying, and when people face death they do not limit their options to defend their lives. Would you? This is why governments are stocking up on radiation treatments, and publishing 'duck and cover' PSAs. Pay attention. You are being made a target by the use of your wealth to wage war against Russia, or your government may be failing to support war on Russia, and therefore may be a target of the Western governments.
“Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
Hermann Goering--Germany Reborn
Take control of your governments, or pay the Iron Price for your life.
Sorry, they are not my governments.
The corporation, The US is owned by a group of elite.
They indeed are above the law... they own it.
There is no voting for we the people to own/control it. We the People own it/control it. (capitalization is important)
The only way to get rid of T.H.E.M. is by ignoring them and their false systems.
What we need to do is replace every system that they control, with one that works better and isn't controlled.
I'm down. I am a yuge decentralization booster. I absolutely consider folks competent to run their lives without overlords, and reckon that freedom is inevitable, particularly as we disperse across the infinite universe. No army can follow where all of us go without splitting it's forces until they're not an army anymore, and once they're away from central command there's no way to enforce centralized hierarchies anymore.
We'll be free in due time.
The sooner we tear down the corral fences herding us into the slaughterhouse, the less suffering humanity will undergo before that freedom is realized. The censors need to be silenced. The banks impoverished. Governments disempowered.
The sooner the better.
What is freedom? Do you have a good definition that will not violate your neighbor?
I am curious about your deletion of all your comments on my posts this year. It's a clear signal that you expect harm to come to you from those comments, despite the fact that they remain on the blockchain and deleting them only affects their visibility on front ends. Given your prior association with institutions using flagging to censor, I must suspect you know something is coming, although there are certainly other reasons you might be deleting your comments, as I only know of those deletions relative to my own posts.
Are you expecting me to be financially attacked? Are you preparing to delete your account? What gives?
I know this is off topic. but this is about the war on Humanity. Right now you are focused on the distraction.
Enjoy knowing.

Starlink tracking
I found two more low earth Satellite companies. But they are all run by SPACEX
There are others that predate the existence of SpaceX, Iridium, for example.
Also, focusing on any specific aspect of the incipient totalitarian technocratic tyranny can be similarly considered distraction. War is of primary concern to potential cannon fodder IMHO, and it is all the rest that can be considered distractions from such existential hazard from the perspective of them endangered so.
Frankly, all of it can be considered distracting from implementing the evolution of society via adoption of decentralized means of production, because ultimately that is the means by which humanity will eventuate the paradise our posterity will inherit and enjoy in freedom, prosperity, and their good company in perpetuity.
Dear @valued-customer!
I agree with you!
Currently, scholars in East Asia, including China, are studying the historical situation in which Japan attacked the United States during World War II.
China is currently using temptations and threats to Taiwan and South Korea to undermine US hegemony in the Pacific.
I note that in modern history financial interests, banksters, today represented by the WEF, have always funded (lent money) to governments waging wars, because such wars are always existential threats to those waging them, and that causes them to discount expenses less than their lives, which the banksters translate into more profits for them. They always profit from both sides in such wars. No matter who wins the lenders that provided them the funds they used to win benefit from their victory.
Thus, geopolitical contests are largely irrelevant to banksters, because no matter which side conquers the other, the banksters always win. All wars are banksters' wars.
China has long been advanced as the boogeyman to the West, and the US as the boogyman to China and Russia. From the perspective of banksters, this is simply a marketing campaign for a business opportunity, since banksters win every war. The governments of the West are clearly in thrall to the WEF, most of the elected officials are literally minions of the WEF, trained to betray their populations in the Young Global Leaders program. The Chairman of the WEF, Schwab, has bragged about the penetration and infiltration of his traitorous agents into governments, and specifically mentioned Putin as one of them back in 2017.
Zelensky of the Ukraine is also a Young Global Leader, as is Xi Jinping, Biden, Trump, Castro, and the majority of heads of state. Therefore it is obvious that the war in the Ukraine is little more than a ploy of the WEF which is pitting Russia and the Ukraine against one another, both led by WEF minions, to reduce their populations to utter abject penury and helplessness, which leaves them without ability to provide their necessities and unable to refuse to submit to goods and services offered by WEF banksters regardless of the price: their sovereignty.
It is also obvious that the investors that own the corporations that provide essential goods and services across the entire world are profiting immensely from inflation created by central banks, owned by those same investors as own oil companies, shipping companies, and food producers. By pitting the East and West against each other in war, like fighting dogs in pits, the banksters increase the prices everyone pays for their products on both sides. Viewed from this perspective of the investors that own the corporations and countries of the world's governments, there is no geopolitical conflict at all. It's just two of their teams used to divide and conquer hapless subjects to a greater degree, subjecting their cattle to more profitable slavery.
This is why I advocate for everyone to adopt such decentralized means of production as are suitable for their personal circumstances, in order that they create themselves the goods and services they require to avail them of the blessings of civilization, and free them from dependence on centralized production facilities owned by banksters. Only being able to provide ourselves our needs enables us to retain our sovereignty, our freedom, and our prosperity. Independent means is the only meaningful definition of wealth, and the more money we possess, the more dependent we are on the creators of that money, the banksters. Financial wealth is not independence. It is chains that bind us to centralized overlords who create that money.
Money is not wealth at all. It is the very opposite.
The ability to create goods and services is wealth, and today the means of production are being utterly decentralized, such that individual households and small communities are able to produce their needs themselves, from food to electricity, from building materials to modern electronics. Solar panels and all manner of circuitry can be printed today using ordinary inkjet printers on easily made PET sheets, recycled from water bottles. Essential foodstuffs can be grown in backyard gardens, on sunny windowsills, and even in dark caves and garages under LED lights, using aquaponics technology that produces fish and seafood as well as garden vegetables. Actual real wealth and freedom has never been more possible than it is today, to all of us that make the effort to have it and eschew the parasitic financialization the WEF uses as bait to catch slaves.
Wherever one is today on Earth, whatever kind of government is imposed on the people of the place where we live, the rulers of that government are imposed by the WEF, and the WEF is imposing a global technocratic tyranny more totalitarian and oppressive than has ever been seen in history, because the technology of oppression has improved their ability to subjugate and enslave people. Whoever claims to rule you is your enemy, the agent of the WEF, and who you need to oppose to be free, prosperous, and happy. We need to follow no one, to elect no one, to submit to no overlord, to lead ourselves, to rule ourselves, and to create ourselves that prosperity and felicity we deliver a legacy to our sons and daughters after us that they might live happily.
That is the real war ongoing, between overlords, centralization, and utter slavery, and free people, decentralization, and prosperous liberty that enables people to themselves create their happiness.
I recommend the latter, and point out always that decentralization means doing yourself what needs doing, and that dependence on overlords for anything is snapping chains around your hands and feet. Grow food, produce power, create products, and that ability you wield when mirrored across your community at every scale, will create a paradise of prosperity.
Dear @valued-customer!
Do you mean that the root cause of wars, after all, is economic, not geopolitical, interests?
Hmm, Looking at the wars that are currently taking place, I agree with you!
But, Over 2000 years ago, overlords in East Asia have argued that wars were waged on the grounds of nationalism, racism, history, and geopolitics.
The overlords of East Asia, including China and Japan, have always waged wars under the guise of political, economic, philosophical and ethical reasons for their purposes, ambitions and interests.
They despise what you claim to have started wars for economic reasons.
They always argue that American Yankees are capitalists and they make war because they want money.
In East Asia, Yankee is a derogatory term for Americans. It's similar to Americans calling Chinese people chinks and Japanese people jabs.😆
S.K's defamation
K media crackdown
Dear my respected senior @valued-customer!
If you make such claims, Perhaps, you will face at least three years in prison or a fine of US$20,000 in the world I live in.😨
Well, I am always edified by your erudition, and do agree that finance isn't the only motivation for wars, nor for any event. But economics aren't only financial, involving every other aspect of commerce, of human needs, and relationships. Marriage has been called a primarily economic relationship, and I have also read that most failed marriages fail because of disagreements regarding economics.
Wars are primarily economic events just in the same sense marriages are. Just as many marriages fail over who gets what, that's what a lot of wars are fought over: control of resources. Today the WEF, representing the banksters that essentially control every industry and government in the world, doesn't need to fight for control of resources, at least not resources other than people.
Yankees create money out of thin air. Commercial banks lend money to borrowers that they don't have. It's conjured into existence in the borrower's account, as a debt to the commercial bank. The same group of investors that own the big oil companies own the big banks. They don't need to make money selling oil, or manufacturing widgets. BlackRock, StateStreet, and Vanguard own a majority stake in ~90% of the stock corporations in the world. They don't care if Pepsi outsells Coke. They own them both. They don't care if Japan beats China. They are extranational.
That being said, the WEF has been using China to deploy and test many of the technologies they want to use everywhere to control populations. Russia has also been at the forefront in rolling out surveillance and censorship. Since Xi, Putin, Castro, Bidet, and almost all executive officers in national governments are WEF minions, they don't care which countries hold which land. If the WEF is pitting Russia against Ukraine, and Putin and Zelensky are both WEF minions, they aren't doing that to take clay. The WEF has all the clay at issue.
What has been achieved using the Ukraine conflict is the massive inflation of consumer prices, the great reduction in the flow of energy to Europe from Russia, and putting the population of European countries, primarily Germany, under extreme economic pressure, using political rhetoric steeped in geopolitical concerns, such that Rand Corporation predicts a flow of capital from Europe to the US of more than $5T as the economic prospects of Europe without Russian gas drives Europeans to emigrate to the US, taking their wealth with them. Such machinations are the reason why the WEF pits the fiefdoms of two of it's minions against each other.
It's not geopolitics in the traditional sense. The corporate enemedia don't point out that the politicians are being duplicitous anymore, like they used to, like Wikileaks did before Assange was interned and tortured for the last decade. The corporate enemedia and lying politicians are all owned by the WEF. They're on the same team now. They tell the same lies, and those lies are written by the WEF to psychologically manipulate us into accepting the policies the WEF puts our politicians to implementing.
That's how geopolitics works now, because all the sides are on the same side at the level of economic power. The reason the WEF doesn't just order it's minions to start slaughtering dissidents and openly torturing people to comply with WEF policies is that they're outnumbered a million to one, and if they do that they'll be hanged for sure.
Being tricky and using geopolitical rhetoric to conceal the actual purposes of the various tyrannical oppressions means they might not get hanged.
Dear @valued-customer!
If my English was as straightforward and rude as an American elementary school student, I hope you understand! 😅
I agree with your assertion that current wars are caused by economic interests.
Perhaps because of my lack of English conversational skills, I find it difficult to express my own thoughts!
These are complex issues, and are inherently difficult to express, as well as prone to myriad disagreements on policy matters. That you so well express your excellent grasp of history that is so replete with conflict, and also do so in the brute grunting of barbarians but reveals the sharpness of your mind and great intellectual capacity.
Also, I tend to drone on and one inexhaustibly, stupidly ignorant of the superior understanding of my hapless conversants, whose benign tolerance of my inability to understand alone enables my blithering idiocy to be permitted to taint good discussions. Nothing so impels me to gratitude for your cogent comments as your gracious allowance of my incompetence. Your kindness is truly underrated.