Robert Kennedy Jr. Declares his Candidacy for the Democratic Nomination


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a Democratic candidate for President of the USA.

The juxtaposition of Kennedy's traditional American values and moderate left wing sentiment against a backdrop of Stalinesque totalitarianism is utterly surreal.

Kennedy has made a career in environmental law, countering the despicable off loading of toxic corporate waste onto hapless civilian communities. His recent book 'The Real Anthony Fauci' reveals the squirming intestinal details of the parasitic capture of government and the medical industry by pharmaceutical corporations. He can have no illusions about the nature of the dragon he sets out to slay.

Kennedy seems to believe and represent that the eradication of freedom and prosperity has not been completed by the WEF and the WHO, that there are still Americans that desire justice, rather than reparations. His confusion about climate is a nod to totalitarianism, but that probably increases his popularity in his demographic, wholly converts to scientism.

What do you think? Is there a Democratic Party beyond the total mental and spiritual abnegation Biden champions? Or will yet another Kennedy be arkancided?


He has a good point when accusing Trump for approving the 2020 lockdown of the US after he personally with others doctors told him the dangers an requested him not to do it.
