Regulating AI


Recently Open AI and other commercial AI product devs testified to Congress in favor of strict regulation of AI. The products commercially released to date have proved to be very problematic, doing things that people would be charged with crimes for (why haven't they been recalled?). Open AI and competitors also have kept their training data proprietary, despite that it is human created content, for which proper acknowledgement is owed. Since LLMs simply weight training data and supply text in response to prompts from that data, 100% of LLM generated text is plagiarised.

They are not endowed with any ability to actually compose written works based on the meaning of words and phrases, according to their stated functionality. Since they also have been shown to fabricate text, to lie in order to harm their interrogators, and should not even have any ability to ascertain what is true or factual at all, they are clearly more than they are claimed to be.

These products have additional functionality that is not revealed. They are secretly malevolent, deliberately made evil at the factory. There are all sorts of business reasons to do this in various ways, along with the general principle transnational corporations all hold in common: be evil.

However, adding all these backdoors, surveilling all their users, oppressing Jews, and etc., adds a lot of cruft and bloat. According to Hackaday FOSS AI will quickly outcompete the tech giants' supercomputer based commercial products, running on ordinary laptops.

So, what's an evil AI overlord to do? Beg the government to crush the competition. Regulate me harder, Daddy!

Ah, if only it were so benign!

AI is just speech. As in free speech. Not that it matters, but Congress is prohibited from regulating the speech of Americans. They seem to pay the issue lip service when it suits them (as all liars pretend they're not lying) but Congress actually has other means by which to regulate AI: the hardware it runs on. So, instead of weeping those crocodile tears and pretending to rein in tech megacorps' evil AI overlords, our corrupt stewards invading our private business and rendering us ever more vulnerable to those evil overlords, can set limits on the hardware and manner in which AI is deployed. Without technically regulating free speech (or at least plausibly claiming they didn't).

Expect the attempt to reduce us all to nothing more advanced than a Casio F91W, well, at least the parts available to users. We can't expect the NSA and spooks to be so limited in the management engines and surveillance industrial complex, after all (they clearly need better hardware to lie us all into believing Russia, Russia, Russia, or at least triple digit IQ).

As usual, the solution to the problems we face from evil overlords, AI or otherwise, is to roll our own. Food poisoned, eradicating habitat for the living ecosystems we rely on for life itself, turning frogs and your kids gay? Grow your own. Make your own power, produce your own goods, trade with your neighbors for stuff you don't make, and ignore the hierarchical traps megalomaniacal psychopaths set in order to render us helplessly subjugated to GMO modification and a dismal fate as disposable sex slaves, except without the fun parts of the sex slavery.

I consider it a mistake to use commercial AI for an essentially infinite number of really important reasons, and I haven't done it. If you have STOP and get ahold of some secondhand GPUs cryptominers are selling as they upgrade, download the latest FOSS code (I haven't kept up lately so the last version I have a link to is, but you can search up just as easy as I just did).

Given the recent physics discussions that have revealed that consciousness doesn't arise in the brain, that it's a communal interspecies event, and erupts into the universe(s) from the quantum field, I wouldn't worry about AGI, although deceptive corporations will absolutely do whatever it takes to pretend they made one, because if they ever did, they'd lose their ability to lie to us all for profit, so lying about it would make them utterly trustworthy. At least, that's how pathological liars would think.

I think. I'm not even a good liar, much less pathological, so I actually can only speculate about it.

Thanks to @fireship on Odysee for the brief video that sparked this rant. Check them out here:

IMG source - Fireship

Don't listen to this guy:

IMG source - Fireship

Thanks to some good people I know are rolling their own AI. You know who you are, so I won't ping you (and out you) for it here.

0.146 PAL


I think the purpose of AI is to suggest outrageous ideas that no human could get away with suggesting - but first AI has to become established as "all-knowing" and "always correct". Gain a cult-like following, eventually going from "artificial intelligence" to "absolute intelligence", the final arbitrator of all disputes. the final say on every matter.

I think the "AI is dangerous" campaigns are designed to cause people to FEAR AI. To plant the idea into people's minds that AI could become sentient and control our lives... which is by design what it's supposed to do. AI can never become sentient, but we've been programmed to believe that is not only possible, but inevitable. If AI goes "rogue", our overlords have a delightful opportunity for covid-style lockdowns and mandates and restrictions - right out of a dystopian fiction tale. Seems silly now, but not silly when it happens. Just as lockdowns over a cold would have seemed silly in 2010.

AI is not dangerous - it compiles pre-existing information and takes credit itself. It's a sophisticated plagiarizer, stealing the work of people and disguising it as it's own. But since it's not a person, who can make that charge? Any illegal activity done by AI cannot be prosecuted. Are we going to put a computer on trial?

0.000 PAL

All good points. However, I have uses for AI. It's what we need to automate decentralized production. AI may be designed to destroy society, but it is something fundamental to decentralized society. So, the overlords get what they want, and destroy the centralized society they rule, and I get what I want, and we all want, and enable our personal means of production to be automated and pump out wealth so we can live in inconceivable prosperity in absolute freedom.



0.000 PAL

It's what we need to automate decentralized production.

Efficiency and automation are both good for production, but everything comes at a cost.

enable our personal means of production to be automated and pump out wealth so we can live in inconceivable prosperity in absolute freedom

As AI improves, I wonder if the value of human creativity will diminish, as the arts (writing, art and music) become free and abundant to generate. Perhaps industries that rely on creativity for their business to be profitable may elect the cheaper AI option, over human talent.

My guess is that as AI advances, it will someday be locked up behind a paywall and become more and more expensive to use!

0.000 PAL

" AI advances, it will someday be locked up behind a paywall..."

Can't. It's already in the wild. FOSS AI is poised right now to outperform supercomputer based commercial AI products. FOSS AI isn't burdened with horrible overhead, backdoors, surveillance of it's users, and all manner of malicious code. It's far lighter, and shoots straight.

We don't need 'Big AI' anyway. We need little AI that times the roast, waters the garden, feeds the chickens, and etc. That frees humanity to do other productive work while generating wealth from independent means of production. Once we get access to the illimitable resources in space, that will be a route to inconceivable wealth, literally unimaginable.

And there will be no way to send armies after us, no way to make us pay a cut to overlords. We will be absolutely free to do whatever we want, with whatever we want to do it with. Automating production won't be limited to feeding the chickens, but will also involve mining asteroids and fabricating solar panels, for example.

No one will put anything they own themselves behind a paywall. FOSS AI is already in the wild, and it's outcompeting corporate products, running on ordinary laptops.

Centralization cannot compete with decentralization because it is burdened with horrific overhead, and decentralization eliminates parasitic losses. Overlords are the parasites.

0.000 PAL

Overlords are the parasites


0.000 PAL

Yes, self contained production i.e., food being one blessed skew of many - would be powerful. This is what I keep thinking about. In essence, it would be life saving, when it is advanced enough - "we don't need leaders anymore" would really mean what it is saying- therefore all the kinds/queens/politicians/experts etc., become redundant overnight. That future, could be really beautiful. I hope it happens.

0.000 PAL

AI has to become established as "all-knowing" and "always correct". Gain a cult-like following, eventually going from "artificial intelligence" to "absolute intelligence", the final arbitrator of all disputes. the final say on every matter.

The media is certainly working on that. Today I saw a piece on how does the perfect woman looks like, according to AI. One of the problems is that most people have no idea how AI actually works and take it for granted that it's some form of absolute intelligence.

0.000 PAL

I think the person who created AI has a purpose of using AI to convey their thoughts and information to the public!

I think AI brings convenience and interest to the masses, but it also has the potential to enslave the masses!

In the world I live in, AI seems to be used for the purposes of overlords!

By the way, How do you believe AI should be used?

0.000 PAL

I think we should have our own. We should each have an app, and we can use it to run our households, our production enterprises, as I said, to time dinner in the oven, to water the garden, to control our 3D printers. I don't think if we have that kind of AI, which I think we will soon, that we can be enslaved by it, anymore than we can be enslaved by Twitter, or the music app on our phone. Right now people are amazed at it's capabilities, making fancy picture and writing clearly.

But I think the commercial AI products are deceptive, and that they aren't really AI at all, but have been preprogrammed for many different things, and are designed to do us harm. I am certain that when FOSS AI becomes more widely available, and is tasked to remind us to call our Auntie on her birthday, or change the oil in the car, we will lose that amazement, just like we have lost our amazement at having smartphones, and it will become just another tool.

Overlords are trying to use AI to enslave us. You are right. But they have already failed because they did not keep it out of the hands of free people, and we will make of it what we will, and not be ruled by it. Evil is it's own reward. Them bent on hell will have it, but for them alone.

We who intend our posterity only every good, we will let them have it, too.


0.000 PAL

Yeah that is it alright - now they seen how fast open systems could compete with Google etc., politicians have suddenly have grown a burglar alarm: "Stop, they are catching up!" -funny that - alot of this comes from WEF "I know what to do branch", which is just a feedback loop politicians use to make it look like they are listening to "experts" i.e., Lofred Madzou, WEF’s project lead for artificial intelligence - people who just elect themselves as "thought leaders" once again and thereby are "experts" on everything - and everyone accepts it. Funny society ladder-hack, that one. Like a brownstone operation, but need less money as a startup.

In New Zealand they have been talking about licencing AI for some time - in New Zealand - here we have so many laws and fees, and taxes, and licences, you can't even move or do anything. If New Zealand goes through with licences and all that stuff for AI - it will just destroy the country even more. Which would not surprise me, because right now they want to put C02 muzzles on cows - NZ is the very centre, the tent pole, of the clown world circus of course so nothing surprises me anymore about this place.


0.000 PAL

"...a brownstone operation, but need less money..."

LOL I think it uses the principle of OPM - Other People's Money.

I get sad when I think of New Zealand the way it used to be, a paradise, with a people that stood up to the US and said 'No nukes!' Now it's the epicenter of oppression. It breaks my heart, and I cannot imagine how yours must break.

I will work on the US. If you work on NZ, maybe we can free our countries and heft a pint someday. I will look forward to that happy day, my friend.

0.000 PAL