Pretense of Science Leading us Astray


IMG source -

Tony Heller has long and diligently criticized the fallacious assertions and doctored data that have underlain the AGW alarmist Climate Crisis with original data, unassailable reason, and facts that disprove the propaganda that is being used to capture civilian populations and reduce humanity to penury in concentration camps, subjection to endless medical device experimentation against our will, and euthanasia without our consent.

He here shows that for decades snow cover has been increasing, providing the raw data that agencies captive to the NWO have altered and used to lie and claim snow cover is decreasing. Propaganda and censorship is an existential threat to humanity, and all of us each and severally. 15 minute cities are concentration camps. Smart cities are surveillance police states. Elimination of meat, of nutrients in crops, biocides and a variety of additives in our foods are starvation diets, reducing us to eating bugs out of desperation for nutrition. All these things are the end goals of the climate alarmists, and more, and if we are unable to prevent them from happening we will absolutely not be happy as hapless medical test subjects for BlackRock investors kept in cages.

This very brief video, barely two minutes, shows how we are being lied to in order to reduce us to penury and captivity of overlords. See for yourself. If you do not look at what you can see, you face danger you may be blinded to for the rest of your brief, miserable life.

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