Louisville Shooter's Manifesto Details His Intent To Push Gun Control


I have read folks discussing the Louisville shooting and decrying firearms, our access to firearms, as the reason it happened.

They're right. Just not the way they think they are. Access to firearms was the problem. The victims didn't have access to firearms because they were obeying the law banning them there, so a criminal could just slaughter them, and he did.

The shooter wanted guns banned. That's why he used guns to kill people in a gun free zone. That's something the enemedia agree with him on. That's why they gaslight us in every way they can to make us think that firearms are uncontrollable, and the only way to stop mass slaughters is to prevent people from having firearms.

And how do they propose to do that? Why, pass laws banning them, of course. It works so well for illegal drugs, murder, rape, and all other crimes that are banned, amirite? And, while these people that propose banning firearms are protesting racist, homophobic cops murdering defenseless, unarmed civilians, they seem not to realize that the very violence by cops and crimes of government against civilians are only controlled at all by armed civilians.

Hundreds of millions of Americans lawfully have firearms, and 99.99% of them never commit a crime with them. They are in complete control of their personal arms, and use them to prevent crime, not commit crime.

He slaughtered people in a gun free zone to get people to turn the whole country into a gun free zone. He was so deranged he didn't realize he proved that guns don't kill people, gun free zones kill people. What he proved is that the people he killed should have been armed and shot him. They'd have lived if they did that. The only reason he was able to slaughter them is because they were in a gun free zone, and he was a criminal that brought guns into the zone in which they were defenseless because they weren't criminals, but were disarmed and helpless because they obeyed the law that disarmed them. What he proved is that disarming law abiding civilians is what causes gun crime.

Armed civilians use firearms to prevent millions of crimes every year in America.

IMG source - datavisualizations.heritage.org - The last 90 days

"...these confirmed cases of defensive gun use help prove that the “good guy with a gun” is not a myth..."

The cops aren't ever there when a madman starts slaughtering people in a gun free zone. Only the victims are there. So those are the people that are immediately present and able to defend them against crazed gunmen. When they're armed and competent with their arms, they are well defended, and no one tries to slaughter them.

The mass slaughters are committed in gun free zones. No one every slaughters everyone at a shooting range. Because they can't. They'd get shot.

That's what personal arms are for.

The solution to police brutality isn't more cops. The solution to school shootings isn't more cops. The solution to gang violence, rape, and looting mobs isn't more cops.

All the solutions to all these problems are armed civilians.

If you think you should do what the deranged murderer wanted and ban guns, you are agreeing with a deranged murderer specifically with their derangement, in denial of the plain and obvious facts, and in agreement with the liars in the enemedia that are constantly gaslighting you to think that preventing lawful civilians from having guns and leaving only criminals and cops armed will prevent violence. You know that cannot be true. It's blatantly, obviously false, and a certain recipe for disaster, and if you still agree that guns should be banned then you need to read this.


The battlefield is your mind. Your fight isn't in the streets, or the Congress. It's in your head, and you need to take control of your mind, and set yourself free. I really hope you can. If the above facts didn't arm you and enable you to do so, it may not be possible to you, anymore.

I don't know if you can win your mind back. I hope you can.

For your sake.

I'm not worried about gun grabbers succeeding and American civilians being disarmed. That just won't happen. I'm not worried about increasing street crime affecting me or my kids. I started training them to use firearms when they were three years old. The first thing I taught them was that guns can be dangerous if misused. Then I taught them to use them properly. They're as safe as self defense skills, reason, and competence can make them. I'm not worried about me or mine.

I'm worried about ya'll. I like people. I think most people want to be good, to do good, and I think you want to do good and live in a good society. I wish you could. The problem is that you're falling for mind control propaganda techniques that are causing you to choose to destroy your nation, your communities, and yourself. I can tell you the truth, but I can't make you believe it.


You don't have to believe me. Believe your eyes. Believe what you are seeing happen.

These things aren't unrelated. All I want is for you to be safe, to live in a safe community, and to be free to live as you prefer, to raise happy, healthy children, in a clean, environmentally friendly city. All I ask of you so you can have those things is to stop destroying them.

Please, think hard about the facts posted here, and consider what will be the result of you continuing to support the policies that are harming children, destroying communities, and America. Do that hardest thing of all, and think clearly about facts and how to make children and our cities safe.

If you understand that you are the militia, that you stand on a wall and defend not just yourself, but all Americans, their liberty, and their happiness, then arm yourself for war to defend the peace.

Nothing else can.


AR-15 on trial

These sociopaths will use every tactic (especially the underhanded ones) to get honest people disarmed. That is their goal. None of their words matter. None of their rhetoric is truthful. They will just continue to say anything they think will get you to give up your guns.

I had a friend who "knew" what assault weapon meant.
In her words "It is a big, powerful weapon"
When i told her that the AR-15 uses one of the smallest bullets, she was having none of it.

This is the kind of mental images this sociopath's rhetoric is working on.

Gun free zones.... like shooting fish in a barrel.
That is the thing that should be abolished.


it is all just smokes and mem (thinking) viruses (instead of gene viruses ^^)
they use quite antique memviruses
