It's all in your Mind: the Battlefield is your Brain


The inimitable James Corbett again bats it out of the park in his latest post Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare. You may think of propaganda as little more than advertising. Dr. James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program, Georgetown professor, and Executive Director of the Institute for Biodefense Research, is discussing introducing nanoparticulates that can be used to cause strokes, are almost impossible to detect or defend against, and enable warfighters to conduct operations in your brain without attribution.

IMG source - screencap from 'Your Guide to 5th Generation Warfare'; Dr. James Giordano

In other words, propaganda and mind control isn't about persuasion and advertising anymore. It's about creating devices you can breathe in, eat, or are otherwise introduced into your body to literally enable hostile entities to control your mind, or even end it.

Have you chalked up the Twatter files and 'open access' the censors in the USG had to delete posts, ban users, and change the text of posts as hyperventilation and fear porn? Maybe reconsider, given the physical hardware under development presently to literally change your mind for you, whether you want your mind changed or not.

Matt Taibbi has pointed out in his testimony before Congress that the USG operations to censor Americans is not only not granted to the in the Constitution, it is specifically prohibited by the First Amendment. It is clearly treason, and criminals already committing capital crimes against humanity aren't going to shy away from adding a few more to the list out of principle. Think for a minute - while you still can - about your ability to defend yourself from nanodevices that can literally take over your brain and determine the thoughts you think.

Once they actually gain that ability, how can an actual criminal charge be pressed against them? The victim's going to demand their right to their brain being altered, because that's what the mind controllers are going to make them do, because that protects them from being held accountable criminally. If they make you demand they control your mind, is there even a crime?

Matt also points out that the media corporations that formerly enabled Americans to hold corrupt government to account by seeking information criminals concealed that exposed their corruption are today actively preventing information from leaking.

"We’re delivering him to you with his head on a platter,”

The New York Times and Washington Post regarding the alleged Pentagon leaker.

"The alleged “crime” here is releasing true information..."

5th generation warfare can draft you, and once you're drafted you volunteer.

Is there even a way to defend ourselves from this attack? As long as Giordano and the enemies of freedom control the means we have to defend ourselves, there sure isn't. If we don't defend ourselves, our enemies sure aren't going to.

God helps them that help themselves. If you leave protecting your mind to government agencies that have been corrupted and captured by criminals, you are refusing to be defended, and instead demanding to be destroyed by your enemies.

There are organizations like the EFF and the Free Thought Project that we can support today to enable us to devise some kind of front line defense on the modern battlefield: your brain.

In a real sense, merely acting to defend yourself is a victory.


That is deep.


I reckon we have a need to know, and to understand, the sphere of battle we are engulfed in. Only thereby can we secure ourselves, our communities, and deliver the stars a legacy to our posterity.

