Henry Kissinger Dead at 100
Henry Kissinger has died aged 100. I thought you'd want to know.
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Henry Kissinger has died aged 100. I thought you'd want to know.
Well, that account has served it's purpose.
Globablism's prime mover has run out of time.
You had that one ready. You're like a boy scout or smth.
I purloined it.
Squares be damned.
Thus spake the internet. It is the meme way. Some would call it the Hatefold path. I call it sharing the truth.
IF doing bad to good people is bad, then doing bad to bad people is good?
Doing good for bad people would be bad, yes?
Some people earn their derision righteously.
Even if he is only responsible for the deaths of 1 million, isn't that enough?
I'm waiting to see what kind of funeral they give him.
Hero, or war criminal.
His blatant malevolence in service to capture of governments and their civilian population by the NWO in it's ongoing conquest of the world strongly suggests a Hero's sendoff by that ilk, while we are left shaking our heads in disgust. He has been an architect of our current exigency, and contributed to the propaganda that made the plandemic successful in testing the variety of agents the different formulations of 'vaccines' have been shown to be, has similarly helped plan the present inflammation of war and violence, of rampant invasion by military aged 'immigrants' across the West, and exemplified the lies of the enemedia designed to render us to hapless captivity in concentration camps and utterly dependent on inhuman and pathological institutions in business, government, and religion for every necessity of life and happiness.
He is why the nice things we had are being taken away, and why our kids may never have them. We need to take that ability to produce and secure them to ourselves, that we can leave our good society and blessings of civilization to our posterity. Kissinger can't hurt us anymore, but he has mentored Klaus Schwab and others who will.
Larouche said it best when it came to Kissinger.
also mirrored here on odysee to avoid the stupid adults only 18+ filter.
LaRouches competence and intelligence assets enabled him to have - and usefully deploy - an encyclopedic understanding of American and international power structures. Very impressive and an opportunity missed for the American people and nation.
And he had Kissinger down pat.
I admire LaRouche. He's one of the only men of stature in Politics I've wholeheartedly admired, and seen as an inspiration of sorts.
Dear @valued-customer !
I believe that because Kissinger established diplomatic relations between the United States and China, China can now grow into a powerful country!
This is a very reasonable belief, and recent decades have very strongly indicated it is true.
So, I condemn the achievements of the Jewish Kissinger! 😅
The United States helped Japan grow into an economic powerhouse, but do you remember that Japan betrayed the United States?
I hope that American civilens will not underestimate the capabilities and ambitions of their East Asian overlords!😂
I hope so too. I think that America has been conquered and is today under the occupation of it's enemies: banksters intent on destroying America and instituting a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny. I think many civilians have realized this, and are preparing to resist that imposition of tyranny, not only in America, but around the world.