Canadian Wildfires: multiple arrests for arson - enemedia blames climate change


IMG source -

"Despite the arrest of multiple arsonists, the mainstream media in Canada seems intent on attributing the nation’s recent wildfires to “climate change.”

"As wildfires continue to spread across western, and now central and eastern Canada, burning forestland and homes, the mainstream media continues to imply that climate change is the main culprit, despite a growing number of reports showing that arsonists have been arrested for allegedly setting dozens of fires.

“Several arsonists have been arrested in the past weeks in different provinces for lighting forest fires,” People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted. “But the lying woke media and politicians keep repeating that global warming is the cause.”

Kudos to Max Bernier for spitting truth in the enemedia and forcing mindless TV watching drones to acknowledge facts by incorporating his statements in the deranging drivel they are subjected to daily.

A couple years ago this same attack was conducted on US soil, and now Canada is suffering.

Y'all might be surprised to find that I personally find the headlines accurate, lacking only one additional word that should follow 'climate change': activists.

The climate change scam is indeed behind the wildfires, because Justine Castro is aiding and abetting the NWO, probably Soros, paying deranged Antifa child groomers to burn Canadians alive. Hang Castro for treason and crimes against humanity and the burning will end.

Problem solved.

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The whole situation reminds me of the fires in Greece in 2018, which left dozens dead. Even at the time I was under the impression that it was a test, see how it went in preparation for bigger "emergencies". If climate change lockdowns are next on the agenda they will have to come up with something serious enough to scare people... and it's so easy to set a forest on fire.

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